The M+G+R Foundation


March 2, 1998

His Eminence William H. Keeler, Cardinal
Baltimore Archdiocese
320 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

The Marian Movement of Priests and its proclamation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Peace be with you, Your Eminence!

We have deemed it appropriate and necessary to transmit to you the copy of additional correspondence with Rev. Albert Roux, National Director for the Marian Movement of Priests, regarding the official proclamation by the MMP, a candidate to receive Pontifical Approbation from The Vatican, of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is a matter of time before such information, fully backed up with auto-confirming documentation, reaches the main stream and alternative Press, printed and electronic.

Considering that the Marian Movement of Priests is the most generally accepted and respected current Marian Movement group, boasting in its United States membership "...61,000, including 3600 priests and 21 Cardinals and Bishops", we believe that the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church should publicly address this issue.

Improperly handled and appropriately publicized, such information may make the media obsession with the alleged Monica Lewinski-President Clinton issue pale by comparison.

All appropriate theological interpretations and their repercussions are left to your apt discretion.

Originally signed by: miguel de Portugal

for The M+G+R Foundation

Enclosures [not reproduced here]

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Released to the general faithful for the first time on September 2000

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