The M+G+R Foundation

Communications to the Marian Movement of Priests

PLEASE NOTE: miguel de Portugal does not endorse the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) (1) since 1995; on the contrary, he considers the MMP to be the contrived "Department of Marian Messages" of the Opus Dei (2).

The purpose of publishing this communication is to illustrate the good relationship that miguel had with many MMP Directors worldwide until Gobbi attempted to destroy it. The excellent relationship - coupled with the condemnation of miguel de Portugal by the MMP headquarters (3) - speak volumes, for those who have Ears to Hear (4), about the real intentions of the organizers of Marian Movement of Priests [not necessarily the National Directors].

This communiqué was released to the general faithful for the first time on September 2000. Then, in the year 2008 it may have been edited from its original form because at the time of the original publication miguel de Portugal had not clearly stated the differences between:

(a) The Anti Christ and the False Christ .
(b) The real Church - composed by the living stones of those who are members of the Family of Jesus [Mark 3:35] - and the Administrators of the Roman Catholic Church. Hence, when he now refers to the Roman Catholic Church, to avoid confusion,  m de P refers primarily to its Administration.

He also had not realized the heretical aberrations of:

(a)  Calling the Roman Catholic Church "Holy Mother Church".  Mary is our Mother, thus Mother of the Church since we compose the Church.
(b)  Calling the Roman Pontiff and Bishop of Rome "Holy Father". Only God is the Father and only God is Holy because He is truly Good. [Matthew 19:17]

Also we added links to documents that had not been published at the time the original communication was written.

Communiqué No. 4

Exclusively To: Marian Movement of Priests Directors - Selected Distribution Centers Worldwide
From:                miguel de Portugal
Date:                February 9, 1994

My dear brother of the Marian Movement of Priests:

I pray that this note finds you peacefully reposing spiritually in the beautiful garden within the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother.

Today we would like for you to briefly focus on the message (No. 482) of November 22, 1992, Feast of Christ the King, which was brought to my attention today.

p "...because the times which were foretold to you by the prophet Zechariah have now come.
q ..........
r "An oracle of the Lord: In all the land, two thirds of them will be cut off and perish; and one third shall be left.
s "I will pass this third through fire; I will refine it as silver is refined, test it as gold is tested.

Refer now to the documentation issued to you dated June 13, 1993 containing, among other documents, " The General Sequence of Events Leading To The Second Coming of Our Lord ".

Our Mother confirms to us that two-thirds of the population will perish and one third will be refined AND tested.

The one third is the group that will greet Our Lord on the Parusia. This is why they have to be PURIFIED and TESTED. That is, Purgatory on earth by living through Steps Nos. 1 - 18. (4),

What will happen to the other two thirds? Steps Nos. 1 - 5 of the "General Sequence..." (4), you were provided with will tell you.

Step No. 1 is the nuclear holocaust that, literally, any day now will manifest itself. (5)

Please, understand the urgency of the instructions from Heaven. Truly, I assure you, there is nothing else to do except obey Our Mother and ALL of Her accepted Messages.

Keep in mind - these events are a Supreme Act of Mercy from God.  (5)

P.S. If you misplaced the "General Sequence..." document you may request it through: [Information deleted for the publication to the general public]

Originally signed by: miguel de Portugal


(1) The position of miguel de Portugal regarding the MMP
(2) About the Opus Dei and their real "Salvific Agenda
(3) The evaluation of miguel de Portugal by the MMP Headquarters.
      We must ask: Why if what he had done up to then was support them?  The answer lies within Communiqué no. 5.
(4) The General Sequence of Events
(5) A lengthy delay was granted about which miguel de Portugal was informed by God in 1997.  A key reason is related to this.
(6) Examples of similar acts of Mercy: Various Examples  and One Major Example

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