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Points to Ponder About

December 2005

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The purpose of Points to Ponder About was to stimulate thinking that would draw the disoriented Faithful back to God and away from the hypocritical duplicity of some religious institutions which are destroying the little faith left on earth. (For a more detailed explanation, see Points to Ponder About - Purpose). What used to be posted in this section has been integrated in For Your Information and Reference.

Note: This 'Point to Ponder About' section was prepared in the years 2005-2009. Some linked documents external to this domain may have been removed from the Net, or moved to different locations, since then.

Published on December 27th, 2005 - Feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist

Do you ever wonder why... every other illuminated, researcher, historian and/or enemy of the Faith ascribe full and/or half brothers and sisters to Jesus, yet, from the Cross He said (in reference to Mary and John): "Woman, behold thy son." After that, He said to the disciple: "Behold thy Mother". And from that hour, the disciple took Her to his own." [John 19:26-27]

Obviously if Jesus had had full or half sisters and brothers, according their custom, Mary would have stayed with them and not be with John henceforth - even all the way to Ephesus.

Published on December 24th, 2005

Do you ever wonder why... society was manipulated so that Santa Claus replaced the Three Wise Men of the Epiphany? Because the concept of Santa Claus (*) is man's fabrication, as the False Christ is, and the Three Wise Men were real - actual Astrologers - who knew, from Jews who had been taken to their countries, about an astronomical sign that would announce the arrival of the Messiah.

But that is not all.... Little kids are made to believe in a visible "Santa" while at the same time, but with lesser enthusiasm, they are somehow taught about and unseen God. Later they find out that Santa really does not exist - that it was a lie. At that moment the subconscious mechanism, aided by the reprogramming by the world starts telling the young person that that invisible God must also be a lie and that sooner or later they too will find out.

Clever, isn't it? Most everyone cooperates with that effective method for the destruction of the incipient faith. Now even Benedict has joined the "bandwagon". Is anyone surprised? If anyone is, they should check their vision and their hearing.
(*) There is a St. Nicholas but he was transformed into an unreal character.

Published on December 22nd, 2005

Do you ever wonder why... the Birth of the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ, is celebrated on December 25th? The Church does not really know, but now, you will know the real reason. Rejoice! The celebration date is right on target!

Published on December 19th, 2005

Do you ever wonder why... generally speaking, the countries in the New World who were colonized and "civilized" by ultra Catholic Spain and Portugal ended up being the most poor, most exploited, more unjust and backward nations? We know for a fact that it is not the Catholic Faith that is at fault.

Think about it.... That "picture" has far more information than the proverbial "thousand words."

Published on December 15th, 2005

Do you wonder why... the Vatican makes an issue of clearly stating that "Torture is Unacceptable" (*) while the Papacy claims blanket infallibility, yet that is precisely all they did during the Inquisition, under the approving eye of the Popes of the time, an Inquisition which the Roman Church plays down (in a denial-style mode) jut like the Iranian President is playing down the Holocaust?

How can we expect the Faith to survive as it is asphyxiated with duplicity and incoherence?

(*) Which, of course, is unacceptable then, now and forever!

Published on December 12th, 2005

Do you wonder why... those who claim purity of body through celibacy, turn around and, unaware of what they are really doing, practice sado-masochism or self mutilation, piously called "mortification" or "sacrifice" or "purification" or "sin prevention"?

Sadism and masochism have become "the rage" of our decadent world since it is the maximum form of sexual deviation. Of course, when one flagellates oneself it becomes sado-masochism: The same individual administers and receives the pain. Scripturally speaking, only servants/priests of Baal [1Kings 18:28] and the like would engage in such travesty.

Some will protest with: "It has been done for centuries, even by saints."

To that we say: "Christian Administrators" have also killed, or indirectly caused the death of, more humans in "the Name of God" than any other group in human history - acting against every teaching of Jesus, the Christ - from Whom they dared to derive their label of "Christian". Does that make it right? Of course not!

We can offer very effective sacrifices to God through fasting; eating what we do not like; offering extra prayers; acts of charity (not from our excesses!); dress, eat and drive below our financial means; turn the other cheek, for a change; walk to Fátima, for example, as many Portuguese do; and joyfully accept and offer every inconvenience and aggravation we come across in our daily lives for the love of Jesus, in reparation for the outrages against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the conversion of sinners. We say to offer those that "we come across in our daily lives" and not to go out and look for them. Keep very clear in mind that, when Jesus went to pray to Gethsemane the first thing He did was to ask the Father if it was possible for the chalice to pass Him by [Luke 22:42].

Make no mistake - anyone who wants to be more of a martyr than Jesus, is under the influence of satan - who always wants to upstage God.

Published on December 7th, 2005

With all of that "Limbo talk" coming from the Vatican and the Press - Do you wonder why... if the Vatican has unilaterally ruled, and insists, that "There is no salvation outside the Church" [Catechism 846], that Baptism is "...necessary for salvation." [Catechism 157], and all other rulings issued with the only real purpose of making themselves indispensable, where are poor Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesse, David, Solomon, etc., etc.

If the Church Administrators would have placed their emphasis in Evangelizing as Jesus intended them to do, and not in their survival as an "elite private club", making available to all who desired them the Sacramental Treasure which, in spite of them!, has reached us today, the world would not be the sewer it has become.

No, miguel de Portugal is not "a modernist" , au contraire! miguel de Portugal is only calling a "Spade" a "Spade" so that the disoriented faithful understand why God will use said "Spade" to dig a hole into which to bury a crucified and dead Church Administration before He Resurrects it in Glory as He intended it to be originally: To lead one and all back to the House of the Father.

Points to Ponder About

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