The M+G+R Foundation

The Third Part of the Secret of Fátima

In Conclusion - Part II

Amen, amen, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to dress yourself and go where you wanted; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go. [St. John 21:18]

These were among the parting words Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Peter. These words perhaps better illustrate the fate of our beloved John Paul at the twilight of his Pontificate and at the twilight of the true Papacy.

It is the Will of God that we face now, head on and without further delays, the discrepancies regarding the Third Part of the Secret of Fátima which the evil hordes have spewed as a torrent of water out of their mouths after the woman to sweep her away with the current. [Revelations 12:15]


Point No. 1

In the revealed portion of the secret (1) Sr. Lucia speaks of a vision. The only words that were spoken were from the angel who said: "Penance, Penance, Penance!"

In her disclosure of the first two parts of the secret (2) she states that: The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world. In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved; etc.... Do not tell this to anybody. Francisco, yes, you may tell him."

In the above etc.... was contained the words of Our Lady regarding the third part of the Secret. Obviously, it was not only a vision like the vision of hell which they had earlier in the apparition. It was a statement and a vision. Underscoring this Our Lady tells Lucia "Francisco, yes, you may tell him."

This is because the only ones who could hear Our Lady were Lucia and Jacinta. Francisco could only see Our Lady but could not hear Her. If the third part consisted only of the alleged vision, Francisco would have seen it and it would have been unnecessary for Our Lady to give Lucia permission to tell him.

Point No. 2

The following is from Lucia's Third Memoirs written on the second half of 1941.(3) The M+G+R Foundation will italicize key words or statements of note.

Jacinta's Visions Of The Holy Father

One day we spent our siesta down by my parents' well. Jacinta sat on the stone slabs on top of the well. Francisco and I climbed up a steep bank in search of wild honey among the brambles in a nearby thicket. After a little while, Jacinta called out to me: "Didn't you see the Holy Father?" "No". "I don't know how it was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him."

I have already told you [this is Lucia addressing her Bishop], how one day two priests recommended us to pray for the Holy Father, and explained to us who the Pope was. Afterwards Jacinta asked me: "Is he the one I saw weeping, the one Our Lady told us about in the secret?" "Yes, he is", I answered. "The Lady must have shown him also to those priests. You see, I was not mistaken. We need to pray a lot for him".

Note from The M+G+R Foundation: In the recently revealed visual componenet of the secrett, (1) the world is told that "...a Bishop dressed in white, we had the impression that it was the Holy Father..." How could they have the impression that it was the Pope when they did not know it; it was at a later time that two priests explained to them who the Pope was. Besides, Our Lady told and showed (1) them the secret. [Please refer to the above paragraph.]

At another time, we went to the cave called Lapa Cabeco. As soon as we got there, we prostrated on the ground, saying the prayers the Angel had taught us. After sometime, Jacinta stood up and called to me:

"Can't you see all those highways and roads and fields full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And so many people praying with him?"

Some days later, she asked me: "Can I say that I saw the Holy Father and all those people?" "No! Don't you see that that's part of the secret? If you do they'll find out straight away." "All right! Then I'll say nothing at all."

The many references to the Holy Father and the references of the unrevealed portion of the secret do not match in any manner what the powers in control of The Vatican are trying to pass as the Third Part of the Secret - which is strictly its viual component.


Although this document does not pretend to expose every inconsistency, we feel that what is being exposed will clearly indicate that what the Vatican presented as the Third Part of the Secret is incomplete.

It is obvious that the visions of Jacinta regarding the Holy Father were not fully fulfilled no matter what they pretend to show that Lucia has said or written recently. There must be coherence amongst the messages and visions and there is no coherence amongst what is being passed as real using John Paul II just as a mere prop... "...when John Paul II grew old, and stretched out his hands, they dressed him and lead him where he did not want to go."

What the enemies of God want to do is to give a false sense of security to the faithful and the world at large. Otherwise, how could they carry on with their plans?

EPILOGUE [Added on August 25th, 2014]

In Lucia's biography published by the authorities of the Carmelite Convent in Coimbra (Portugal), and approved by the appropriate Episcopal authorities, it has been reported for the first time, that what Lucia revealed to the Ecclesiastical authorities and the Vatican made public on May 13th, 2000, was not the complete Third Part of the Secret of Fatima.

It was only the imagery which accompanied Mary's explanation of what it meant which, in essence, was the real Secret and which Lucia took to the grave with her.

You may access details about the above revelation through This Link. In time we will incorporate said information in several of the documents indexed on this page and which require this critical update.

(1) Text of Alleged Third Part of the Secret of Fátima
(2) Lucia's Earlier Publications
(3) All quotations are taken from "FATIMA in Lucia's own words" published by the Postulation Centre in Fatima, Portugal with its "Approval to Publish" granted at Fatima on May 13, 1976 by the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Don Alberto Cosme Almaral. The English translation is backed up by the original version in Portuguese "Memórias da Irmä Lúcia", 6th Edition. Imprimatur granted on May 13, 1990 by the same Bishop.

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