Communications During Marian Apparitions (*)
1. Guadalupe - Mexico - 1531 [Ref. (1)] (**)
Complaint: None
Request: Build a Sanctuary
Prophecy: "Here (in the Sanctuary) I will hear their (your people) weeping, their sorrow
and will remedy and alleviate their suffering, necessities, and misfortunes.
World's Response: Local church authorities responded at once. Faithful have been flocking
there for centuries.
2. Miraculous Medal - France 1830/1831 - [Ref. (11)]
Complaint: The times are very evil.
Request: Have a medal struck, build an altar on this site. Promote trust to Her as the
Immaculate Conception through the distribution of medal.
Prophecy: Great misfortune will come to France. The whole world will be upset... The cross
will be insulted; blood will flow in the the streets... In 40 years...
World's Response: The medal was struck promptly and distributed widely by church
authorities. Altar built later. No immediate worldwide promotion of Marian devotions.
3. La Salette - France 1846 - [Ref. (2)]
Complaint: The people and the clergy have turned to the ways of the world.
Request: Return to Her Son and His laws.
Prophecy: Many of the worldwide calamities from that time and up to our current times were
World's Response: A basilica was built and a statue consecrated but no worldwide promotion
of Marian devotions.
Note: December 8, 1854, the Roman Catholic Church pronounced the Dogma of
the Immaculate Conception of Mary. This She confirmed in Lourdes in 1858, setting the basis for
the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart.
4. Lourdes - France 1858 - [Ref. (1)]
Complaint: Indirectly, by the requests made.
Request: Penitence ! Pray to God for the conversion of sinners. Have a chapel built here.
Prophecy: Many physical and spiritual healings will result from the miraculous spring that
She propitiated at the Apparition site.
World's Response: A huge sanctuary was built and, finally, large scale devotion to Our Lady
begins to be promoted.
5. Fatima - Portugal 1917/1929 - [Ref.(3A), (3B) & (4)]
Complaint: Do not offend the Lord our God any more. He is much offended.
Request: Pray the rosary daily. Consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. Stop offending
Our Lord. Promote First Saturday of Reparation. Build a chapel here.
Prophecy: If Her requests are not heeded a worse war (than WW I) will take place (WW II),
Russia will spread its errors in large scale and... if people do not mend their ways there will be
a horrible, horrible punishment...
World's Response: A large sanctuary was built, as requested, to promote devotion to Our
Lady, but, what She specifically requested was not done exactly as per the instructions and
schedule from Heaven
6. Beauraing - Belgium 1932/1933 - [Ref. (1)]
Complaint: None
Request: Always be good. Pray, pray very much.
Prophecy: None
World's Response: Not much
7. Banneux - Belgium 1933 - [Ref. (1)]
Complaint: None
Request: She wanted a small chapel and many prayers.
Prophecy: None
World's Response: A chapel was built.
8. Rosa Mystica - Italy 1947;1966/1976 - [Ref. (5) & (5A)]
Complaint: Loss of vocations. Religious and clergy living in mortal sin and betraying Jesus
like Judas.
Request: Much penitence, prayer and expiation. Hour of Grace to be promulgated by Pope Pius
XII. Cultivate Devotion to Her Immaculate Heart.
Prophecy: Our Lord is tired of so many offenses and sins against holy purity. He wants to
send another punishment of the same magnitude as the Flood of Noah's time.
World's Response: No church-wide support. No recognition of the Hour of Grace. Mostly
ignored by the hierarchy of the Church.
9. Garabandal - Spain 1961/1965 - [Ref. (6)]
Complaint: 1. The cup is (on 1961) already filling up. 2. Since the message of 1961 has not
been heeded, now (1965), the cup is flowing over.
Request: Must make sacrifices & perform much penance. Make this message widely known.
Amend your lives.
Prophecy: "You should turn the wrath of God away by your efforts. Ask for forgiveness and
He will grant it." [Implied prophecy : "If you do not change your ways and ask for forgiveness you
will have to contend with wrath of God.] There will be a Warning and a Miracle.
World's Response: The laity has done much to promote the message without official Church
support. Individuals of the Church clergy have not done much to promote the messages.
10. Akita - Japan 1973 - [Ref. (6A)]
Complaint: Many people in this world hurt the Lord. The action of the devil is going to
infiltrate even the Church, to the extent that Cardinals will be opposing Cardinals, Bishops will
be set against other Bishops.
Request: Say the Rosary [the correct translation is "Pray the Rosary"] every day. With the
Rosary pray for the Pope, the Bishops and Priests. Pray continuously for the Pope, Bishops and
Priests. I am seeking for souls to console Him.
Prophecy: "If people do not repent and do not improve, the Father will send a terrible
punishment on the whole of humanity. This will be a more serious punishment than the Flood, worse
than any there has ever been. A fire will fall from heaven and will annihilate a great part of
humanity, the good with the evil, sparing neither priests nor the faithful. The survivors will
find themselves in such desolation that they will envy the dead."
World's Response: There has been limited promotion of this message. Although it has the
approval of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith most people are not aware of it.
11. San Nicolás - Argentina 1983/1990 - [Ref. (7)]
Complaint: She quoted Ez 2:4-10. (We are hard headed and are not listening to messages of
Request: Listen to what the Lord expects from you through the Scriptures quoted. Go and
preach everywhere. Build a large sanctuary here.
Prophecy: Many souls will be lost. [Our Lady is no longer acting to stop the chastisement
because, as reflected in the two prophecies above, it is too late. Now it is a matter of praying
for conversion to save souls and to reduce the severity of the chastisement.]
World's Response: The local hierarchy approved the execution of everything asked for by the
Virgin Mary and, at the time of this writing, is proceeding with the building of the sanctuary.
12. Medjugorje - Yugoslavia/Bosnia 1981/1993 - [Ref. (8)&(9)]
Complaint: The world has gone materialistic and is going to total perdition and ruin.
Request: Pray, fast, do penance and return to the Sacraments. Reconcile yourself with God
and with one another. Hurry !
Prophecy: Great chastisement will come after a warning and a great miracle. "Hurry, hurry
to convert, the time people have is short!" - She is exhorting us.
World's Response: The public response has been of supernatural proportions. At the time of
this writing, over 16 million million have journeyed to the site. Millions of conversions. The
Universal Church cannot take an active role in its promotion, yet it is making it easy for its
dissemination on the merits of its rich yield of good fruit.
NOTE: This apparition has all the indications of a "Last Call" and Our Lady
has labeled it as such.
(*) For detailed Bibliography,
Click Here
(**) For additional details, Church approval status and an
analysis of each Apparition, Click Here.

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