Board of Updates
Document Published On: December 31st, 2006 [The Eve of the Year 2007]
A Message for the transition from the year 2006 to the year
Document Published On: December 27th, 2006 [Feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist]
The claim that the world is over populated is no more than
myth with which to erode the remaining shreds of the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith.
Without a doubt, many of the Catholic Faith Administrators should be thrown out like the
proverbial "bath water"; however, we must be very careful not to throw out the proverbial
"baby" - the Catholic Faith - with it.
Document Published On: December 24-25th, 2006, at Midnight UT [7 PM EST]
It is the Will of God that on this Holiest of Nights His children be informed that on October 13,
1991, at the pre dawn Mass at the Church of the Annunciation, the manifestation of what He
promised through the prophet Malachias: Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the
coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to
the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers: lest I come, and strike the earth
with anathema. began to unfurl as miguel de Portugal left the world
behind to answer His call.
May all who have Eyes to See, see, and Ears to Hear, hear, for the time of His return is indeed at hand:
May all who have Eyes to See, see, and Ears to Hear, hear, for the time of His return is indeed at hand:
Behold he cometh, saith the Lord of hosts. And who shall be able to think of the day of his
coming? and who shall stand to see him? for he is like a refining fire, and like the fuller's
herb: And he shall sit refining and cleansing the silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi,
and shall refine them as gold, and as silver, and they shall offer sacrifices to the Lord in
justice. 4 And the sacrifice of Juda and of Jerusalem shall please the Lord, as in the days of
old, and in the ancient years. And I will come to you in judgment, and will be a speedy witness
against sorcerers, and adulterers, and false swearers, and them that oppress the hireling in his
wages; the widows, and the fatherless: and oppress the stranger, and have not feared me, saith the
Lord of hosts.
Document Published On: December 22nd, 2006
On December 15, Rev. Cantalamessa, the preacher to Benedict XVI’s household, proposed a
Church-wide day of penance for the clerical sex abuse scandal.
We refute it and outline the penance that God
Of course, our proposal will be rejected and that is why, the Mystical Body of Christ - the Church - will be crucified.
Of course, our proposal will be rejected and that is why, the Mystical Body of Christ - the Church - will be crucified.
Document Published On: December 19th, 2006
For what is to come, and is at the door already: What is the best way
to be prepared?
Brethren, this is not a joking matter!
Brethren, this is not a joking matter!
Document Published On: December 11th, 2006 [Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe]
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is unquestionably co-Redemptrix and
Mediatrix of All Graces. Do not expect The Vatican to make an official pronouncement on this
issue - It is just as "Politically Incorrect" as Consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and, as it has been proven over the Centuries, it is Mammon whom
they serve, regardless of the cost of human lives.
Therefore, miguel de Portugal has done so in the Name of God. You may "not know miguel de Portugal's face" but, be assured, he is not the one who is "drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." [Revelations 17:6]
Therefore, miguel de Portugal has done so in the Name of God. You may "not know miguel de Portugal's face" but, be assured, he is not the one who is "drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." [Revelations 17:6]
Document Published On: December 5th, 2006
THIS IS exactly why we should not be wasting our time chasing down
comets and asteroids that will hit the Earth. We should use the time
left more constructively in building a better relationship with God.
Document Published On: November 25th, 2006 [Eve of the Feast of Christ the King]
God has allowed us to now release an easy to understand description of
satan's "Secret Weapon" and how it has been carefully assembled
over the last five decades and how it is being used.
Document Published On: November 23rd, 2006 [Thanksgiving Day]
Document Published On: November 18th, 2006 [Mary, Mother of Divine Providence]
Selected and Highly Recommended Prayers that - We Wish to
Share With You
Document Published On: November 9th, 2006 [Dedication of the Basilica of St. John of Lateran]
The Falsification of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary -
Confirmed Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Document Published On: November 7th, 2006 [Mid Term Election Day in the USA]
About Deception - Only Understanding Its Magnitude Can
the Faithful Avoid Being Victimized by It
Document Published On: November 1st, 2006 [All Saints Day]
The time has finally come for An Exposé of the Core Belief of The
Jehovah's Witnesses
Document Published On: October 30th, 2006
While most of the Western world focus on Halloween - ghosts and ghouls - let the Elect focus in
the greatest of virtues - Charity - by taking advantage of a true gem found in the Indulgence
Treasury of Catholicism. Let us prove to God our generosity by praying
for the prompt release of the souls in Purgatory. Remember, they can no longer do anything for
themselves although they can assist us through their prayers. You do not need to pay anyone
to buy this great Gift - It is totally free if you are willing to give it - it only takes an act
of your free will.
Document Published On: October 21st, 2006 [Feast of Mary's Presentation]
As the enemies of God have been waiting for, miguel de Portugal has
spoken infallibly. Of course, if he has not, then Christianity is just but a fading mirage.
You can be the judge... keeping Gamaliel's counsel [Acts 5: 34-39] very much in mind.
Document Published On: October 18th, 2006 [Feast of St. Luke, The Evangelist]
In celebration of the Feast of St. Luke and in view of the world news and well programmed and
orchestrated rumors and fears about the end of the world, we recommend a prayerful review of the
very timely documents that we have listed in our End Corner. The
reader will be well informed as well as relieved. Remember - Fear,
despair and condemnation is
never from God.
Document Published On: October 16th, 2006 [Feast of Mary's Purity]
For a "Reading" about what the visitors to The M+G+R Foundation Site are most interested in,
Click Here [The link that was here has been
cancelled] and view the listing of the twenty-four most visited documents for the month of
September. Although 30 % of the documents visited were in Portuguese, we only have a very small
fraction of documents in Portuguese. Only 53 % of the documents visited were in English
although the overwhelming majority of our publications are in English
Such interest, as measured by the Portuguese audience, brings to mind Mary's words about the Faith and Portugal as well as the post 9-11 Spiritual State of the English speaking world.
Such interest, as measured by the Portuguese audience, brings to mind Mary's words about the Faith and Portugal as well as the post 9-11 Spiritual State of the English speaking world.
Document Published On: October 9th, 2006 [First Nuclear Test by North Korea]
We have added an important NOTE to our long forgotten document about the
Supernatural Manifestations at Conyers, Georgia. We encourage one and all to review said
Document Published On: October 7th, 2006 [First Saturday and Feast of the Holy Rosary ]
When we ask of God, we must be sure that we will receive what we asked for. How He goes about
providing it can be most interesting.
The manifestation of the invention that we found and are sharing with you is a prime example of why we must do what we can and then leave the rest to God for He will surely handle it!
The manifestation of the invention that we found and are sharing with you is a prime example of why we must do what we can and then leave the rest to God for He will surely handle it!
Document Published On: October 2nd, 2006 [Feast of the Guardian Angels]
In celebration of the Feast of the Guardian Angels for the year 2006, we wish to encourage one and
all to offer prayers of Thanksgiving to the Great Archangel Michael. From
this ancient and very lengthy prayer to
Michael the Archangel segments may be selected and offered from time to time in appreciation
for what he does for us on behalf of God. Let us not forget that he is the Prince of the Heavenly
Hosts and whose very name means "Who Is Like Unto God?" [Who dares to pretend to be an equal to
Document Published On: September 21st, 2006
As the clock ticks and the Media relentlessly confirm the prophecies, we encourage the Elect to
review two key documents which we published within the last year: "Are
We There Yet?" and the logical follow up, "It IS About That
Time". Then, be reminded about "What Can We Do?"
Document Published On: September 17th, 2006
As Ratzinger tries to explain that what he quoted - thus endorsed in the context used - about
Islam, we encourage the Elect to be well informed about the
fundamental teachings of Islam. Teachings which ascribe the Virgin Mary, proclaimed by them as
the Immaculate One, greater importance than the Catholic Faith has ever given Her.
Let the Elect not fall in the same trap Ratzinger did by throwing stones without first checking if the roof over his head was made out of glass. In reality, he fell into a double snare because of the Infallibility claim the Church Administration insist upon.
But then again, as we have often said - even satan must serve God, because God is above all and rules all.
Let the Elect not fall in the same trap Ratzinger did by throwing stones without first checking if the roof over his head was made out of glass. In reality, he fell into a double snare because of the Infallibility claim the Church Administration insist upon.
But then again, as we have often said - even satan must serve God, because God is above all and rules all.
Document Published On: September 14th, 2006 [Celebration of the Triumph of the Cross]
As we celebrate the Triumph of the Cross, we must remember that before that Triumph there was a
Via Crucis. However, we must be encouraged by the thought that our
personal via crucis are to be lived one step at a time... and, if
we take each step while following Him, then any suffering will be
minimized, without question.
Rejoice!, Step No. 17 is truly within sight!
Rejoice!, Step No. 17 is truly within sight!
Document Published On: September 8th, 2006 [Celebration of the Birth of the Virgin Mary our True Mother]
As the sexual abuse scandal stories continue to occupy prime time in the media, only to be
surpassed by Opus Dei stories, as related to the now famous The DaVinci
Code, it seems very odd that both blockbuster stories have not been connected. To fill such
void we are publishing, through the courtesy of SCP Magazine, a segment of an article written by
Mr. Lee Penn which will be in the current issue said magazine. We have titled that segment of Mr.
Penn's article The Response of the Opus Dei to the Priestly Sex
Abuse Scandal.
Document Published On: September 1st, 2006
We wish to bring to the attention of the Elect a document written by Mr. Lee Penn which contains
theo-political information that becomes more and more relevant as "the clock ticks on".
The Myths About the Papacy We wish to encourage
fanatics and those on denial not to review
this document - as we stated above, it is only for the Eyes of
the Elect.
Document Published On: August 28th, 2006
To assist those who are trying to make "heads and tails" of what is going on in the world, we wish
to bring to the attention to new visitors to our Domain The Game Plan. Once
you read it and review the contents of the Links from it, you will view most every news report
from a totally different perspective. For those who have already reviewed it in the past - we
recommend a second and third reading; even miguel de Portugal finds new
information in the document he himself wrote in the Name of God.
Document Published On: August 22nd, 2006 [Feast of the Queenship of Mary]
As a matter of course we do no evaluate nor issue opinions of the ever-increasing rivers of
Apocalyptic Domains, a situation which keep reminding us of Revelations 12:15 And the serpent
cast out of his mouth after the woman, water as it were a river; that he might cause her to be
carried away by the river.
However, three Domain have been brought to our attention about which we must comment - even if it is in very general terms.
However, three Domain have been brought to our attention about which we must comment - even if it is in very general terms.
Document Published On: August 17th, 2006
At last - the mystery has been solved.... and we now know
where did Cain wife came from. After all, after he
killed Abel, according to the "literal" census taken of the world at that time, there were only
three individuals: Adam, Eve and Cain.
Scientists rejoice! Creationism and Evolution walk hand-in-hand. However, we regret to inform the Opus Dei philes that still no one can serve God and Mammon - and never will!
Scientists rejoice! Creationism and Evolution walk hand-in-hand. However, we regret to inform the Opus Dei philes that still no one can serve God and Mammon - and never will!
Document Published On: August 10th, 2006
What has been amply prophesied God reconfirms it now speaking from
nearly 2900 years ago. But, who is really paying attention? Only
they are; and for them only is for whom
we exist.
Document Published On: August 9th, 2006
Now that Archbishop Milingo is back out on the Scandal Limelight, it may be wise to review
a document we published back in the year 2000. It may shed some
light on other pressing issues besides Archbishop Milingo's agendas.
Document Published On: August 4-5th, 2006 - [First Friday of the Month , Feast of Our Lady of the Snows and First Saturday of the Month]
We have received a very disturbing note regarding an official statement through the official
Garabandal center (Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Inc.) where it is claimed, in the
following terms: "NO THIRD WORLD WAR" - Our Lady Said at Garabandal.
This statement is so serious that we have addressed it in a New Document
This statement is so serious that we have addressed it in a New Document
Document Published On: August 1st, 2006
The words "fanatic" and "fanaticism" have become two of the most used words in the mainstream
languages of the world. As it happens in most cases, we repeat words without really comprehending
its meaning. We have come across the most accurate definition of "Fanatic"
and "Fanaticism". A definition which is so comprehensive that it shows how Fanaticism merges
in Idolatry. We highly recommend a prayerful review of such enlightened explanation.
Document Published On: July 24th, 2006
A complete and easy to use Index of the documents appearing in this Domain have been graciously
prepared by one of our assiduous readers. Through This Index
the visitor will have at his/her fingertips all the information necessary to safely navigate
through the End of These Times.
Document Published On: July 20th, 2006
As the Middle East spins out of control - most likely for the last time - it behooves one and all
to understand the workings of Divine Justice so that there are no
surprises nor "Why Lord?" moans and groans, for, we assure you,
they will be ignored.
Document Published On: July 16th, 2006 [Our Lady of Mt Carmel]
Even the level-headed Media is beginning to catch on that
we are at the edge of the abyss.... and that was back on January 2006!
We advise the "potatoes" out there to trade the "couch" for a recliner and start praying. The myth that "it is never too late" does not apply when one is standing before the Throne of Judgment of that God Whom most only gave lip service. If you doubt us, ask the five virgins [Matthew 25: 1-13] that had no oil for their lamps when they needed it the most... while keeping in mind that those who had the oil did not share it with them.
We advise the "potatoes" out there to trade the "couch" for a recliner and start praying. The myth that "it is never too late" does not apply when one is standing before the Throne of Judgment of that God Whom most only gave lip service. If you doubt us, ask the five virgins [Matthew 25: 1-13] that had no oil for their lamps when they needed it the most... while keeping in mind that those who had the oil did not share it with them.
Document Published On: July 13th, 2006 [Mary, Rosa Mystica]
The foundation of the real "GOOD NEWS" may be found here, and the best part of them it is that
Jesus will help you every step of the way in making them an integral part of your life.
Although delivered 2000 years ago, they still have not been properly delivered to the poor suffering humanity. Wait no more!
Although delivered 2000 years ago, they still have not been properly delivered to the poor suffering humanity. Wait no more!
Document Published On: July 9th, 2006 [Mary, Miraculous Mother]
miguel de Portugal viewed the Da Vinci Code film when it premiered in Portugal - one day earlier
than in most (if not all) of the world - on its first showing of May 18th.
His comments, mailed to our List on the 19th, may be reviewed by Clicking Here.
His comments, mailed to our List on the 19th, may be reviewed by Clicking Here.
Document Published On: July 7th, 2006
As the logical result of our publication regarding the identity of the AntiChrist many valid
questions were asked and comments made. We have now compiled such questions and comments with the
appropriate responses. Such compilation may be accessed by
Clicking Here.
Document Published On: June 30th, 2006
In the year 1996, Cardinal Ratzinger made a public statement about the Messages of Fátima which
were quite disturbing because of the negative effect it would have on the Faithful. At that time,
miguel de Portugal was moved to write to him about his statements with copies to the Hierarchy and
Media. You may access the beginning of the letter by Clicking Here
and then move through the letter-report from the Link at the bottom of the first page.
Document Published On: June 4th, 2006
For the Glory of God, and the benefit of those who have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear, we hereby
announce today who has occupied the position of the antiChrist,
the man who will be the forerunner of the False Christ.
Document Published On: June 2nd, 2006
We have now published in English a document which was originally sent, in its Spanish version, to
the Presidents of all Episcopal Conferences of Latin America in 1997.
In this document we scientifically explain the reality of the hypostatic union; the reality that Jesus is - God AND Man from His very conception in Time. This is an effort to counter the neo-theologian movement which continues to attempt to bring down Jesus to the mere mortal level.
The document may be accessed by Clicking Here
In this document we scientifically explain the reality of the hypostatic union; the reality that Jesus is - God AND Man from His very conception in Time. This is an effort to counter the neo-theologian movement which continues to attempt to bring down Jesus to the mere mortal level.
The document may be accessed by Clicking Here
Document Published On: May 25th, 2006
May the Peace of God continue to be upon you!
In honor of the Ascension of Our Lord, we have published a document from guest author Charles Upton. Mr. Upton
covers, from a different angle than we did in our earlier document, the serious implications and consequences of the
"Gospel" of Judas.
You may access the new document by Clicking Here.
In honor of the Ascension of Our Lord, we have published a document from guest author Charles Upton. Mr. Upton
covers, from a different angle than we did in our earlier document, the serious implications and consequences of the
"Gospel" of Judas.
You may access the new document by Clicking Here.
Announcement Published On: May 16th, 2006
On September 11, 1990 at 9:09 PM, President George Herbert Walker Bush spoke before a joint
session of Congress, regarding the Persian Gulf War. Among other topics, he stated that the war
presented an opportunity for a "New World Order" to emerge.
A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged
across the span of human endeavor. Today, that new world is struggling to be born,
a world quite different from the one we have known, a world where the rule
of law supplants the rule of the jungle, a world in which nations recognize the shared
responsibility for freedom and justice, a world where the strong respect the rights of the
This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come.
This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come.
Posted On: January 18th- 2006
As the homosexual theme movie "Brokeback Mountain" wins four Golden Globe awards and a homophobic
wave sweeps across Europe we suggest a review of our document about
Homosexuality Within the Biblical Context. Lack of charity and basic
Christian behavior is what triggers homophobia which, in turn, triggers more of what the
homophobes complain about - a never ending cycle of hate and fear.
Most homophobes consider themselves "good Christians" - thus we must presume that they are fans of the Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen because their behavior has nothing to do with Jesus Christ nor His teachings.
Most homophobes consider themselves "good Christians" - thus we must presume that they are fans of the Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen because their behavior has nothing to do with Jesus Christ nor His teachings.
Posted On: January 15th- 2006
Self appointed "experts" interpret and promote the fabled Esperanza's version of the imminent
coming of Jesus and, true to our function, we reject it and expose what
is behind it. But perhaps the most revealing part of the document is its tone - it even
surprised m de P as he was composing it. May those who have Eyes to See....
Posted On: January 11th- 2006
The real State of
Russia. A true eye opener - A must for understanding the near future.
Posted On: January 4th- 2006
As promised in Part II to our Document on Biblical
Literalism we have prepared and issued a brief historical summary of the Four Gospels. Basically
a: Where? By Whom? When? and Written under what circumstances?
This new document will further strengthen the Faith on the
Word of God and assist the Faithful in understanding it better.
Posted On: January 1st - 2006 - Feast of the Holy Family
Now that we have pointed out that "it is about that time" (posting below) we wish to assist the
Faithful in "armoring" their Faith further so that any and all onslaughts from the evil one will
be neutralized.
We have prepared a Part II to our Document on Biblical Literalism. This second part looks into the reliability of the original Greek texts of the New Testament. This information, combined with Part I of the document (the clarity of which has been enhanced) will allow you to repel any attempts to discredit the Holy Scriptures as a vehicle to establish a solid and intimate relationship with God, while enhancing the Faithful's awareness of the need to be in tune with the Holy Spirit of God.
We have prepared a Part II to our Document on Biblical Literalism. This second part looks into the reliability of the original Greek texts of the New Testament. This information, combined with Part I of the document (the clarity of which has been enhanced) will allow you to repel any attempts to discredit the Holy Scriptures as a vehicle to establish a solid and intimate relationship with God, while enhancing the Faithful's awareness of the need to be in tune with the Holy Spirit of God.
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