The M+G+R Foundation

Understanding the Wrath of God

Viewing the World From God's Perspective

Originally published in 2001


The Taliban rulers of Afghanistan orders the destruction of two statues of Buddha which had been carved into the mountain side in the third and fifth centuries...

...and the world's reaction was...

Reuters reports on March 2, 2001, that:

Unesco Sends Envoy To Kabul... for urgent talks. “Words fail me to describe adequately my feelings of consternation as I see the reports of the irreversible damage done to Afghanistan's exceptional cultural heritage”, Matsuura said.


India termed the envisaged destruction “a regression into medieval barbarism” and offered to look after the artifacts for all mankind.


Muslim Iran... said the monuments were part of the “country's cultural and national heritage and belong to the history of the region's civilization in which all humanity has a share”.


Neighboring Muslim Pakistan, ... made fresh moves to dissuade the radical Islamic movement from its plan.

And as if it were not enough...

Francesc Vendrell, ... chief U.N. envoy for Afghanistan, said he had warned Taliban Foreign Minister... of world wrath at the destruction in a three-hour meeting...


New York Museum Offers To Buy Statues: Vendrell... had relayed an offer from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art to buy the treasures rather than see them smashed.

Not being enough all the efforts already made...

In New York, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the director of the Met museum had called him about the offer...


The Association of Art Museum Directors... said it would “stand by any effort” to retrieve the art.


India Contacts UN Security Council... urging them to make the Taliban see reason...


Sri Lanka said it would consider buying smaller artifacts from the Taliban.

And, lastly, to top it all off...

The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, a branch of the 55-member Organization of Islamic Conference, said it had urged Kabul “to refrain from demolishing the statues and monuments” in Afghanistan which “constituted a universal human heritage”.

Zenit finally reports on March 31, 2001:

This week Taliban officials showed to foreigners what remained of the two statues of Buddha... destroyed on orders of the Afghan rulers who considered them idolatrous.


All of this commotion over two stone statues while the most vulnerable Crown Jewels of the Creation of God were and are...

+++ Dying, by the millions, of hunger and disease in Africa, North Korea, India, etc.

+++ Being aborted and discarded by the millions worldwide as if they simply were human waste.

+++ Being used as prostitutes throughout the world to serve a completely decayed civilization.

+++ Living in the sewer systems of Bucharest and other Eastern European cities.

+++ Being bought and sold as slaves around the world.

... and hardly a whisper on their defense by the High, or the Mighty, or the Pious Self Righteous Religious Leaders of the world.


We do not endorse nor approve any form of violence – even directed against inanimate objects like statues. However, we must point out that...

The world is mobilized to save stone idols while the least of His brothers die as if they were diseased and abandoned animals by the roadsides of the world. [Matthew 25:40]

God has allowed this situation in Afghanistan to remind us how far we have fallen and its consequences, a preview of which we have had in Rwanda and Kosovo. [Those previews were announced by the Mother of God.]

Furthermore, be it known to the people of the world that...

When the idols of Christianity follow suit it will not be because God has abandoned His people; it will be because His people have abandoned their God and replaced Him, as Israelites prophetically did under the guidance of their Priest Aaron, with a variety of Golden Calves. [Exodus 32: 1-6]

And finally...

Be aware that God will deal with the inhuman version of the globalization effort, which is the one which will prevail, using the same logic, not method, but logic, He utilized when He dealt with the people working on the Tower of Babel [Genesis 11: 1-9]

We have spoken in His Name.

miguel de Portugal

NOTE Added on October 17, 2001:

This document was issued on July, 2001. The world has lived through September 11, 2001 and the beginning of its aftermath. Once again, God has used the Taliban fanatics to deliver a message to His children. This is the second major message that He has delivered to us in this manner. The first one was a warning about our thinly disguised Idolatry.

The Second Message is of greater significance. As the Anthrax spores seem to take possession of the U.S., its citizens, as well as those of its allies, live in fear in spite of the government efforts to appear calm. [It is hard to visualize a calming evacuation of the U.S. Congress].

We addressed this Second Message in a recent document which clearly spells out that the only hope that we have is obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ. All the weapon arsenals of the world, air marshals, airport security check points, etc. cannot protect its citizens now.

Why has God allowed this? Because it is the only way that His children will learn that all solutions are in God. How long it takes us to learn that? It depends on how much pain we are willing to endure before we turn back to God and surrender ourselves at His feet.

Related Documents

The September 9-11 Events - In Conclusion

President Bush Deal With the Taliban

The Only Solution To Terrorism Is To Obey Jesus Christ

God spoke frequently to us through the dates of World Wars I and II

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