The M+G+R Foundation

The Private Forum


The purpose of this Private Forum is to share with members of our Mailing List the response to and/or comment of correspondence that we may receive from time to time and which is of Universal interest in these very unsettling times. Each List Member, may, at his/her discretion, share this page with others.

We reserve the right to choose what questions to address and how to transcribe the question and/or statement from the correspondence received. The identity of the correspondent will be kept confidential except in the case of abusive correspondence which will then be referred to the appropriate responsible entities.

You are invited to be an instrument in keeping this Ministry active.
It is now in your hands to do so!

Letters/Questions - Addressed on November 2008

From (Mr.) IW @ US - Published on November 26th, 2008

I have always had a very strong faith that carried me through my life. Within three months of a dream and revelation from God I sold my businesses and investments and moved to where I felt I was to pursue the ministry and further God's Kingdom.

My marriage was never easy. I always loved her more than she loved me - at least she was happy with that perception.

I felt like she used my love as a whip to hold over my head and get the things she wanted. There was a pattern of lies, half-truths and grave deceptions to obtain things that I could not agree to. There were many specific deceptions that truly devastated me and it would be the beginning of the end for us. We were never the same again. Eventually she left and we divorced.

Because of my faith and my experience as a divorce lawyer I probably believed in marriage more than any individual I know. I believed you do not divorce for any reason. The fact that I was studying for the ministry made divorce even harder.

To find myself divorced sent me in a tail spin and deep depression. By God's graces I did get custody of our children which helped.

Shortly after the divorce she came back and we reconciled. This would be the beginning of a roller coaster ride of her leaving, coming back, leaving, and coming back over and over.

Eventually I went through a very tough time and due to three years of high stress and turmoil I had a massive heart attack. I was in ICU for 8 days and almost did not make it through. God intervened and I am doing much better now.

While still in the hospital a man, unknown to me, came to my room and prayed over me and "from the clear blue sky" he told me that Satan was using her to destroy me and to block my ministry.

I still love her and she knows it. This crazy story between us continues.

The good news is that my relationship with God has never been better. I spend much time in prayer and reading and am still eager to see how God can and will use me for His purposes.

I have actually written something myself. Not as insightful as your writings but it was heavy on my heart at the time. I am attaching it for your review.

Please pray for me.

(Mr.) IW

We have had an opportunity to review a third of the writing that you submitted and, from that alone, it is clear to us that God did indeed call you. Your grasp at the basic truths associated with Salvation, truths which are misunderstood by far too many Christians (clergy included), tell the tale of a true calling. Only God can make those truths so crystal clear and, as Jesus clearly stated, it is not for all:

....To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to the rest in parables, that seeing they may not see, and hearing may not understand. [Luke 8:10]

Regarding the mother of your children - it is obvious that the man who visited you at the hospital was sent by God. From your communications as well as the writings already referred to above, your situation is a "text book case" of satanic interference in whatever mission God has called you for.

We understand your feelings about a failed marriage but, the question is: What is really a marriage - Sacramentally speaking? You may want to review a document we have written (1) about that very issue. Although is Catholic Faith oriented - its fundamental theology is applicable to all manifestations of Christianity.

It is obvious that there was a major mis-match between the mother of your children and you - a mismatch that, as obvious as it is, you could not see because many times when we are too close to a situation and/or are emotionally involved, satan blinds us. We pray that you will be able to see it as Paul speaks to you thus:
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? [2 Cor 6:14]

Her behavior as described by you regarding the
many specific deceptions that truly devastated you [and which we edited out at your request] is more than enough than to establish whether she is with the Light or Darkness.

We pray that, for the sake of your children and whatever God has called you to, you move on and do not look back, lest you too become a pillar of salt. [Gen. 19:26]
(1) About Matrimony and Divorce

From (Ms.) LL @ US (?) - Published on November 21st, 2008 [Presentation of Mary]

Hi there!

I have been doing some research on this subject which led my to your web site. I wanted to let you know what I have found in my research regarding "true" popes.

You claimed that the popes leading up to Benedict 16 were in fact true. Well, this is not true. John XXIII starts with a string of anti popes. The short of it is this: Cardinal Siri in I think 1958, was elected the next pope after Pius XII, but was threatened to step down or the church would be annihilated. Siri being a peaceful man stepped down. Roncalli than took the chair as John XXIII, false pope #1. Roncalli was a freemason btw.

As was Paul VI and probably the rest. This is in direct line with Mary's prophesies at Fatima that the church will be eclipsed and the Pope will have much to suffer. True Pope Gregory (Siri), lived in exile and suffered much until his death in 1989.

I don't dispute that Benedict may in fact be the anti christ or most likely the false prophet, but there is another man to consider now. Obama. In fact, Revelations speaks of two beasts rising at the same time. Could it be talking about Benedict and Obama? I have yet to find a physical connection between the two men, although the connection may be something as simple and yet complex as communism. For the whole story, I recommend googling Cardinal Siri. Thank you for listening and I hope to find the answer some day soon.


A. Thank you for your good wishes, but we have found the answer and it is what you have already read in our pages. Whether you chose to believe it or not is completely out of our hands - and really, if you understand our function (1), it is immaterial to us.

We have heard the Cardinal Siri story, the John XXIII mason ties story, the Paul VI homosexual story and on and on. If someone really threatened Cardinal Siri to step down it must have been Michael the Archangel because, as we have clearly stated in one of the many documents that we have published on the matter, the Church - as it was - had failed in its mission. Why else would the Virgin Mary "amass so many frequent flyer points" through Her continued visits
(2) to Earth in the 19th and 20th Century. Surely, if the alleged Evangelizers had done their job right Her visits would have been quite scarce.

We quote

If we stand back and take a good look at the events of the Roman Catholic Church and the world since H.H. John XXIII ascended to the Throne of Peter, one can almost guess with great certainty the contents of the third part of the Secret.

+++ H.H. John XXIII and H.H. Paul VI tried to prepare the Church for what they knew was to come by means of the Vatican Council II.

+++ H.H. Paul VI declared that the smoke of satan had entered in the Church and quickly abrogated the canon requiring official approval for the publication of documents relating to Marian Apparitions which were not yet approved by the Church. By doing so, he opened the doors for Heaven to speak freely and undisturbed to the faithful in spite of the fact that the enemies of God were already well entrenched within the Hierarchy. (The faithful one day will come to fully appreciate the importance of that act by H.H. Paul VI.)

+++ H.H. John Paul II, symbolically wrapping up the work of John XXIII and Paul VI, thus John-Paul, does not stop traveling the world, personally Evangelizing it. He knows how serious the situation is, how little time is left and that most of the clergy continues to occupy itself with worldly matters while neglecting the flock.

If one studies all Encyclicals published by H.H. John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II and try to visualize what the Roman Pontiffs were attempting to remedy with most of them, one would then come to know the third part of the Secret of Fátima.

Why was the third part of the Secret not revealed to the world when it reached the hands of H.H. John XXIII? For the same reason we would not have done it either - it was too late! It is not the fault of H.H. John XXXIII that the Church machinery delayed such information from the Roman Pontiff for almost eighteen years!

By the time the third part of the Secret reached Rome, it was too late for the local Churches to move the faithful fast enough into prayer and reparation mode to soften the blows that the humanity is already beginning to feel.

What The Vatican disinformation machinery did with the document issued on June 26, 2000 - the alleged text of Third Part of the secret with over 30 pages of literary smoke explaining it - was simply trying to cover its tracks for its abysmal failure at not having heeded the Message of Fátima at the proper time. A failing which has resulted in over one hundred million deaths worldwide (4) with many more to come.

And if the world needed additional physical confirmation on the above, John Paul I was eliminated so that "they" could get back on the wrong track - where the Church has been for most of the time since Constantine purchased it (5) . Let us not forget that the Church already needed repair at the time of Francis of Assisi and, after a "patch up job", it continued to plunge into the abyss - where it now rests awaiting Divine Justice.

Anyone who is familiar with our position (6) knows that we clearly establish the difference between the Catholic Faith and the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church - the first is sublime, the second, if we believed in the death penalty, should have been fed to the lions.

Regarding President Elect Obama . Google our Domain to see what we have already written about him.

It is simply amazing to us that just about anyone who has a computer and can use the Google Search Engine feels qualified to instruct miguel de Portugal (6).

What we do not know is what is going to be the last name of the next writer (coming from the same flock). TA's name, of the November 7th letter, is T. Assassin (no joke!); LL's name, of today's letter, is L. Lynch... what next? Joe, formerly the plumber but now, Joe Execute?

The function of The M+G+R Foundation
(2) Mary's Repeated Visits and Her Insistence
(3) About the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima
The doors for Hitler were opened by the Administrators of the Roman Catholic Church
Going once, going twice, going thrice... Sold! to the fellow with a white toga and a crown af laurels in the back of the room flanked by Praetorian Guards
Our position regarding the Pristine Catholic Faith
miguel de Portugal

From (Mrs.) JC @ US - Published on November 17th, 2008

Thanks again for getting back to me regarding the approval status of the Rosa Mystica Apparitions [Private Forum - October 27th] (1)

I am not sure if you are able to help me but I have e-mailed Opus Rosa Mystica like 3 times now and I have not received any response.

I want to know what their cost is for the Rosa Mystica statues and also if they ever donate statues. I came across someone that is in the seminary in Venezuela looking to receive the Rosa Mystica statue.

I don't know why but I feel like I need to help him so I am trying to find out if Opus would send him one.

If not what the cost would be so I can then figure out how to raise the money to get him one.

I am not working now and wish that I had a different financial situation to not even bat an eye and just send him one but nothing is impossible when you doing a good thing so I will just keep looking for ways.

Thanks for your help!

(Mrs.) JC

We certainly understand the feeling of being ignored. Last October, about 300,000 4-page equivalent documents were downloaded from our Domains, and, although it is hard to miss the "You are invited to be an instrument in keeping this Ministry active" (2) in our key pages, we have only received two donations from on-line regulars in the past four weeks [for which we certainly thank God!]

We are not a commercial site, therefore we do not sell statues . However, the following organizations sell Rosa Mystica statues. We have not dealt with any one of them before on this matter, therefore, we cannot make a recommendation.

Maybe they will be willing to assist you.

Our prayers will accompany your quest.
(1) Private Forum - October 27th
(2) You are invited to be an instrument in keeping this Ministry active. - It is now in your hands to do so!

From (Mrs.) KH @ US - Published on November 13th, 2008

I think that the Devotional Prayers and Readings Index (1) is a great idea.

I only want to remind you that under the Virgin Mary Index (2) are the Rosary, the Viacrucis, the Blue Army Pledge/daily invocation, and a very nice document about the rosary. Also, at The Passion (in the Miscellaneous Index (3)) is a very heartbreaking picture of Jesus that links to the Rosary and the Viacrucis.

But, even without adding those, it is a very nice improvement to have all the prayers together.

Thank you for all the efforts involved in this updating and God Bless you!

(Mrs.) KH

A. First of all we want to, before God and His Creation, thank you for having spent untold hours updating the Indexes of the published documents - something which has not been done in that format since the year 2001- 2002.

By doing this, essentially all new documents published since then may be easily found in those topical Indexes which may be accessed from either the Opening Home Page (4) or The English Home Page (5).

Secondly - we will follow your suggestions and include the listing of those documents in the new Devotional Prayers and Readings Index without removing them from their current locations.

We wish to take this opportunity to encourage one and all to submit suggestions on how to make our pages easier to find and read. God works through all to one degree or another and any constructive suggestion and/or criticism, not only will be considered, but will be welcome.

The only feedback that will yield the same result as one would have when placing a coin in a Fire and Brimstone dispensing machine will be that which will pretend to give miguel de Portugal a message from God. When God chooses that option, and He has in the past, the used instrument has no idea whatsoever what is taking place although miguel can "spot it a thousand miles away in a dark stormy night".
The new Devotional Prayers and Readings Index
The Marian Page
The Miscellaneous Documents Index
(4) Opening Home Page
(5) English Home Page

From (Mr.) IW @ US - Published on November 10th, 2008

Now that the election is over, can you state whether what we got was (a) God's perfect (active) will, or (b) His passive will?
I am more inclined to (a) than (b) at this point, despite the deepening Depression and the approach of war.

My reason: (A) it was a real advance for the US to elect a black President despite our history; and (B) it rebukes the Republicans and their Religious Right allies, who did not deserve to be rewarded for their malfeasance, and (C) it will make the rest of the world less likely to cheer on the destruction of the US.

It seems that people overseas are asking themselves if their own country could elect a racial minority member (from recent-immigrant stock) as head of state.
In other words, do we get to live out some variant of ch. 24 of Lee Penn's False Dawn, rather than skipping straight through to the Opus Dei section of ch. 25?

(Mr.) IW

With this question came further illumination from above regarding the Will of God. We have defined His Active Will as the most perfect path - the Divine set path - in getting from point A to point B. We have defined His Passive Will as God allowing an imprudent path between points A and B in the hopes that the self generated pain/punishment will cause the individual to learn as quickly as possible (1) what he/she must so that the traveling in the right track (His Active Will) between points A and B be resumed.

The election of Mr. Obama as the next President of the US was in accordance to the Active Will of God. Let us review it....

As we pointed out regarding the reaction in Moscow to Mr. Obama's election - nothing has really changed with their attitude towards the US; in addition, Mr. Obama, considers that Iran nuclear interests must be stopped. Therefore, the triggers for the nuclear holocaust remain firm in place - no change from the scenario should Mr. McCain had been elected one. However, Obama-mania has genuinely swept the world and now it is easy for the world population - terrorists included - to separate the Nation and its people from Bush's Darth Vader-like Administration.

The US brand of Democracy has been confirmed before the eyes of billions and the lost respect is rapidly being regained.

Using the sexual abuse by the clergy in the US as a parallel: When the whole thing blew up in the face of the Roman Church, if the Vatican had made "the fur fly" amongst the US Bishops/Cardinals who allowed (and spawned) it by their actions - to the point of removing from office a dozen guilty Bishops/Cardinals and forced them into monastic retirement - the Roman Church would have been riding now the top of the wave of Justice and Morality. Rome "could have written their own ticket" as the saying goes. Instead, they promoted individuals like Law
(2) and Levada (3) amongst other revolting acts, thus, writing instead, its own death sentence (4) .

Therefore - so that prophecy be fulfilled as described in the often quoted Steps (5) , the election of Mr. Obama will yield "....the least suffering possible, while Divine Justice is dispensed and prophecy fulfilled."

Now - we must not let up in prayer so that Mr. Obama indeed is inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America. There is a saying that "man has not know wrath as that of a scorned woman" - such saying is also applicable in the political arena.
(1) Pain is the Megaphone that God Uses to Assist the Deaf in Listening to Him.
(2) Cardinal Law
(3) The Trajectory of Archbishop Levada
The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail... But Some Serious Conditions Do Apply
The Steps of the Establishment of a New WOrld Order and The Steps of the Sequence of Events Leading to the End of These Times

From TA @ US - Published on November 7th, 2008 - [Devotion of First Friday of the Month]

We are on the same page as far as the problem but why on earth are you waiting for a mythological figure to come and save us all?

Please get real, it is up to us to create the future. The Christian God is the God of Islam, is the God of Judaism and is the God of Masonry and the Occult.

Please think about this and don't use blind faith as a remedy for our problems,



Thank you for the opportunity to address this issue.

You have no idea how much "on the same page" we are. The difference is that the God we believe in - the real God - certainly is not the one most know if judging how Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. practice their faith. As we have said many times: If we arrived to this planet from another Galaxy and observed how religion is practiced - primarily by the three monotheist faiths - we would become "card carrying" atheists.

The Old Testament is mostly composed by: (a) God giving His people rules to follow so that they can create the best future possible with His assistance; (b) His people - after working in such manner for a short while - begin to believe that they are gods and start "doing their thing"; (c) God sends the prophets warning His people of their deviation and advise them to "Clean up their act" - which they will not do; and (d) God allows "all hell to break loose" upon them since man has proven that pain assists them in "hearing" better. (1)

Nothing has changed - they keep doing the same. Take for example the message of Fatima. We understand that you do not believe in any of this and respect it, but, we do and the Roman Catholic Church Administrators certainly pretend that they do to. Review what they did with the key message and look at the consequences. If the message had been given to world leaders that felt as you did, we would not have expected them
to act upon them and they would be blameless, but them? Do have an anti acid tablet handy when you review these documents (2) - it is revolting!

Regarding "blind faith". Well, amazingly enough we denounce that too. Faith, by definition, is believing without seeing - BUT God expects us to use our mind, illuminated (not brainwashed!) by the Holy Spirit of God to ponder and act upon the mysteries of the supernatural and not take someone's word (3) for it if your "gut feeling" is telling you that "there is something wrong there". Look at the Crusades - to kill, pillage an plunder in the Name of Jesus? Please! If they had any clue about the Real Jesus, as described in the Scriptures, and had used their brain Illuminated by the Holy Spirit of God, they would have never done that?

Do you know that the Roman Catholics pillaged and plundered Constantinople - the other center of Catholicism - slaughtering most of them? Never mind that Jesus clearly said:
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. [John 13:35]

Yes, God expects us to create our own future and desires to give us a helping hand so that we get right what we have not for 6,000 years of recorded history. Don John Bosco an Italian priest of the 19th century proved this. He just "followed instructions" and the impossible was achieved.
(4) He even succeeded in having the Italian government, which was mercilessly persecuting the Roman Catholic Administration, give him a hand!

We could go on with examples but those quoted above and others which will appear on the Foot Notes will explain in full why "the man from the other Galaxy" would go atheist unless he had an encounter with the real God.

By the way - miguel the Portugal's
(5) (who has written the above) first research project was in liquid fuel for rockets with the ensuing projects of his engineering career getting more "Star Trekkie" as time went on. That is just as real as we can get.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity!

(1) One Example - Another Example
(2) About Fatima - The Chronology
(3) For example...
(4) Don Bosco's Trajectory
(5) miguel de Portugal
(6) Why has the Evangelization failed? It was not because of God! Take a look - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV

From LP @ US - Published on November 3rd, 2008

Some months ago, you said that the Perfect Will of God would be expressed in the outcome of the US election. (And I have been praying for this, so far this year.)

Is it still your belief that this will be true ... or did we slip in the the "Passive Will" trajectory?


The latest regarding this issue was given to m de P this AM and it may be read in today's "Did you know that....?" (1) page... and the balance was "downloaded" right now, and it is:

"If after so many warnings they do not do their part, why should I?"

To which we add, as a reminder, what happened in relation to World War II. (2)
(1) Did you know that....?
(2) The consequences of ignoring warnings and instructions.

From miguel de Portugal @ EU - US - Published on November 1st, 2008 [All Saints Day - First Saturday of the Month]

We wish to remind everyone who is willing to listen that before the extreme right version of the New World Order is implemented with the fury of hell, there is going to be the manifestation of the not-as-extreme left version of the New World Order. This is what we have clearly indicated in steps nos. 1-3 of the document on the establishment of the New World Order. We recommend that the Faithful familiarize him/herself with the information contained in said document. (1)

Without a doubt - the errors of those promoting the extreme right version is what will, in effect, open the doors to the establishment of the left version of the New World Order. The excesses of the left version will, in turn, open the gates to the Grand Finale - the brief implementation of the extreme (and brutal) right version of the New World Order at which time the False Christ (2) will make his entrance.

A review of our document discussing the course of the French Revolution, (3) and how it parallels what we will live through, may also be a good idea.

(1) The Establishment of the New World Order
(2) The manifestation of the False Christ - satan's ultimate snare
(3) The parallels with the French Revolution

From miguel de Portugal @ EU - US - Published on October 30th, 2008

We wish to highlight an interview (1) with Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies at New York University, published elsewhere, which contains information that the willing (2) should be aware of. We do not know Professor Miller nor any of the other individuals mentioned in the interview, however, since we know, through revelation, that the election rigging being discussed is true and allowed by God (3), we thought we would give our readers the information accompanied by "a face".

This should not discourage the US voter from going to the polls. Remember, we must always do our part so that God Will do His, even if its through His Passive Will.

m de P
(1) The Interview
(2) We use "the willing" instead of the harsher term "those who are not on denial". It will be harsh enough for them by the time they open their eyes.
(3) Divine Mercy is Unfathomable BUT Some Conditions Do Apply

Past Private Forums

Private Forum - October 2008

Private Forum - September 2008

Private Forum - August 2008

Private Forum - July 2008

Private Forum - June 2008

Private Forum - May 2008

Private Forum - April 2008

Private Forum - March 2008

Private Forum - February 2008

Last Public Forum - October 2007 - Edition Files

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