The M+G+R Foundation

Heaven Is For Real!


Francis, the Bishop of Rome, Is Not!

A Commentary by miguel de Portugal

If my memory serves me right, only twice, since my conversion in March 19, 1985, I have walked into a bookstore and someone has walked up to me and placed a book in my hand and said something like: "Here, you need (or may want) to read this book." It is interesting to note that both events have happened in two different book stores where I was/am a regular client and which are seven thousand miles apart.

The first book, which was handed to me in a Religious Bookstore in Houston, Texas, was: "An Appeal from Mary in Argentina - The (1983) Apparitions of San Nicolás" by René Laurentin, 1990. I had never heard of such apparitions before or since. When I read it it was obvious that it was God Who moved the cashier (not even the saleslady!) of the bookstore to place the book in my hands.

Twenty-two years later I realized why God wanted me to become thoroughly familiar with said apparitions in Argentina (1). Even though it was the Marian apparitions which enjoyed the fastest approval and support of the country's Hierarchy, Jorge Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis, never even visited the site, let alone give it his support.

The second time was a few months ago in a small town in Spain. The scenario was identical to the one that took place 22 years ago in Houston and my response, recognizing the Hand of God, the same. I purchased it and began to read it immediately.

This book was the Spanish edition of "Heaven Is For Real" by Todd Burpo. As some of you may know, the book is "A little boy's astounding story of his trip to Heaven and back."

Why did God resort to His infrequent method of literally placing the book in my hand? Because He has forbidden me from reading any publications that have to do with Near (final) Death Experiences.

A notable exception was "Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife" written by a now famous-because-of-the-book Neurosurgeon - Dr. E. Alexander - about which we issued a serious warning (2) in the form of a document.

After reading Todd Burpo's "Heaven is For Real", published two years before Alexander's book, it is obvious to me that Alexander's book seems to have been satan's response to "Heaven Is For Real".

As you may have gathered already, we essentially confirm the stories in Burpo's book about his son's experience as true. Although we could go down a list, point by point, as to why we can say that Colton's experience reflects the truth, we will not because such insight could be used in the falsification of similar stories, should the information get out of this private circle.

It should be sufficient for those who have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear to know that: I know from personal experience and personal revelations that what little Colton revealed, a little bit at a time, is the way it really is. That is also why we have no doubt that the image of Jesus, about which Colton said: "Dad, that one's right.", is indeed accurate.

We highly recommend a prayerful review of said book. (3)

If you choose to read it and have any questions and/or doubts, let us know and, God Willing, we will address them.


We do not recommend
the follow up books and/or interviews - even if written/given by Todd Burpo. The genuineness and purity of the first book, with the spontaneous responses by little (3-4 years old) Colton, should not be replaced , color or improved by those of an older child nor the more recent parental memories.

(1) The Apparitions in San Nicolás, Argentina
(2) A Proof of Heaven
(3) Heaven is For Real

Published on March 13th, 2014 - 1st Anniversary of the alleged papacy of Francis

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