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Opus Dei celebrations in which Cardinal Viganò is known to have taken part

Vigano admiring the work of Esriva

Carlo Maria Viganò (1) took part in the following celebrations related to the Opus Dei:

- In 2012, when he was Papal Nuncio in the U.S., Viganò was the main celebrant of a Mass for Opus Dei's founder, Josemaría Escrivá, on his feast day, June 26, at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle in Washington, D.C. (2)

- In 1994, when he was Apostolic Nuncio in Nigeria, Viganò was the main concelebrant at a Mass offered for the suffrage of the late Alvaro del Portillo, first successor at the head of Opus Dei, on April 9 at St. Agnes Church, in Lagos. (3)

- In 1990, when he was the Permanent Delegate of the Holy See to the Council of Europe, he took part in the celebration/Mass in Strasbourg for the fifteenth anniversary of the transit of Opus Dei's founder, Josemaría Escrivá. (4)

- In 1989, when he was the Permanent Delegate of the Holy See to the Council of Europe, he took part in the celebration/Mass in Strasbourg for the fourteenth anniversary of the transit of Opus Dei's founder, Josemaría Escrivá. (5)

- In the above mentioned celebration in 1994 for the transit of Msgr. del Portillo:

“Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio in Nigeria, commenting on the beginning of the apostolic activities of Opus Dei in Scandinavia and in some countries of Eastern Europe and the Far East, expressed his satisfaction in noting that all these achievements "bear the stamp of the humble and simple style of Bishop del Portillo, of his fine evangelical intuition, of his fidelity to the path traced by Blessed Josemaría Escrivá and of his service to the Holy Father".” (6)

Carlo Maria Viganò was consecrated as Bishop in 1992. His main consecrator was the Pope John Paul II. His two co-consecrators were:  (7)

* Card. Franciszek Macharski (Archbishop of Kraków) and
* Card. Angelo Sodano (Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria Nuova)

They were (Macharski died in 2016) also close friends of Opus Dei:

- In 2002, Card. Macharski, co-consecrator of Viganò, authored a prologue for a book compiling various texts by the founder of Opus Dei. (8)

- In 2005, Card. Sodano, co-consecrator of Viganò, headed the thanksgiving Mass for the 50th anniversary of the priestly ordination of the then Prelate (general director) of Opus Dei, Javier Echevarría (9). The celebration was in the ancient and important Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome (10).


(1) Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, currently (Feb. 2022) not holding an official position (retired), titular of a symbolic see (Titular See of Ulpiana)

(2) : Masses for Feast of St. Josemaria (2012)

(3) : Romana (Italian edition), n. 18, January-June 1994, pp. 57-85

(4) : Romana (Italian edition), n. 10, January-June 1990, pp. 103-110

(5) : Romana (Italian edition), n. 8, January-June 1989, pp. 125-132

(6) : Romana (Italian edition), n. 18, January-June 1994, pp. 48-56

(7) : Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

(8) : Romana (Spanish edition), n. 33, July-December 2001, p. 212

(9) : Romana (English edition), n. 41, July-December 2005, p. 255

(10) St. Mary Major in Rome is the most important Basilica of The Immaculate One


* is the official site of Opus Dei
* ("Romana") is the official public bulletin of Opus Dei
* is a very well organized database about The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church (not official, but very exhaustive and up-to-date)

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En Español:  Celebraciones del Opus Dei en las que se sabe que el Cardenal Viganò ha participado

Published on February 2, 2022

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