The M+G+R Foundation

Behind the Scenes

Another Example of How the Faithful Is Ensnared


The purpose of this brief document is to illustrate, once more, what really goes on behind the scenes and how the faithful is manipulated into believing what someone else ones him/her to believe.


The players

Jesus Colina

Jesus Colina was the founder of the Roman Catholic news service which is operated by the Legionaries of Christ of Marcial Maciel fame.

Jesus Colina was asked to leave Zenit .org by the Legionaries of Christ

Jesus Colina is now the President and International Editorial Director of Aleteia (a very pro Ratzinger, Bergoglio and Opus Dei news service)

David Lejeune

David Lejeune is Member of the Board of Directors of FEM-USA [FEM stands for Foundation for Evangelization through the Media]

David Lejeune is the Founder and CEO of OPUSfidelis


According to their page, OPUSfidelis is:
[our highlights]

A Strategic Communication and Social Media Agency

Through its unique enterprise consulting approach, OPUSfidelis delivers high value online communication advisory and managed services to corporate customers, U.S. federal contractors, non-profit and political organizations and candidates. We assist organizations in building and maintaining strong online presence and social media savvy advocacy campaigns to grow and protect their brands, create viral movements and communities, as well as create online public relations events or extinguish public relations crises.
Jesus Colina's Aleteia gets its funding from David Lejeune's FEM-USA

Logically one does not find much good about the Legionaries of Christ in Mr. Colina's Aleteia with some of it splashing on the Canonization of John Paul II.

Sources for the above information may be found at the end of this brief document.


If the reader was able to navigate through and understand the web described above, as well as their purposes/objectives, it is not necessary that we explain it. Those who have Eyes will see what they have to see, and the others will, if ever, when their time comes.


Published on June 6th, 2014 - 70th Anniversary of D-Day @ Normandy

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