The M+G+R Foundation

For Your Information and Reference

April 2019

Note: Considering the increasing lack of security in the Internet - a trend that will only increase - we recommend the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN).  top10vpn - does a very good job of evaluating those VPN's which are available and are worth considering. top10vpn only evaluates and recommend; they do not sell.

April 30th

From Mrs. LM @ US

I hope you had a wonderful Sunday of this Easter Season!

We have a couple who attend our 5:30 PM mass regularly who are from Sri Lanka.  ...

During the petitions we allow people to give their own personal prayer requests.  She asked for prayers for the people in Sri Lanka.


After Mass she showed us a video that was taken.... of a statue of the Blessed Mother that was crying red tears.  This occurred the day before the bombings. She was not sure if the statue was in one of the churches that was bombed. When I looked at the video, the eyes looked real.

I told them that I hoped the people were doing/would do what the Blessed Mother asked them to do, and not just getting excited about the crying statue as a sign. I reminded them of the Blessed Mother's warnings in Kibeho - Africa - before the people were murdered in Rwanda.

On this last part.  I must say I am only able to speak out on these topics, because of what I have learned on your pages.  I also thank the Holy Spirit for leading me to your pages.


Thank you for sharing another example of the sorrows of our beloved Heavenly Mother as most of humanity ignores Her warning and requests.

Regarding "I must say I am only able to speak out on these topics, because of what I have learned on your pages" - Thank you! for your kind words of encouragement. As we have often said, much of that is made physically possible by the few souls who, like your, extend a financial hand so that we may fulfill the Will of God in that area.

As just another example of our reach, and precisely because of the tragic events in Sri Lanka where the Tamil language is also spoken, we decided to search in our files for a very encouraging request that we received back in the year 2002. Through the Grace of God we did, and it follows:

The e-mail received...

> From: "rajan" <rajan@(edited out)>
> Date: 2002/10/23 Wed AM 11:34:55 BST
> To: The M+G+R Foundation 
> Subject: hi

> Hi!

> Thanks for your effort, it is really amazing and interesting that hopefully reinvest the faith in Jesus Christ.

> I would like to translate these documents (now and in future) into Tamil a south Indian language.  Please let me know the procedure to get your permits.

> Looking forward to working with your team.

> God bless

> Rajan from India.

Of course, we immediately granted him the authorization to do so. So, as you may see, only God knows how far these efforts have gone.

By the way, Rajan was asking to first translate into Tamil our on-line book on Mary - We Have Been Warned by The Virgin Mary. Are We Going To Listen? - which is also now available through Amazon and which we are currently updating its version in Spanish.

Again Thank you! for your current feedback and your continued assistance.

From miguel de Portugal

Breaking Israel News is constantly - almost daily! - announcing the coming of the Messiah - summarily ignoring the errors in their thinking and which we have pointed out to them (1).

We have just made aware of one of their alerts (2) wherein we read:

Rabbi: Autistic Children Say Messiah is Here, Prepare for Final War

For many years, a small group of autistic children has been consulted by rabbis who believe that the gift of prophecy rests within them. But as the gift becomes rarer, the message becomes clearer: the Messiah is already here and the final, painful stages are about to commence.

Rabbi Eldad Shmuel, one of the rabbis who organizes and attends a group of autistic children, explained that it is accepted in the ultra-Orthodox community that these children have a certain level of prophecy.


Rabbi Samuel emphasized that the prophecies are warning the world to prepare for a great change.

“They have been saying more and more that the geula (redemption) is very close,” Rabbi Samuel said. “But before it comes, there will be a horrible war – the likes of which has never been seen. Entire cities, huge, urban centers, will be destroyed. The United States will be unrecognizable after the war.”

“The children are frustrated that we cannot see this even though the beginnings are already here,” he said. “They tell me they are tired of telling people that the geula is close when people refuse to listen, refuse to change their actions.”

Tell us about it!

We have been warning the world about all of this since 1992 (3). Imagine how all will feel when they find out the truth announced to them by their well ignored prophets:

"And I will pour out upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace, and of prayers: and they shall look upon me, whom they have pierced: and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for an only son, and they shall grieve over him, as the manner is to grieve for the death of the firstborn." [Zacharias (Zechariah) 12:10]

Blessedly, and through the Grace of God, we no longer fret about any of this. We have, through the Grace of God and the assistance of a precious few, have done and continue to do our part warning the world (4) and that is all that God expects from us in that particular area.
(1) The Messianic Idea of Judaism
(2) Breaking Israel News Report
(3) The Sequence of Events
(4) A Warned World

April 27th

From miguel de Portugal

As another example of the vast amount of religious misinformation found in the Internet and which further disorient the already confused inhabitants of our planet....

While making a search we came across with a very professional looking site (1). The headline read:

 HOLIEST OF HOLY DAYS: For Only 4th Time in a Century, Passover and Good Friday Coincide on the SAME DAY this year!

We briefly, and politely, explained to the host of the site that such claim was not true - at least for this year since we had not checked - nor will check - the other claimed three times. He responded with a pos insisting that his claim was correct. Therefore we responded to such claim as follows:

In the year 2019 and according to HebCal ( ) Passover starts at Sundown of Saturday 20th and is concluded at Sundown of Sunday the 21st.

Holy Friday - using the same technique - starts at Sundown Thursday the 18th and ends at Sundown Friday the 19th. Logically, Sunday of Resurrection starts at Sundown of Saturday the 20th and ends at Sundown of Sunday the 21st.

What we have this year that matches the week when Jesus was Crucified is that the Sabbath precedes the Passover, so Friday was the Day of Preparation since the Passover observed by the Temple Masters would start at sundown at the end of the Sabbath, and no one could work on the Sabbath. Therefore, it follows that the Passover preparations, which were many and labor intensive, had to be made on Friday.
We have fully explained that at

Considering all of the above, your headline -  HOLIEST OF HOLY DAYS: For Only 4th Time in a Century, Passover and Good Friday Coincide - is incorrect for this year.

He chose to ignore it and, as of the time of this writing, did not post our rebuttal because it would harm his image by showing his level of ignorance.

Multiply that kind of misinformation by millions and that is what the starving-for-information masses are feeding on.

May God have Mercy on His Elect!
(1) Source as it originally was.

From Mrs. D. LV.

As I was reading the list of countries from which visitors access your pages...

I wondered, why do you think there are so many visits from Communist and Totalitarian regimes? I'm curious if those visits are from interested people or from the governments. What's your opinion?


Your question has many answers depending on the country in question.

For example, before Mr. Trump and North Korean Mr. Kim started interacting in a positive manner, the number of visits we received from North Korea was, based on the percentage of internet addresses (IP's) each country has, the number one visitor by a very large margin. Explaining it in another way.... if the same percentage of IP's from the US were to visit our pages, we would have over 300 million per month!

Once Messrs. Trump and Kim became friends the number of visits dropped by 80%, confirming our suspicions that the visitors were North Korean government officials.

Now.... we have visits form Iran but, based on some of the link trails left, those are from Catholics that live there.

At one time we had as many visitors from China as we had from the US, but it seems that those were mostly from Catholics who were cut off from other Catholics in the world. Now the visits from China have dropped from, being equal to those from the US, to being 15 to 16 times fewer.  This took place when the PRC government activated their latest Internet censorship program.

Cuba is the one country which is in a very short leash Internetwise. Although there are a few individuals there who know about our existence, in a "good month" we may get just two visits from Cuba, with the norm being one or less per month.

It seems that most of the visitors from Russia are also of a religious nature, and not political as those from North Korea were and still are.

In addition, we have a signifincant number of visitors categorized as "Unknown".  These mostly are from places for which the statistic program that we use cannot identify the source of the IP (Internet Protocol) number. That is usually the case when a new number is assigned after the latest program update.

We hope that we have answered yor question to everyone's satisfaction.

From miguel de Portugal

As another example as how our subconscious, faced with poorly composed prayers, continues to destroy the faith, we will use an Easter Preface (no. IV) from the official Daily Roman Missal:

Father, all powerful and ever living God,....

We praise You with greater joy than ever in this Easter season, when Christ became our paschal sacrifice.

In Him a new age has dawned,
the long reign of sin ended,
a broken world has been renewed,
and man is once again made whole.

The joy of the resurrection renews the whole world
while the choirs....

Just review the highlighted statements above.

As the subconscious "hears" that, it is thinking: "Yeah right! Just like there is seaside property available in the middle of the Sahara desert!"

How it should read, as just an example:

Instead of  "with greater joy than ever in this" it should read "with our greatest joy in this"

Instead of  "the long reign of sin ended" it should read "the long unchallenged reign of sin has ended"

Instead of  "a broken world has been renewed" it should read "the broken world has now hope"

Instead of  "and man is once again made whole" it should read "and man has now the hope of becoming whole"

Instead of  "The joy of the resurrection renews the whole world" it should read "The joy of the resurrection gives the world hope again"

The entire Daily Roman Missal is full of statements, prayers and pronouncements which are automatically rejected by the subconscious. A rejection which slowly, but surely, surfaces to the conscious level.

We have to change statements, prayers and pronouncements on the run as we use them in Mass. We find them offensive and insulting to God. Without a doubt, if we had the time we would rewrite the entire Daily Roman Missal to reflect the true Divine and world realities and not the mockery to God which is filled  with now.

April 25th

From miguel de Portugal

The Gospel corresponding to the Mass we offered yesterday was from John 3:16-21. This is one of those Gospel readings which, without the appropriate Homily, will extend the stay of members of the Elect in Purgatory for quite some time. Allow us to explain so that you may be able to help others.

The verses that we are referring to are the following:

God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life....


Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, .....


...whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.

On the surface - as most read or listen to Gospel readings - it sounds that all one has to say to himself and others is that he believes in Jesus Christ and then go on living like a pagan because, after all, they are automatically saved.... just as I did and hundreds upon hundreds of millions of Christians continue to do.

However, the above Divine assurances only applies, as we have said before in reference to other similar Gospel readings, to those strive to live His Word. Anyone who does not strive to live His Word does not believe in Him nor His Salvific function - even if they consider themselves Christians.

Once again we repeat: Only those who strive to live His Word can be considered Christian; the others are as much of a Christian as Lucifer is an Angel of Light.

Brethren, we do not make the rules, the laws nor write the Gospels. We just want to make sure that we have fully done the job for which God called me into existence, which, at the stage, is to alert the Elect in order to minimize their suffering on Earth and in Purgatory.

We have just learned.... that there is a "McJesus" sculpture of Ronald McDonald in a crucifix format in an art exhibit in Israel at the museum in the northern city of Haifa.

Church representatives brought their grievances to the district court Monday, demanding it order the removal of the exhibit's most offensive items, including Barbie doll renditions of a bloodied Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

Museum director Nissim Tal said that he was shocked at the sudden uproar, especially because the exhibit - intended to criticize what many view as society's cult-like worship of capitalism - had been on display for months. It has also been shown in other countries without incident.

Comments: We wonder how long would the following last in....

(a) An art exhibit wherein Hitler would be featured as the savior of the world?; or

(b) An art exhibit where Hitler is represented as the manifestation of the frequently mentioned in the Old Testament "Wrath of God" dispensing Divine Justice for the many transgression by His original Chosen People up to just before the birth of Christ? ; or

(c) An art exhibit where the Prophet Mohammed would appear crucified symbolizing the persecutions Muslims claim they are the object of.

We have amply shown that there is not a trace of anti-Semitism in us. As a matter of fact, our documents wherein we have shown the errors of the post Babylonian dates used by Jews have been proofread by close High School (Class of 1960) friend of miguel's who is a practicing Jew. However, one thing is anti-Semitism and another thing is speaking the truth.

When the expected, and more than confirmed by the Sacred Texts, Messiah was manifested in the Person of Jesus, God, in essence, presented His Chosen People with a junction in their journey. The Jews who recognized and accepted Jesus as the Messiah continued the journey of the Chosen People of God, a group which was then engrossed by members of many nations who also accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Just as God promised Abraham:

God said to him: I AM, and my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. [Genesis 17:4]


Abraham was the great father of a multitude of nations, and there was not found the like to him in glory, who kept the law of the most High, and was in covenant with him. [Ecclesiasticus 44:20]

Those who accepted, and accept, Jesus as the Messiah - by word and deed - are the ones who constitute the Chosen People of God. The Jews who reject the Messianic role of Jesus are just another ethnic group among the countless number of ethnic groups. (1)

The only group of individuals who truly have a right to the land God gave to His Chose People is composed by those who accepted, and accept, Jesus as the Messiah - by word and deed.

End of the story!
(1) List of Ethnic Groups

April 23rd

From miguel de Portugal

Do you ever wonder why it seems that God does not help certain individuals who are being oppressed and harmed by evil spiritual forces?

As common as that is, most of those poor souls continue to suffer without let up because no one has told them that: "God is truly above all and if we place our full trust in Him - take refuge under His Wing (1) - we will be untouched no matter if a storm of evil rages about us."

When this reality is doubted, the individual is empowering evil to act on its soul since that soul considers evil to be more powerful than God. Doubt separates that soul from God and His protection.

Please, make this know to as many individuals as possible since such ignorance causes untold suffering in this world.

(1)  To live in the Shadow of His Wing

Let us clarify... what Jesus really meant when He said....

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. [Matthew 5: 3-4]

He was not necessarily consoling the misery of poverty and marginalization of so many. "Poor" and "meek" are essentially equivalent to "humble" - those whose spirit is not set upon riches. [One can be very rich yet be poor in spirit as well as meek.]

"Posses the land" is also translated in different Bibles as "inherit the Earth" - which is a better translation for the Western culture.

He was not giving false consolation to them with those words - He meant exactly what He said.

Those who make it to Step No. 17 (1) will indeed inherit the Earth - the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (2) - for the "arrogant" will not exist any longer. Those among the Elect (3) who do not make it alive to Step No. 17, will indeed inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (2) - in their case - in Eternity.

Once again - perfect internal and external coherence (4) confirms the reliability of the Word of God when assumed with the Illumination of the Holy Spirit of God. (5)

NOTES ______________________________________
(1)  The Sequence of Events
(2) The Kingdom of God and Its Keys
(3) Who are the Elect?
(4) Coherence is a Key
(5) Understanding the Word of God  Part I and Part II

From miguel de Portugal

A local small merchant had a serious problem with a part time employee - a problem that almost caused the bankruptcy of their very small "mom and pop" grocery store.

We are bringing this up to our reader's attention in the light of the two posts above. Allow us to explain...

In plain English: To be humble, meek and charitable does not mean allowing wrong doers to "walk all over you" and "steal you blind", as those sayings go. As a matter of fact, allowing that behavior may cost the victim, spiritually speaking, more than they lost materially.


(a) The part time employee worked on the "mom and pop" grocery store only on Sunday.
(b) The owners noticed that the drop in grocery inventory did not match, by far, the revenues in the cash register but they refused to face the incoherence and this went on for months.
(c) Finally, after overcoming their state of denial, they placed video cameras.
(d) The videos showed the part time employee stealing grocery inventory by the trash sized plastic bags -  no exaggeration here - every Sunday. To such behavior add her mother coming in and doing her weekly shopping without paying for it.
(e) With the denial state crushed they were "forced" to let the employee go - but gently, that is, in a positive state.
(f) The employee proudly stated that she was not a thief since she never stole money from the register.

The owners should have brought charges against that thief so that she would be flagged to protect anyone else who would consider employing her. They did not do it, so this individual will be hired by someone else and do the same, or worse.

This kind, humble and charitable couple will now be also responsible before the Eyes of God for any harm - of the same type - that this part time employee will inflict to the next victim... which could be a bank or a jewelry store where the stakes are far greater than in a "mom and pop" small grocery store.

We must be very alert and not allow satan to use charity and humility to turn us into enablers of criminals and/or addicts.

That is what "tough love" is all about.

But there is even more to this story. I only went into that store twice on the days when that sweet talking, very helpful and accommodating thief worked. Something invisible repulsed me. Now I know that it was her spirit. This why we continue to encourage one and all to make the Holy Spirit of God the GPS of your soul because satan's children, more often than not, are sweet talking, very helpful and accommodating and will deceive most everyone else.

April 20th

From miguel de Portugal

This year - 2019 - certainly is a very special one....

On this year, the traditional observance by Christians of the crucifixion and death of Jesus and the traditional observance of the Passover by Jews coincide exactly with the the timetable when those events actually took place (1).

That is, in the year 2019, according to tradition, Jesus expired on the cross on a Friday equivalent to our April 19th and the Jewish Passover would commence, just like it did then, at sundown of the following Saturday, April 20th - with its full celebration being on April 21st coinciding with the traditional celebration of the Jesus Glorious Resurrection.

Although those dates do not coincide with the liturgical calendar used by Jesus (1), known to only a few, God would use the traditional dates of observance of both events to deliver a message to the world.

Let us pray.....
(1) Detailed Explanation

From Mrs. LM @ US

I was reviewing the New and Traditional Judeo-Christian Calendar for 2019 (1).  Can you explain why some of the Feast Days are just a week different while some others are several months apart.

I am speaking of  The Baptism of the Lord, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Christ the King.

Also, is Rosh Hashanah the correct Birthday for Jesus?

Peace and Blessings!


We are glad you asked so that we can further explain the theo-logic behind the inspired New Judeo-Christian Calendar.

But first... No, Rosh Hashanah is not observed on the Birth of our Lord. Rosh Hashanah, is the first day of the Jewish New Year which we base on the original Essene calendar.

Because it is a new beginning we have been inspired to celebrate the Baptism of the Lord on that day which is when His official Ministry commenced as marked by the Holy Spirit descending upon Him in the form of a dove. To wit:

And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him. [17] And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. [Matthew 3:16-17]

His Birth is observed on December 25th, as the Holy Scriptures indicate (1) that we should and, because of that, we have moved the celebration of Chanukah to that day. Why? Because Chanukah celebrates the miraculously illuminated Menorah of the rededicated Jewish Temple for eight consecutive days and Jesus is the New Temple of Judaism and He is the Light of the world.... something that we celebrate through the Octave of Christmas just as, providentially, Chanukah is celebrated.

With that clarified... let us list the only pre-Babylonian Biblical Holy Days requested by God (2):

Rosh Hashanah, sometimes translated as the Feast of Trumpets  is the Jewish New Year.  It is the first of the Jewish High Holy Days.

Passover, is an important biblically derived Jewish festival. The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation.

Passover is a Holy Day which is logically followed by....

Sukkot, also known as Feast of Tabernacles, is a biblical Jewish holiday commemorating the Exodus and the dependence of the People of Israel on the Will of God.

Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance.

Shavuot, also known as the Feast of Weeks and as Pentecost in Ancient Greek, is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the anniversary of the day God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel.

The pivotal point of all holy dates should be the beginning of the Essene Year as determined by the pre-Babylonian Jews based on the instructions from God. The date of the Essene Year New Year is based on the Sun and not on the Moon as the post Babylonian Jews did going against the explicit instructions from God:

The Essene Year starts at sundown of the first Tuesday after the Spring Equinox.  (If the Spring Equinox happens to fall after the sundown of a calendar Tuesday, the Essene Year will start after the sundown of the Tuesday of the following week).

Our combination of the pre-Babylonian Jewish Holy Days and the Christian Holy Days is determined by  the beginning of the Essene Year, which was confirmed by the date when Jesus had His Last Passover Meal - which Christianity has chosen to label the Last Supper.

From that pivotal date - Jesus' Last Passover Meal - the dates for key Christian Holy Days are established:

Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, Holy Trinity Sunday, Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The observance of the Holy Days of Christ the King and  the Baptism of Jesus are based on theo-logic as God inspired miguel de Portugal.

In addition, from that pivotal date - Jesus' Last Passover Meal - which reflects the beginning of the Essene Year, the key Jewish Holy Days now are rescheduled:

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year);

Passover (Jesus' Last Passover Meal);

Yom Kippur (our atonement and repentance - from the arrest of Jesus to His expiration on the cross), Sukkot (from His Resurrection, our freedom, until Mercy Sunday, our forgiveness which is observed eight days later); and

Shavuot (Pentecost Sunday - the confirmation of what Jesus taught or equivalent to the deliver of the Ten Commandments by God to Moses. After all Jesus said: Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. [Matthew 5:17] ).

The Solemnity of Christ the King has been changed to the Sunday following His ascension since: ...hereafter (after His ascension) the Son of man shall be sitting on the right hand of the power of God. [Luke 22:69]

If something is still not clear enough and cannot be answered by the referred documents (1)(2), please do ask and we will strive to clarify it further.

(1) Source
(2) Definition of Key Jewish Holidays

Have you heard that.... Church membership in US plummets over past 20 years? (1)

The percentage of U.S. adults who belong to a church or other religious institution has plunged by 20 percentage points over the past two decades, hitting a low of 50% last year, according to a new Gallup poll. Among major demographic groups, the biggest drops were recorded among Democrats and Hispanics.

Jesus reminds us: ...when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? [Luke 18:8]

miguel de Portugal comments: The level of real faith - which is what Jesus is speaking about - is always substantially below the level of Church membership. That is how bad things really are.

(1) AP Reports

April 16th

From miguel de Portugal

We read that:

Firefighters battled a massive blaze at the French capital's iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral on Monday that caused the collapse of the medieval church's spire, though officials said the main structure of the building had been saved.

The fire chief in Paris says the city's team have managed to save Notre-Dame Cathedral from complete destruction after battling the flames for hours. (1) 

The following, from the Message of La Salette, France, came to mind:
At the first blow of His thundering sword, the mountains and all Nature will tremble in terror, for the disorders and crimes of men have pierced the vault of the heavens. Paris will burn and Marseilles will be engulfed. Several cities will be shaken down and swallowed up by earthquakes. People will believe that all is lost. Nothing will be seen but murder, nothing will be heard but the clash of arms and blasphemy. (2)
Just as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame is synonymous with Paris. Could this be a symbolic fulfillment of "Paris will burn"? After all, it has happened the Monday after the traditional Palm Sunday, the day when Jesus.... ...cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the chairs of them that sold doves. [ Matthew 21: 8-13]
(1) France 24 Reports
(2) The Message of La Salette

Have you heard that... Former Trump Advisor, Steve Bannon and U.S. ultra-conservatives are taking aim at Pope Francis? (1)

Bannon is not alone in criticizing the pontiff. A raft of conservative Catholics, from bishops to lay theologians to firebrand pundits, have attacked Francis.

They were supporters of Francis traditionalist predecessor, Benedict XVI, who unexpectedly resigned in 2013. Last Thursday, Benedict published a letter outlining his views on the sex abuse crisis (2).

Bannon has found an ideological ally in conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke, a former archbishop of St. Louis who was demoted by Francis and has supported calls for the pope's resignation.

Back on September 15th, 2018,.... we published (3) the following about Mr. Bannon's move to Rome:

We have just learned that Steve Bannon, former Trump White House adviser, will be working for a right-wing Catholic institute in Italy. 
"Bannon will be  helping to craft the curriculum for a leadership course at said institute, stepping up his efforts to influence conservative thinking in the church.

Cardinal Raymond Burke, a leading Vatican conservative who is president of the Institute’s board of advisers, said Bannon would be playing a leading role there. "

...meanwhile, back at the farm, as the saying goes....

"Cardinal Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis and  prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in 2011, the Church's 'supreme court,' was given - back then - even more responsibilities by Benedict XVI.

According to the Vatican Information Service, Cardinal Burke, well known for his orthodox views, was named by the Holy Father (Benedict XVI) on Dec. 29 as a member of three important congregations of the Roman Curia. They include the Congregation for Bishops, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, and the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.

The addition of Cardinal Burke to the Congregation for Bishops could be significant for the Church's future. The Congregation is the curial office responsible for assisting the pope in the selection of new bishops.

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments is responsible for overseeing the Church's liturgical practices.

The Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts' chief responsibility is interpretation of Church law."

....but in the proverbial closet we found out that....

"Archbishop Burke's farewell Mass in the Archdiocese of St. Louis was held in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis on Sunday, August 17, 2008. It was concelebrated by Bishops George Joseph Lucas, Robert Joseph Hermann, John Joseph Leibrecht, John R. Gaydos, Robert W. Finn, Raymond James Boland, and Kevin William Vann.

In addition, over seventy-five priests, fifty seminarians, a full honor guard of the Knights of Columbus (over 60 members), and over fifty Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta were in attendance".

....and that...

Cardinal Raymond Burke,.... is a Cardinal who’s the.... leader of a faction within the church allied with the very right wing organization Opus Dei..... 

...however, the same source thinks that the Opus Dei... fighting Pope Francis. And more or less, despises the direction that Francis has been taking the church.

When the truth is, as we have proven through many venues, that Francis is just a puppet of the Opus Dei.

It seems that Mr. Bannon will fit right if we consider Burke's comments on his new appointment.

As you may see - the Opus Dei was even advising Mr. Trump since Mr. Bannon was the Chief Strategist to Mr. Trump during the first seven months of his Presidency.

...meanwhile, again back at the farm, as the saying goes...

"The White House top financial advisor now is Larry Kudlow, a former Jew and now a steadfast Opus Dei member ."

All the while Mr. Trump does not have any idea of what is really taking place around him as the Opus Dei is trying to manipulate him.

Comment added on April 16th, 2019

Remember, for the Opus Dei to fulfill its plan of "saving" the Church (RCC) and the World, they have to first bring down the RCC and what a better way than propping Francis behind the scenes so that he can destroy the RCC, while at the same time attack him to promote their image as the saviors of the RCC and then of the world.

Right on schedule!

It is "all out there" before everyone's eyes yet no one knows what is really taking place unless the keys are provided by someone - and that is part of our function.

(1) NBC News Reports
(2) US News Reports
(3) Original post with all footnotes

April 9th

From miguel de Portugal

Many times I think, write or say - in reference to societal and political world events - something like: "What is wrong with them?" or "How can't they see it?" or "Are they that blind, that stupid?" or "Isn't it obvious to everyone?".... and then God explained it to me - as a Palm Sunday gift.

Let's go back to the last few months of Jesus life before His crucifixion. Now, think about the obvious miracles that He performed - up to and including the resurrection of Lazarus practically at the doors of Jerusalem and witnessed by many Temple lackeys; the reattaching of the ear - cut off by Peter - from a servant to the chief Priest when He was being arrested; and a many others major miracles well known to the Temple Masters.

Gamaliel, a Pharisee, thus part of the Temple Masters, knew well that if Jesus was not of God and He were to be ignored, His movement would die of its own accord, just as we read in Acts of the Apostles 1: 34-39 when he used this logic to dismiss the Apostles left after Jesus was crucified. Yet Gamaliel did not use that logic before Jesus was crucified to spare His life - he used it afterwards.

Now, let us consider how well those same questions, that keep coming to mind, apply to the Temple Masters as well: 

"What is wrong with them?" or "How can't they see it?" or "Are they that blind, that stupid?" or "Isn't it obvious to everyone?"

Now then, if they had applied Gamaliel's logic to Jesus, He would not have been crucified and there would not have been Salvation since He was, and is, the only Messiah and the Messiah had to suffer as Jesus did. That is, the Temple Masters had to be blind to those realities so that prophecy would be fulfilled and humanity given an opportunity to Eternal Life.

Now, let us come back to today so that we may fully understand why today's political, religious and social leaders are blind to what is obviously happening in the world - just as the Temple Masters were about Jesus.

Jesus clearly stated: And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened. [Matthew 24:22]

"Those days" are our days, and the effective blindness and stupidity of today's political, religious and social leaders will soon trigger the full blown Apocalypse so that the Elect will be saved - if not, even they would be lost.

Simple, isn't it? As it always is once God reveals it!

You may then ask: What are we to do if we are not to help the political, religious and social leaders become aware to what is really taking place so that they take the appropriate steps and avoid a major catastrophe - the full blown Apocalypse? For example, explain to UK's Prime Minister May what is the source of the problem that she has encountered in her efforts to separate the UK from the European Union (Brexit) and why she is  being blocked (*) - just like Mr. Trump is being blocked in many areas no matter what he does.

We are to do what we have been announcing for years:

(a) Pray and offer sacrifices so that the Will of God be manifested in all areas of the world so that suffering is minimized among the Elect, while Divine Justice is Dispensed and Prophecy fulfilled; and

(b) Make available to all the information that we have published. That is, make available but do not insist for the same reasons Jesus spoke in parables....

That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand: lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. [Mark 4:12]
(*) Every time I started to write to Mrs. May, as we often did to key world and religious leaders between 1991 and 1998, God has stopped me. Now I understand why, just as now I understand why He essentially blocked me from doing so to other key world and religious leaders since 1998.

By the way, the amount of correspondence to and from key world and religious leaders between 1991 and 1998 would fill a good size book. Conversely, similar correspondence  from 1998 to date might not amount to be more than ten items. It seems that once He used me to secure the ten year compression of the tribulation period, no further effort would be necessary since there would not be any further compressions.

Do not forget... that Jesus asked St. Faustina that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would begin on Good Friday.

He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena. We invite one and all to participate in it so that suffering is minimized among the Elect, while Divine Justice is Dispensed and Prophecy fulfilled.

From Mrs. LC @ US

I thank you for sharing the incredible workload that is yours in your role as the Lord’s emissary.  My God...

I review your index of documents on a regular basis.  This is an exceptional tool for searching untold topics, and am very grateful for the time and effort you put into keeping it updated.  It truly is so appreciated.

I have been following, to the best of my ability, this Lent in accordance to Jesus’ Calendar.  I have found it to be particularly meaningful in a manner I simply cannot describe.  It’s just “different” from the other Lent.  More meaningful, somehow, and am very grateful you have brought this particular Knowledge to the attention of the Readership. 


Thank you for your kind words. Regarding the workload - we are reproducing it below for those who are unaware of it....

Most, on "the other side of the screen", have no idea as to what happens "on this side of the screen" and that is just in the Internet part of our functions.

Besides the usual posts which have been made - up to now - six days a week...

(a) Take a look at the amount of documents that we have on line - Index of Documents Sorted by File Name   - Those documents need maintenance, which include added on links.
(b) Daily review of Domain statistics to determine if something is amiss as well as blocking commercial links to our pages.
(c) We are adding new documents on a weekly basis plus translating into Spanish those that have never been translated
(d) Right now we are in the process of translating two key books, the content of which people must be made aware of.
(e) Increase the reach of our service to the children of God  by translating more documents  into Spanish for part of our worldwide readership which has been neglected.
...and that is just in the Internet part of our functions.

It should be obvious to most that all of that is only possible strictly through the Grace of God.

Regarding the Lent according to Jesus' Calendar - we are glad that it has made a difference to you. We certainly feel the difference - a more intense spiritual feeling pervades the days and Masses. In the next day or two we will publish the Mass schedule that we will follow beyond today's Last Passover Meal.

April 2nd

From miguel de Portugal

We wish to use the following highly distressing news report as a reminder of why prayers is of utmost importance since, with it, we can reach the otherwise unreachable and help correct the otherwise hopeless situations.

He walked 4,000 miles to reach the West. He returned home with a broken jaw and shattered dreams. (1)

When you've walked 4,000 miles seeking a better life in the West, it takes a lot to even consider returning to your war-torn homeland. For Khasim, a young Afghan who walked through the Middle East and Europe with the hope of finding a home in Germany, that moment came when a gang ambushed him and fractured his jaw on a backstreet in Athens, Greece, where he had been selling his body to survive.

Khasim hit rock bottom after the attack, and he found himself in the same place as many migrants before him: desperate to leave but facing the shame and stigma of returning home.

Let us not get caught up in the blame game regarding what policies from which countries ruled by the politician of the day are to be blamed. The blame rest squarely in the shoulders of all Christians, most specifically those of the Catholic Faith (East and West) since that is the faith which contains the most effective arsenal to fight evil... when and if used.

We have Kashim, and the millions like him, covered as follows:

Main Intention for Monday Mass: For the benefit of the members of the Elect who are suffering throughout the world as the result of our iniquities and greed.

Main Intention for Tuesday Mass: For the benefit of the members of the Elect who are part of the ever increasing group of refugees (2) throughout the world.

Main Intention for Thursday Mass: For the benefit of the "Lazarus" of the world - the hungry and homeless.
Secondary Intention for all Masses: For the benefit of those who have no one praying for them and those who are in most need of then Mercy of God.

Daily Chaplet of Mercy: For the benefit of the members of the Elect who are suffering throughout the world, and in Purgatory, as the result of our iniquities and greed.

Daily Rosary decade:
For the conversion (or complete neutralization) of those whose actions are causing so much misery in the world.

Plus various and sundry offerings and sacrifices throughout the day on their behalf - just as Mary requested that we do.

No; I am not "running for sainthood" - I just want to make sure that I live, to the best of my ability, what I claim to be. It seems that most of Christendom have forgotten:

But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more. [Luke 12:48]

What about my needs? someone may ask. He's got them covered!

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you. [Luke 12:31]

Perhaps I have an advantage over many - I have often dealt - on a personal basis - with people in total despair and abandonment as well as people like Kashim of both genders.  Believe me, the sorrow that I felt and even now I feel as I bring those memories to the forefront of my mind - outstrips, by far, the sorrow I feel as I see my own son slowly dying a painful death. At least he has those who love and care for him and do their best to assist him. Think about that!

Let us make sure that our hands are full of good deeds when we stand before Jesus as we try to justify our lives and deeds, while satan is accusing us of our many, many misdeeds.
(1) News Report
(2) An unprecedented 68.5 million people around the world have been forced from home. Among them are nearly 25.4 million refugees, over half of whom are under the age of 18. Source

Today's Gospel.... John 5: 1-16, was made to order by God to follow the prior post.

Now there is in Jerusalem at the Sheep Gate a pool called in Hebrew Bethesda, with five porticoes. In these lay a large number of ill, blind, lame, and crippled.

One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be well?"

The sick man answered him, "Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool
when the water is stirred up; while I am on my way, someone else gets down there before me."

Jesus said to him, "Rise, take up your mat, and walk." Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked.

Now then, didn't Jesus say...

Amen, amen I say to you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater than these shall he do. Because I go to the Father: and whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, that will I do: that the Father may be glorified in the Son. [John 14:12-13]

Perhaps you may now understand the importance of serious prayer and to remain as close to Him as possible since "whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, that will I do". It should now be clear that we will be responsible for the condition of the world unless we utilize the powerful tool that God has place in our hands - the Catholic Faith - to correct what is wrong in it through prayer, fasting and acts of charity.

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