The M+G+R Foundation

Just one example of Fake News and Mass Manipulation

About Mike Adams - The visible face of Natural News


The Purpose of this brief document is to alert the innocent and uninformed Internet Navigators of the dangers of deception, with the intent of promoting sales and possible mind manipulation, posed by the many entities. For this purpose we are using, as an example, the many faces of Mr. Mike Adams and Natural News.


The site Natural News (1) presents itself as a legitimate source of "Natural Health News and Scientific Discoveries" although it seems that they have their hands in anything and everything that could destabilize the United States from within.

Their virulent attacks on the United States government and way of life caught our attention some time back and we have, as time and resources allowed, monitored their work.

Our interest increased when we realized that they are, essentially, a front for Truth Publishing International, LTD a Taiwan based organization. (2)

What Mr. Mike Adams, the self styled "Health Ranger" and front man for Natural News, claim to produce/author himself would require a very substantial full time staff. Obviously that is a major foreign operation in US soil.

All of that has raised a number of red flags for us, specially since Mr. Adams has also become a self-appointed Spiritual "guru" with opinions and announcements regarding the Apocalypse.


We could write pages about their claims and counterclaims but that is not necessary. Rational Wiki (3) has done a very thorough and well documented work about that organization and its maverick face-to-the-public leader Mike Adams.

Obviously not every health related claim Mr. Adams makes is incorrect. It is the overall modus operandi and the relentless attacks on the US by a foreign corporation, which is enriching itself precisely from the US citizens, that we are denouncing as an example of an orchestrated effort to Mind Manipulation.


Besides the fact that there is a Taiwanese owned company relentlessly undermining the United States of America, there are only two additional matters that we wish to highlight:

1. Mr. Adams thinks Scientology, of which he is an ex-member, is treated unfairly. According to Adams, this is due to attempts by anti religious bigots and Big Pharma to oppress the belief system of Scientology in order to protect their profits. (3)

2. He declared himself temporarily mentally incompetent at the end of 2013 (4). To wit:

The article which originally appeared here (in 2011) (5) has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist. He now runs the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, conducting world-class food science research and publishing scientific papers on food contaminants and nutritional analytic.

Through scientific investigation powered by university-level analytical instrumentation, Adams found that, much like the majority of the population, he had been suffering over the past several years from chronic exposure to cumulative toxic elements found in the food supply, including in many organics and "superfoods." His findings -- as well as breakthrough discoveries about food toxicology, protective food nutrients and the cognitive influences of food contaminants -- are being published at

Notably, Adams found that exposure to toxic elements in foods altered his mindset, outlook on life and degree of happiness in the world. "I now know that much of my outlook on the world was being negatively shaped by toxic elements found not just in everyday foods, but also in some superfoods and dietary supplements," Adams now explains.

Adams spent much of 2013 painstakingly testing his food intake for the presence of toxic elements, then taking therapeutic steps to eliminate those toxic elements from his body. "After about six months of intense detoxification, I experienced a sudden, involuntary shift in my worldview. Fear transformed into a sense of calm. Uncertainty was replaced by inspiration. I felt a new sense of awakening and optimism combined with a strong desire to contribute meaningful knowledge to humanity," Adams explains.

We admire his apparent sincerity but what we do not understand is why he did not withdraw all documents he authored prior the end of 2013 wherein he chastised everyone and anyone whom he disapproved of.

Unfortunately for the general public that is not all. We have uncovered the link between Moon's Unification Church and their massive disinformation campaign and how it connects with Mike Adams. A link (6) which everyone should be made aware of.


The reader may draw his/her own conclusion after reviewing how they have been evaluated in the Rational Wiki. (3)

The proverbial "64,000 dollar question" was: What is their real agenda?

That question was answered once we found Mike Adams' link with the Unification Church Web.

(1) Natural News Home Page
(2) Natural News declares
(3) Rational Wiki
(4) Source at Natural News Site
(5) Original Document Rescued
(6) Mike Adams' link with the Unification Church Web

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Published on March 26th, 2015 - Eve of the Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary

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