I Tell You - Be At Peace - All Is Well
Why Should You Worry? - Rejoice Instead!
...the World Is Not Going to End!
There are many rumors circulating in the world regarding "The End", the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and a worldwide conspiracy allegedly led by the Illuminati.
The number and variety of these rumors are only surpassed by the number of visionaries transmitting messages on behalf of the Virgin Mary, Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Father. Heavenly Messages which may be incoherent with the Holy Scriptures and legitimate Heavenly Apparitions. Sometimes one wonders if these visionaries think that Our Lady of Fatima never met Our Lady of La Salette, and that both think that Our Lady of Medjugorje and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at Garabandal are just a couple of upstarts and that the four of them have no clue as to the contents of the Sacred Scriptures.
If the situation were not so serious it would make a comedy script for another anti-Catholic movie. Should we wonder why Catholics have become the targets of abuse and ridicule?
This Index Page has been designed with the intent of bringing some internal and external coherence to the subject matter at hand. We pray that you take advantage of this information and that it brings you some measure of peace.
Yes, many terrible things will happen and are happening, but, as we begin to understand what is really taking place and choose to draw closer to God, then fear will dissipate and the Peace of God will flood our souls.
The Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But When???
You will get a general idea about the timing with the information that you are being given in
this site.
Visit the link and find out for yourself.
Anatomy of a Campaign for the Intoxication of Public Opinion
This is one thing that we have to watch out for: Manipulation By The Press
Visit the link and learn how one of them was carried out on a global scale.
The Achievement of a Universal Religion
How it will be utilized to achieve control of the world.
Visit the link and you will begin to understand the interrelation of all apparently unrelated
world events.
En Español | Em Português
En Español | Em Português
The Achievement of One Universal Government and Its Demise
It is not going to happen the way people are expecting it.
Mysteries of God That Allow Us To Better Understand Heavenly Messages
Many self appointed scholars and Evangelists agree and tell you that the End of the World is at
hand. That is Not True! This is only done to cause your despair and fill their pockets.
Visit the link and you will be able to enlighten them and enjoy your journey through this
En Español
En Español
Heaven Speaks Loudly With Events But We Don't Even Notice
WORLD WARS I and II - Key dates and their relation to messages and warnings from heaven.
Secrets From the Sacred Scriptures Unfold... As We Understand Their Relationship With Heavenly Messages
Not all alleged Heavenly Apparitions are true. Do you want to be able to tell them apart?
The General Sequence of Events Leading To The End of These Times
God would not let His children stranded without a Book of Instructions which would help them
navigate through the End of These Times. It is just a matter of seeing how it all fits together.
Until now there was no need for that "key". Now there is a need and He has made it available to
the world through Miguel de Portugal.
Visit the link and you'll will see how the Holy Scriptures really make sense. Total coherence -
from Genesis to Revelations.
En Español | Em Português
En Español | Em Português
Visionaries and More Visionaries... Who should the Faithful believe?
Few visionaries are legitimate. Do you want to be able to recognize them?
Do NOT Count on the Roman Catholic Church Administrators to Warn You!
But... What Time Is It? Are We Almost There Yet?
The Faithful is entitled to know.
Above All... DO NOT Despair! : DO NOT Give Up!
God IS truly above all! Believe in Him!
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