A Letter to the Director of the Marian Movement of Priests
March 16, 1994
March 16, 1994
miguel de Portugal does not endorse the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) (1) since 1995; on the contrary, he considers the MMP to be the contrived "Department of Marian Messages" for the Opus Dei Agenda (2).
The purpose of publishing this communication is to illustrate the good relationship that miguel had with many MMP Directors worldwide until Gobbi attempted to destroy it. The excellent relationship —coupled with the condemnation of miguel de Portugal by the MMP headquarters (3)— speak volumes, for those who have Ears to Hear (4), about the real intentions of the organizers of Marian Movement of Priests [not necessarily the National Directors].
miguel de Portugal does not endorse the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) (1) since 1995; on the contrary, he considers the MMP to be the contrived "Department of Marian Messages" for the Opus Dei Agenda (2).
The purpose of publishing this communication is to illustrate the good relationship that miguel had with many MMP Directors worldwide until Gobbi attempted to destroy it. The excellent relationship —coupled with the condemnation of miguel de Portugal by the MMP headquarters (3)— speak volumes, for those who have Ears to Hear (4), about the real intentions of the organizers of Marian Movement of Priests [not necessarily the National Directors].
miguel de Portugal
[address edited out]
[address edited out]
Addressed To
Fr. Albert Roux
U.S.A. Director
Marian Movement of Priests
P. O. Box 8
St. Francis, Maine 04774-0008
U.S.A. Director
Marian Movement of Priests
P. O. Box 8
St. Francis, Maine 04774-0008
FAX [edited out]
Reference: Your Letter to Raul , 2 March 1994
Subject: Fr. Gobbi’s appearance in Cara-a-Cara (A TV Program in Spanish for World Wide Audience)
May the Peace of God and the Comfort of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be with you, Fr. Roux!
By Divine Providence I was able to connect with my brother (Raul) two days ago (first time in over one year). He told me about your letter to him on the referenced subject.
My brother is just now going into remission of a fatal cancer (in addition to his Parkinson’s Disease). That is why he could not respond to you right away.
There is nothing that he can do now. I can try to, by means of correspondence, see what is the current situation with our contacts at the T.V. Station. I am practically inaccessible now but mail can find its way to me in a reasonable time. FAX is also possible through a generous third party in Portugal that will see that I get the information.
If you desire for me to pursue this matter, provide me with Fr.Gobbi’s "time-available" schedule and I will immediately act upon it.
You may write to me to the address on the mast-head or FAX at: [out of U.S. Code] - [edited out].
At the service of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary and, thus, the M.M.P., I remain,
Most Sincerely
Originally signed by: miguel de Portugal
(4) We must ask: Why if what he had done up to then was support them? The answer
lies within Communiqué no. 5.
Letter/Fax released to the general faithful for the first time on September 2000

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