The M+G+R Foundation Breaking News

Wednesday, 21 February

Col. Lunev Warns of Russia on CNN

Yesterday [February 20, 2001], CNN International, watched by millions in more than 200 countries, featured's exclusive columnist, Col. Stanislav Lunev. (1)

Lunev is the highest-ranking military spy ever to defect from Russia. His amazing story is told in his best-selling book "Through the Eyes of the Enemy".

Of course, after being Russia's top spy in Washington and China, Lunev is well versed in spying and counterespionage – and an in-demand guest with new revelations about Russia's spy within the FBI. (2)

Col. Lunev told CNN's worldwide audience that America remains in danger from Russia – and that the latest FBI spy scandal (3) is just the tip of the iceberg.

In 1992, Lunev defected just as Yeltsin was taking power. (4)

At that time Lunev told the CIA and the FBI not to believe the talk of democracy in Russia and the "end of the USSR."

Russia's military was still dead-set on preparing for a major, nuclear war with the U.S. (5)

He said that Russian plans called for a major buildup of strategic weapons, like nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as the U.S. disarmed. Russia also planned to keep up its spying activity in the U.S.

Lunev knew this firsthand.

In fact, part of his job —even after "the breakup" of the USSR— was to locate drop sites in the U.S. where suitcase sized nuclear bombs would be detonated before Russia launched missiles at the U.S as part of a surprise attack.

Since 1992, much of what Lunev says has come to pass.

Russia has engaged in a massive buildup of strategic weaponry and, as the latest spy case shows, has continued her efforts to undermine and spy on America's national security apparatus.

NewsMax claims that America has also dramatically disarmed over the Clinton-Gore Administration. (6)

Col. Lunev's revelations were largely ignored by the Clinton-Gore administration (6), but some top intelligence experts are worried that Lunev has been right all along.

Original Source:

(1) Details about Lunev in Wikipedia
(2) Opus Dei's ex-FBI Agent Robert Hanssen Betrays the US
(3) The Perversions of ex-FBI Agent and Opus Dei Member - Robert Hanssen
(4) We refer you to the Sequence of Events... which were originally issued, through the Grace of God, on November 1992. God began to get this information out to the faithful at the same time Col. Lunev defected to the United States of America.
(5) We refer you to the letters of warning miguel de Portugal sent to the President of the United States of America regarding this matter.
First Letter Dated June 3rd, 1993
Third Letter Dated September 1st, 19
(6) The M+G+R Foundation disagrees with those declarations from May those who have ears to hear, hear.

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Post-Nuclear Information Sub-Site

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The Nuking of Russia - The Plans Revealed

En Español:  La Unión Soviética no ha muerto - El Coronel Lunev advierte del peligro de Rusia

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