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Works Cited   

6. New Age, occult and other heterodox religious movements and writers:


Journal of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP):

The SCP says, "Since 1973, the SCP has been a frontline ministry confronting the occult, the cults, and the New Age movement and explaining why they are making an impact on our society."

The following two SCP Journals provided a starting point for my investigation of the New Age and globalist movements, and I have found the insights from these articles to be of continuing value:

New World Order: The Iron Hand of Peace and Spiritual Unity - Vol. 16:2, 1991

Preparing for the Cosmic Millennium and the Coming Global Church - Vol. 19:2-3, 1995

Buy these magazines by ordering through the "Journals" section of the SCP web site, at: http://www.scp-inc.org/ or by calling 510-540-0300 (the SCP office in Berkeley, California) between 9 am and 5pm, West Coast time.


Reference works on non-Christian religious movements:

Anthony Aveni, Behind the Crystal Ball: Magic, Science, and the Occult from Antiquity Through the New Age, 2002, rev. ed., University Press of Colorado

Gavin Baddeley, Lucifer Rising: sin, devil worship & rock'n'roll, Plexus, 2000

Eileen Barker and Margit Warburg, eds., New Religions and New Religiosity, Aarhus University Press, 2000

David V. Barrett, The New Believers: A Survey of Sects, 'Cults' and Alternative Religions, Cassell & Co., 2003

R. Pierce Beaver, ed., Eerdmans' Handbook to the World's Religions, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1994

George D. Chryssides, Exploring New Religions, Cassell, 2000

Richard Cimino and Don Lattin, Shopping for Faith: American Religion in the New Millennium, Jossey-Bass, 2002

Philip G. Davis, Goddess Unmasked: The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality, Spence Publishing Co., 1999

Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, Crown, 3rd ed., 1976

Mircea Eliade, Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstacy, Bollingen, 2004

Wouter J. Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought, State University of New York Press, 1998

Stephan A. Hoeller, Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing, Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, 2002

Philip Jenkins, Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and New Religions in American History, Oxford University Press, 2001

Richard Kirby and Earl Brewer, The Temples of Tomorrow: World Religions and the Future, Grey Seal Books, London, 1993

James R. Lewis and J. Gordon Melton, eds. Perspectives on the New Age, State University of New York Press, 1992

J. Gordon Melton, Jerome Clark, and Aidan A. Kelly, New Age Almanac, Visible Ink Press, 1991

Timothy Miller, ed., America's Alternative Religions, State University of New York Press, 1995

Peter Occhiogrosso, The Joy of Sects: A Spirited Guide to the World's Religious Traditions, Image Books, 1997

Christopher Partridge, ed., New Religions: A Guide - New Religious Movements, Sects, and Alternative Spiritualities, Oxford University Press, 2004

Thomas B. Roberts, ed., Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion, Council on Spiritual Practices, 2001

Jeffrey B. Russell, A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans, Thames & Hudson, 1982

Huston Smith, Cleansing the Doors of Perception: The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Plants and Chemicals, Sentient Publications, 3rd ed., 2003

Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney, Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions, Penguin/Arkana, 1999

Lawrence Sutin, Do What Thou Wilt: A Life of Aleister Crowley, St. Martin's Griffin, 2002

James Webb, The Occult Establishment, Open Court Publications, 1976


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky:

Books by her:

H P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, vols. 1 and 2, Theosophical University Press, 1999 reprint of 1877 ed.

H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vols. 1 and 2, Theosophical University Press, 1999 reprint of 1888 ed.

H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, index, Theosophical University Press, 1997 reprint of 1888 ed.

Books about her:

Sylvia Cranston, HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement, Tarcher, 1993

Bruce F. Campbell, Ancient Wisdom Revived: A History of the Theosophical Movement, University of California Press, 1980

Joscelyn Godwin, The Theosophical Enlightenment, State University of New York Press, 1994

Michael Gomes, The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement, Quest Books, 1987

K. Paul Johnson, Initiates of Theosophical Masters, State University of New York Press, 1995

K. Paul Johnson, The Masters Revealed: Madame Blavatsky and the Myth of the Great White Lodge, State University of New York Press, 1994

Tim Maroney, The Book of Dzyan, Chaosium, 2000


Alice A. Bailey and the Lucis Trust:

Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Company, 1973

Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age, Lucis Publishing Company, 1971

Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing - Volume IV: A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Lucis Publishing Company, 1999

Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology - Volume II: A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Lucis Publishing Company, 1995

Here is an early Alice Bailey book, released when her publishing house was called "Lucifer Publishing Company."

Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, Lucifer Publishing Company, 1924

Here is a modern edition of the same book:

Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, Lucis Publishing Company, 1997

Alice A. Bailey, Problems of Humanity, Lucis Publishing Company, 3rd ed. 1993

Alice A. Bailey, The Consciousness of the Atom, First Edition, Lucifer Publishing Co, 1922

Alice A. Bailey, The Destiny of the Nations, Lucis Publishing Company, 1987

Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Lucis Publishing Company, 1983

Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations: Volume V, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Lucis Publishing Company, 1970

Alice A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, Lucis Publishing Company, 1978

Alice A. Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography of Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company, 1994

Foster Bailey, Running God's Plan, Lucis Publishing Company, 1972

Foster Bailey, The Spirit of Masonry, Lucis Publishing Company, 1979

Mary Bailey, A Learning Experience, 1990, Lucis Publishing Company

Other theosophists:

Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from the Inside Out, Ballantine Books, 1994

David Spangler, Explorations: Emerging aspects of the new culture, Lorian Press, 1980

David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (5th Lorian Press printing 1984)

Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999

Rudolf Steiner, Spiritualism, Madam Blavatsky, and Theosophy: An Eyewitness View of Occult History, ed. by Christopher Bamford, Steiner Books, 2002


Robert Muller:

Robert Muller, My Testament to the UN: A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, World Happiness and Cooperation, 1994

Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, Doubleday, 1982

Robert Muller and Douglas Roche, Safe Passage into the Twenty-First Century: The United Nations' Quest for Peace, Equality, Justice, and Development, Continuum, 1995

The Robert Muller School, The World Core Curriculum: Foundations, Implementation, and Resources, 1999


Barbara Marx Hubbard:

Barbara Marx Hubbard, Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential, New World Library, 1998

Barbara Marx Hubbard, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, Hampton Roads, 2001

Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Foundation for Co-Creation, 1984

Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation Part II - The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, San Rafael, California, 1993 (privately published)

Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Evolutionary Journey: A Personal Guide to a Positive Future, Evolutionary Press, 1993

Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Hunger of Eve, Island Pacific Northwest, 1989

Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, Nataraj Publishing, Novato, CA, 1995

Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: Our Crisis Is A Birth, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Sonoma CA, 1993


Neale Donald Walsch:

Neale Donald Walsch and Dr. Brad Blanton, Honest to God: A Change of Heart That Can Change the World, Sparrowhawk Publications, 2001

Neale Donald Walsch, Communion with God, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2000

Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God for teens, Scholastic, Inc., 2002

Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1, Putnam Publishing Group., 1996

Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 2, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1997

Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 3, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1998

Neale Donald Walsch, Friendship with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1999

Neale Donald Walsch, The New Revelations: A Conversation With God, Atria Books, 2002

Neale Donald Walsch, Tomorrow's God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge, Atria Books, 2004

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