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False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalization and the Quest for a One World Religion

by Lee Penn

PLEASE NOTE: We do not advertise nor promote commercial items in this Domain, however, in this case we must make an exception since Mr. Lee Penn's FALSE DAWN accurately fills in all the details of two of our documents: THE SPIRITUAL AMBUSH OF A UNIVERSAL RELIGION and THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW WORLD ORDER

Nothing is more likely to spark war and civil strife in our time than inter religious hatred - something that has become painfully obvious. As globalization and a fast shrinking planet throw the world religions into ever more violent confrontation, militant religious elitism and the demonization of the religious "other" are threatening the security of our world as never before.

The Interfaith Movement is dedicated to inter religious understanding and the prevention of religious violence. But could this movement now be facing a different threat, one coming from an unexpected direction? Could the very call for unity among religions unwittingly open the door to a totalitarian co-optation of religion by the globalist elite?

In "False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism and the Quest for a One World Religion", Lee Penn takes a penetrating look at the history, allies and agendas of the United Religions Initiative, the most expansive and ambitious interfaith movement of our time.

While finding little fault with its stated aim of preventing religiously motivated violence, the author shows how the alliance between the URI and various powerful groups and individuals on the global stage has raised the specter of political control of the various religions by some non-religious authority, as a way of enforcing unity and peace.

While drawing much of its funding from liberal sources, the URI has also received backing from organizations tied to the U.S. State Department, and garnered expressions of support from the likes of George W. Bush.

Its all-inclusive policy has opened the door to at least one figure with apparent ties to al-Qaeda, as well as to the extreme anti-Communists and gay-baiters of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. Though "False Dawn" deals mostly with the excesses of extreme liberalism, the author also warns of the authoritarian "new ecclesial movements" within Christianity.

All who are interested in the preservation of true freedom of religion (as in "pray and let pray"), and freedom of speech (as in "preach and let preach") in the religious sphere, should read this book. Knowledge is indeed power: power to avert, by prayerful and intellectual means, greater evils.

For condensed details on the position of the Roman Catholic Church, Click Here

Sophia Perennis, 2005; ISBN 15973100X; US: $27.95; UK: £19.95
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[Bookstores: under 5 copies, 20% discount; over 5, 40%; libraries: 20% discount; order through Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Bertram's, Gardner's, or: p e r e n n i s @ t a c o n i c . n e t]

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Published on May 10, 2005 - European Union

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