The M+G+R Foundation

New Documents Released Up To March 5th, 2005

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Posted On: March 5th, 2005

The Future of the Domains of The M+G+R Foundation Has Been Decided in Accordance to the Will of God.

Posted On: March 3rd, 2005

In an effort to assist the Faithful who have nowhere to turn for consolation, we have tried to explain how God interacts with us in our daily lives and how satan attempts to disrupt such interaction.

Posted On: March 1st, 2005

Due to a programming error the Stations of the Cross were not showing up properly - instead, the image of Pontius Pilate washing his hands kept coming up repeatedly.

Posted On: Februray 25th, 2005

An Important Communication to Our Readers About the Future of The M+G+R Foundation Domains

Posted On: Februray 23rd, 2005 - The Eve of the Anniversary of the Discovery of the Head of John the Baptist

Understanding How Divine Justice Functions Is the Key to Understand "the Why" the Future of the U.S.
Posted On: Februray 20th, 2005 - Our Lady Of Tears

As the World Institutions come crashing down, specifically what can an individual do to assist God? Plenty!

Posted On: February 14th, 2005 - St. Valentine - Martyr

Providentially, we are writing this update from a location just a literal stone's throw of Sister Lucia's Carmel Convent. Yes, indeed, she has passed on to her Heavenly reward. It is not another Vatican "bait-and-switch" story.

If you wish to honor her and console her posthumously for the suffering she endured seeing how the Church Administration trampled on the opportunity God gave mankind through her and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta, we suggest the following:

(a) Re acquaint yourself with the Chronology of the events;
(b) Read from her own handwriting (with the official English translations) the key parts of the Messages Heaven delivered through them for the benefit of mankind;
(c) Familiarized yourself with the real Third Part of the Message, as revealed through the actions of responsible Church Administrators;
(d) The proof of what was revealed as the Third Part of the Secret, using H.H. John Paul II as a prop, is an outright lie;
(e) Understand how a key portion of the Fátima Message works - and then - practice it!
(f) Avoid spending time in trying to "read the tea leaves" regarding the meaning of why she died now; why she died on the 13th; etc., etc. The greatest honor anyone can bestow on a messenger from Heaven is to act upon the message. The rest is just empty talk, just like Church Administrators did back then.

Posted On: February 11th, 2005 - Our Lady Of Lourdes

The Remaining Old Testament Prophecies Will Soon Be Finally Fulfilled. But do not take our word for it...
It is so obvious... to those who Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.

Posted On: February 9th, 2005 - Ash Wednesday

Let us accompany Jesus in His journey to the fulfillment of our Redemption by Meditating together the Scriptural Viacrucis

Posted On: February 7th, 2005

We recommend a careful review of the February 7th Post at our News Commentary Section

Posted On: February 3rd, 2005

What to expect Beyond H.H. John Paul II? The Hierarchy worldwide was advised of this Eleven Years ago!

Posted On: January 31st, 2005

This type of action is what Our Lord Jesus Christ meant when He said: - Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. [Matthew 5: 44] - We stand by this plea just as we did nine years ago. Even though they continue to uphold the invalid You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. [Matthew 5:43]

Posted On: January 27th, 2005

Ecclesiastical Secret Societies - Who are they? How to detect them? - Obviously the British government is having difficulty with this now.

Posted On: January 24th, 2005 - Eve of Conversion of St. Paul

Study Finds No Explaining Weeping Statue of Madonna - Details and Comments on News Commentary Section - Posting of January 24th

Posted On: January 23rd, 2005 - Mary's Wedding

With "Black Thursday" behind us, we are dusting off our - We Told You So Documents

Posted On: January 18th, 2005

Today we are starting a new program - Points to Ponder About Very brief thoughts that will assist the faithful in their spiritual journey as well as an aid in strengthening their faith.

Posted On: January 17th, 2005

The Importance of the Virgin Mary and the Infinite Power Available to Her. She IS Far More Than "Just a Pretty Face" and it behooves mankind to pay attention to Her.

Posted On: January 13th, 2005

If it seems that all in the world is crashing down, it is because IT IS... so.... What Can We Do?

Posted On: January 10th, 2005

Do not lose faith and become discouraged if you are worried about any doomsday prophecy date coming due? Don't!

Posted On: January 8th, 2005

Although we have been moved to copious intercessions on behalf of those departed and remaining victims of the devastating Earthquake in South East Asia, the magnitude of the tragedy, 150,000 plus deaths, do not impress us as much as the deaths related to the establishment of Sovietization in Russia and World War II. The deaths resulting from such man made, and totally preventable, tragedy was 1,000 times that of what South East Asia has just experienced.

The earthquake and ensuing tidal waves
could not be prevented; however, the Sovietization in Russia, its world wide consequences and World War II were preventable and the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church opted NOT to do so.

As if that abomination was not enough, the Vatican tried to cover up its tracks with an outright lie as they re-created the third part of the Secret of Fátima.

For those of you who have fallen prey to the "Denial" syndrome - that is, to deny the sad reality the world is in - we have prepared a new document wherein we address the Consequences of the Sin of Denial ; consequences that may only be surpassed in seriousness by the sin against the Holy Spirit of God.

Brethren - our only hope is to Appeal to the Mercy of God... before it is too late to do so!

Posted On: January 5th, 2005

The Judeo Christian Religious Days of Note and Marian Feast Days for the Year 2005 Have Been Published. There are many interesting "coincidences" for the year 2005

Posted On: January 1st, 2005 - Mary, Mother of God

As the New Year begins, we invite you to carefully review the latest updates in our Public Forum and our News Commentary Section : We also wish you a Blessed Year in accordance to the Will of God.

Posted On: December 31, 2004

As part of the world is literally awash with thousands upon thousands of decomposing corpses due to, what was formerly known as, "an Act of God", we are about to enter a new year in a most symbolic way - for the first day of the New and Sorrowful Year of 2005 providentially coincides with the first Saturday of the month.

As many of you know, the Devotion to the Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary offered as an act of reparation for the innumerable sins of mankind, is practiced on the First Saturday of each month. Let us start the New Year right by making reparation to the Most Sorrowful Heart of Mary.

For those of you who have fallen prey to the "Denial" syndrome - that is, to deny the sad reality the world is in - we have prepared a new document wherein we address the Consequences of the Sin of Denial ; consequences that may only be surpassed in seriousness by the sin against the Holy Spirit of God.

Posted On: December 26, 2004

The number of Christmas Day 2004-2005 Earthquakes continue to increase and God Wills that I remind one and all that the area most affected by the greatest earthquake on earth of the last 40 years (8.9 Richter) took place in the focal point of Sex Tourism in which the young ones are prostituted for the deviant pleasure of the "tourists".

What the world is now witnessing is another chapter of Divine Mercy in Action

We repeat: The power to diminish the need for God to exercise His last ditch effort to bring souls back to Him and Eternal Life still is in our hands.

Posted On: December 24, 2004

Blessed Christmas! + Feliz Natal! + ¡Feliz Navidad!
[Link no longer available; 2022]

Posted On: December 20, 2004

Another reminder.... Appearances Are Deceiving : Just as the Japanese Diplomats were in negotiations with FDR's government in Washington, D.C., their air and sea armada was approaching Pearl Harbor.

Posted On: December 16, 2004

A Final and Important Note has been posted on our Planet "X" Note Pad

Posted On: December 14, 2004

Now that Bishop Wilton Gregory has been rewarded by The Vatican for his loyalty to them - not God - and has been made Archbishop in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, we invite the faithful to review our communication to him on October 2002.

Posted On: December 12, 2004 - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of the Americas

Why did the Blue Army of Fátima - the most effective and official Ministry ever established to disseminate and act upon the Messages of God to His Children and which were delivered by His Mother , essentially ceased to effectively exist as a true Evangelization force?

Posted On: December 7 - 8, 2004 - Memorial of Pearl Harbor and Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Appearances Are Deceiving : Just as the Japanese Diplomats were in negotiations with FDR's government in Washington, D.C., their air and sea armada was approaching Pearl Harbor.

Likewise, while many of the faithful think that they are "doing the right thing" (while ignoring every possible warning from the Immaculate One) they are willingly playing into satan's hands.

Posted On: November 30, 2004

The Illuminati - Fact or Fiction? - It should now be easy for you to decide unless you opt for the favorite past time of These Times : Denial

Posted On: November 24, 2004

A Road Map To Perfection : It Is Easy To Follow... ...If We Allow God To Help Us

Posted On: November 21, 2004 - Feast of Christ the King and Memorial of Mary's Presentation

Why should Catholics make such fuss over the Feast of Christ the King when they blatantly ignore His Mother's urgent requests?

Why should the Church honor a King Whose Mother is ignored?

Why should we observe with hypocritical attentiveness the Memorial of Mary's Presentation when Her very urgent, approved by Rome and well documented call is ignored?

Why should God have Mercy on the Church He founded when its Administrators clearly allow the deceit of His children?

Why should the unprepared virgins, [Matthew 25: 1-12] who were caught without an adequate supply of oil, should be cast out unrecognized by the Lord? For the same reason ones the other fools, [Matthew 25: 8] cited above, will.

Posted On: November 19, 2004

A Testimonial of the Living Fulfillment of Our Charge. If we had tried, we could not have expressed it better.

Posted On: November 16, 2004

The State of the Roman Catholic Faith - A Current Report.

Posted On: November 12, 2004

To better understand our explanation for the results of the U.S. Presidential Election, we must understand Time and Eternity.

Posted On: November 6, 2004

Who was the true victor in the U.S. Presidential Elections? Good or Evil? Of course - it all depends who one asks the question. This very valid question has been fully addressed, yet not fully answered, in the November 6th posting of our News Commentary Section.

Posted On: November 3, 2004

Why does miguel de Portugal speaks with self-certainty and seemingly without lack of fear of being wrong? This valid question has been addressed if full in the November 3rd posting of our Public Forum.

To access all previous postings CLICK HERE

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2004 - 2005 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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