Explore the Book:
Table of Contents
Editor Foreword
Part II, Ch. 17
Part III, Ch. 23
Part IV, Ch. 24
Works Cited
A Selective Bibliography
This bibliography is designed to point readers to English language sources that they may use for their own investigation into the topics covered by this book; it is not merely a listing of the sources cited in the footnotes. This bibliography is a starting point for further research, and is not exhaustive. Web sites in this bibliography were valid as of August/September 2004. Most book publication information is from Amazon.com; it was supplemented as needed from Barnes and Noble and other on-line book sellers.
United Religions Initiative — P. O. Box 29242 — San Francisco, CA 94129-0242 — USA — tel. (415) 561-2300 — fax (415) 561-2313 — e-mail o f f i c e @ u r i . o r g
Abu-Nimer, Mohammed, et al., URI Interfaith Peacebuilding Guide, United Religions Initiative e-book, 2004; order on-line at the link http://www.uri.org/Peacebuilding_Guide.html.
Gibbs, Charles and Mahé, Sally, Birth of a Global Community: Appreciative Inquiry in Action, Lakeshore Communications, Inc., 2004. (The present-day “official” history of the URI.)
Hock, Dee W., Birth of the Chaordic Age, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1999. (Hock was a key organizational designer for the URI.)
Sampson, Cynthia, et al., Positive Approaches to Peacebuilding: A Resource for Innovators, Pact Publications, 2003; order at the link http://www.pactpublications.com/item.asp?prod_cd=PDY001. (Includes a chapter on the URI.)
Swing, Bishop William E., The Coming United Religions, United Religions Initiative and CoNexus Press, 1998. (The “official” history of the URI as of 1998.)
United Religions Initiative, e-Update Newsletter and InterfaithNews.net newsletter. These electronic letters are published several times a year. Go to http://www.uri.org/Links_%26_Resources.html to sign up for these free e-mail subscriptions.
United Religions Initiative, URI Update. This hard copy newsletter has been published twice a year, and is available free by joining the URI mailing list. Contact the URI headquarters to do this.
Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative (ARLPI) home page — http://www.acholipeace.org; this is a URI Cooperation Circle.
Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance (GAIA) home page— http://www.thegaia.com; this is a URI Cooperation Circle.
Science and the Outer Streams web pages — http://www.fromusalive.com/outer/list.asp?iPage=3, and http://www.fromusalive.com/outer/list.asp?iPage=4. This site contains on-line videos of the URI charter-signing event in 2000.
United Religions Initiative home page — http://www.uri.org
United Religions Initiative home page for Latin America, in Spanish — http://www.uri.org/americalatina.
United Religions Initiative (United Kingdom) home page— http://www.uri.org.uk.
“Visions for Peace Among Religions”— http://interspirit.net/vpar/home.cfm; a discussion page for people active in this URI project.
The headquarters of the URI is in this Diocese; their publications and web sites are valuable ways to track URI activity, and to monitor the development of New Age Anglicanism.
Diocese of California — 1055 Taylor St. — San Francisco, CA 94108 — USA — tel. (415) 673-5015 — fax (415) 673-9268 — e-mail i n f o @ d i o c a l . o r g
Robinson, Mary Judith, From Gold Rush to Millennium, 2001; a history of the first 150 years of the Diocese of California. Order through the Diocese of California, by calling (415) 673-5015, or by mail at 1055 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, Attn: Book Order. Further information on this book is available at http://diocal.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=24.
Robinson, Mary Judith, ed., Modern Profiles of an Ancient Faith, 2001. The ordering information is the same as for From Gold Rush to Millennium.
Swing, Bishop William E., A Swing With a Crosier: Sermons, Addresses, and Letters, 1999. The ordering information is the same as for From Gold Rush to Millennium.
Pacific Church News Quarterly and Pacific Church News Online—the official newsletters of the Episcopal Diocese of California. A hard copy version of the quarterly magazine is available through the Diocese of California. Both newsletters are also available on-line at http://pcn.diocal.org.
Diocese of California home page— http://diocal.org.
Grace Cathedral home page— http://www.gracecom.org. In addition, they have this web site: http://www.gracecathedral.org.
Cooperrider, David, et al., Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: The First in a Series of AI Workbooks for Leaders of Change, Lakeshore Communications, 2003.
Cooperrider, David, ed., et al., Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking Human Organization Toward a Positive Theory of Change, Stipes Publishing, 1999.
Cooperrider, David, and Whitney, Diana, Collaborating for Change: Appreciative Inquiry, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2000.
Paddock, Susan Star, Appreciative Inquiry in the Catholic Church, Thin Book Publishing Co., 2003.
Whitney, Diana, et al., Encyclopedia of Positive Questions, Volume I: Using AI to Bring Out the Best in Your Organization, Lakeshore Communications, 2001.
Whitney, Diana, et al., The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2003.
Appreciative Inquiry Commons— http://appreciativeinquiry.cwru.edu. This is the home page for AI at Case Western Reserve University, where AI originated. An alternative web address is http://ai.cwru.edu.
Appreciative Inquiry in Great Britain— http://www.aradford..co.uk; Anne Radford maintains this “AI Resource eCentre.”
Philanthropic Quest International home page— http://www.appreciative-inquiry.org. The web master, Jim Lord, is an Appreciative Inquiry consultant.. A related web site is http://www.lord.org.
Taos Institute home page — http://www.taosinstitute.net; dedicated to “Creating Promising Futures Through Social Construction.”
Arrien, Angeles, and Gorbachev, Mikhail, Working Together: Producing Synergy by Honoring Diversity, Berrett-Koehler, 2001.
Gorbachev, Mikhail, A Road to the Future: Complete Text of the December 7, 1988 United Nations Address, Ocean Tree Books, 1990.
____. A Time for Peace, Richardson & Steirman & Black, 1985.
____. At the Summit: A New Start in U.S.-Soviet Relations, Eagle Publishing, 1988.
Gorbachev, Mikhail, and Mlynář, Zdeněk, Conversations with Gorbachev: On Perestroika, the Prague Spring, and the Crossroads of Socialism, Columbia University Press, 2002.
Gorbachev, Mikhail, For a Nuclear-Free World: Speeches and Statements by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee on Nuclear Disarmament Problems, Victor Kamkin, 1987.
____. Gorbachev: Mandate for Peace, PaperJacks, 1987.
____. Gorbachev: On My Country and the World, Columbia University Press, 2000.
____. et al., Meaning of My Life: Perestroika, Aspect Publications, 1990.
____. Memoirs, Doubleday Books, 1996.
____. Peace Has No Alternative: Speeches, Articles, Interviews, Stosius Inc/Advent Books Division, 1987.
____. Perestroika and Soviet-American Relations, Sphinx Press, 1990.
____. Perestroika: Global Challenge: Our Common Future, Dufour Editions, 1990.
____. Perestroika: New Thinking For Our Country and the World, Collins, 1987.
____. Reykjavik: Results and Lessons, Sphinx Press, 1987.
____. Socialism, Peace, and Democracy, Pluto Press, 1998.
____. Socialism, Peace, and Democracy: Writings, Speeches, and Reports, Harper Collins, 1988.
____. Speeches and writings (Leaders of the world), Pergamon Press, 1987.
____. State of the World, Harper Collins, 1995.
____. The August Coup: The Truth and the Lessons, Harper Collins, 1991. (Note: Amazon gives the publication date of this book as October 1, 1991—less than 45 days after the coup.)
____. The Challenges of Our Time: Disarmament and Social Progress, International Publishers, 1986.
____. The Coming Century of Peace, Richardson and Steirman, 1986.
____. The Search for a New Beginning: Developing a New Civilization, Harper San Francisco, 1995.
____. Toward a Better World, Eagle Publishing Corporation, 1987.
____. Uncommon Opportunities: An Agenda for Peace and Equitable Development: Report of the International Commission on Peace and Food, Zed Books, 1994.
Laszlo, Erwin, and Gorbachev, Mikhail, You Can Change the World: An Action Handbook for the 21st Century, Positive News, 2002.
Puledda, Salvatore, and Hurley, Andrew, and Gorbachev, Mikhail, On Being Human: Interpretations of Humanism from the Renaissance to the Present (New Humanism Series), Latitude Press, 1997.
Yakovets, Yu V., and Gorbachev, Mikhail, The Past and the Future of Civilizations (Studies in Russian Politics, Sociology, and Economics), The Edwin Mellen Press Ltd., 2000.
Gorbachev’s activities and speeches with Green Cross International— http://www.gci.ch/GreenCrossFamily/GORBY/activities.html.
Home page for the former Premier of the Soviet Union— http://www.mikhailgorbachev.org.
Another home page for Gorbachev— http://www.greencrossinternational.net/GreenCrossFamily/gorby/activities.html
Notturno, Mark, and Soros, George, Science and the Open Society: The Future of Karl Popper’s Philosophy, Central European University Press, 2000.
Soros, George, George Soros on Globalization, Public Affairs, 2002.
____. Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism Reconsidered, Public Affairs, 2000.
____. Opening the Soviet System, Perseus Books, 1996.
____. Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve, Wiley, 1995.
Soros, George, and Volcker, Paul, The Alchemy of Finance, John Wiley & Sons, 2003 reprint.
Soros, George, The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power, Public Affairs, 2003.
____. The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Open Society Endangered, Public Affairs, 1998.
____. Underwriting Democracy: Encouraging Free Enterprise and Democratic Reform Among the Soviets and in Eastern Europe, Perseus Books Group, 1991; 2004 reprint.
George Soros’ political home page and web log— http://www.georgesoros.com.
Open Society Institute and the Soros Foundations Network home page— http://www.soros.org.
Shah, Mahendra, and Strong, Maurice, Food in the 21st Century: From Science to Sustainable Agriculture, World Bank Publications, 2000.
Strong, Maurice, Conference on the Human Environment: Founex Switzerland June 4-12 1971, Walter De Gruyter, 1973.
Strong, Maurice, Where On Earth Are We Going, Vintage Canada 2001.
Ward, Barbara, and Strong, Maurice, ed., Who Speaks for Earth?, W. W. Norton and Co., 1973.
UN University for Peace in Costa Rica home page— http://www.upeace.org; Strong is the President of the Council for the University for Peace.
Casey, Helen M. and Morgante, Amy, eds., Human Rights, Environmental Law, and the Earth Charter, Boston Research Center for the 21st Century, 1998.
Casey, Helen M. and Morgante, Amy, eds., Women’s Views on the Earth Charter, Boston Research Center for the 21st Century, 1997.
Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance, Oxford University Press, 1995; includes reference to the Earth Charter.
Morgante, Amy, ed., Buddhist Perspectives on the Earth Charter, Boston Research Center for the 21st Century, 1997.
United Nations, Earth Summit Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action From Rio, United Nations Publications, 1993.
Earth Charter Community Summits home page— http://www.earthchartersummits.org.
Earth Charter Initiative home page— http://www.earthcharter.org.
Earth Council home page— http://www.ecouncil.ac.cr.
Earth Charter USA home page— http://www.earthcharterusa.org.
Braybrooke, Marcus, Stepping Stones to a Global Ethic, SCM Press, 1992.
Hodes, Nancy and Hays, Michael, eds., United Nations and the World's Religions (Proceedings of a Conference Held October 7, 1994, at Columbia University), Boston Research Center for the 21st Century, 1995..
Küng, Hans, A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Global Economics, Oxford University Press, 1998.
Küng, Hans, and Kuschel, Karl-Josef, eds., A Global Ethic: The Declaration of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Continuum, 1993.
Küng, Hans, and Schmidt, Helmut, Global Ethic and Global Responsibilities: Two Declarations, SCM Press, 1998.
Küng, Hans, Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic, Continuum, 1996.
____. Yes to a Global Ethic, Continuum, 1996.
Morgan, Peggy, and Braybrooke, Marcus, Testing the Global Ethic: Voices from the Religions on Moral Values, CoNexus Press, 1998.
Swidler, Leonard, For All Life: Toward a Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic, White Cloud Press, 1999.
Center for Global Ethics home page— http://globalethic.org; an alternative site is at http://astro.temple.edu/~dialogue/geth.htm.
Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (CPWR)— http://www.cpwr.org/resource/global_ethic.htm; their “global ethic” page.
Global Dialogue Institute home page— http://astro.temple.edu/~dialogue/anthocon.htm; a collection of essays and links by US supporters of the “global ethic.”
Global Ethic Foundation home page— http://www.weltethos.org/dat_eng/index_e.htm; the home page for the movement worldwide.
Institute for Global Ethics home page— http://www.globalethics.org.
Gorbachev Foundation home page— http://www.gorby.ru/en/default.asp
Gorbachev Foundation of North America home page— http://www.gfna.net
Global Green (Green Cross/USA) home page— http://www.globalgreen.org.
Green Cross International home page— http://gcinwa.newaccess.ch/index.htm
Garrison, Jim, America As Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Power?, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. (Garrison is the Chairman and President of the State of the World Forum.)
____. Civilization and the Transformation of Power, Paraview Press, 2000.
____. The Darkness of God: Theology After Hiroshima, Eerdmans, 1983.
____. The Plutonium Culture: From Hiroshima to Harrisburg, Continuum, 1981.
____. The Russian Threat: Myths and Realities, Gateway, 1983.
Garrison, Jim, and Phipps, John-Francis, The New Diplomats: Citizens As Ambassadors for Peace, Green Books, 1991.
State of the World Forum Commission on Globalization home page — http://www.commissiononglobalization.org.
State of the World Forum home page— http://www.worldforum.org.
State of the World Forum Simulconference 2000 home page— http://www.simulconference.com/clients/sowf; documents from the 2000 annual meeting.
State of the World Forum web pages for 1998 and 1999— http://worldforum.percepticon.com.
Schwab, Klaus, The Global Competitiveness Report 2003–2004, Oxford University Press, 2004. Similar reports for prior years are also available through on-line bookstores.
World Economic Forum home page— http://www.weforum.org.
World Economic Forum web log— http://wef.typepad.com/blog.
Club of Budapest home page— http://www.clubofbudapest.org/index.htm, with another site at http://www.fondamental.com/en/eclubbud.htm; their US branch is at the site http://www.cobusa.org.
Club of Rome home page— http://www.clubofrome.org.
European Union home page— http://europa.eu.int/index_en.htm.
Trilateral Commission home page— http://www.trilateral.org.
United Nations system web page— http://www.unsystem.org; a comprehensive index of organizations and web sites for the UN and related agencies.
Blavatsky, H.P., An Invitation to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical University Press, 1994.
____. Isis Unveiled, 2 vol., Theosophical University Press, 1999 reprint of 1877 ed.
____. Lucifer: A Theosophical Magazine; reprints of magazines issued from 1887 through 1897 are available through Amazon.
____. Nightmare Tales, Society of Metaphysicians, 1998.
____. Practical Occultism, Quest Books, 1967.
____. The Key To Theosophy, Theosophical University Press, 1972.
____. The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy (Volumes 1 and 2), Theosophical University Press, 1999 reprint of 1888 ed. Additionally, there is a book-length index, published as a separate volume.
____. The Voice of the Silence, Theosophical University Press, 1992.
Blavatsky, H. P. and Mead, G.R.S., Theosophical Glossary, Kessinger Publishing, reprint, 2003.
Balyoz, Harold, Three Remarkable Women, Altai Publishers, 1986. (Biographies of Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, and Alice Bailey, with excerpts from their work).
Caldwell, Daniel H., The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky, Quest Books, 2001. (Supportive of Theosophy)
Campbell, Bruce F., Ancient Wisdom Revived: A History of the Theosophical Movement, University of California Press, 1980. (Scholarly history; supportive of Theosophy)
Cranston, Sylvia, H.. P. B.: The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Path Publishing House, 1998. (A detailed hagiography of Blavatsky)
Ellwood, Robert S., Theosophy: A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages, Quest Books, 1986. (A modern overview, by a Theosophist.)
Gilchrist, Cherry, Theosophy: The Wisdom of the Ages, Harper San Francisco, 1996. (A devotee’s introduction to Theosophy).
Godwin, Joscelyn, The Theosophical Enlightenment, State University of New York Press, 1994. (Scholarly history).
Gomes, Michael, The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement, Quest Books, 1987. (Supportive of Theosophy)
Hanson, Virginia, H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine: Commentaries on Her Contribution to World Thought, Quest Books, 1988. (Supportive of Blavatsky.)
Johnson, K. Paul, Initiates of the Theosophical Masters, State University of New York Press, 1995. (Scholarly history).
Johnson, K. Paul, The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and the Myth of the Great White Lodge, State University of New York Press, 1994. (Scholarly history).
Maroney, Tim, The Book of Dzyan, Chaosium, 2000. (Critical biography of Blavatsky by an occultist; includes an esoteric text that Blavatsky claimed was the source of The Secret Doctrine.)
Mills, Joy, 100 Years of Theosophy: A History of the Theosophical Society in America, Quest Books, 1987. (Supportive of Theosophy).
Murphet, Howard, When daylight comes: A biography of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Theosophical Publishing House, 1975. (Supportive of Theosophy)
Washington, Peter, Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon: A History of the Mystics, Mediums, and Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism to America, Schocken Books, 1996. (Critical biography).
Theosophical Society, Adyar— http://www.ts-adyar.org; this is the international headquarters of the movement that Blavatsky founded.
Theosophical Society in America home page— http://www..theosophical.org.
Theosophical Society in Pasadena, California— http://www.theosociety.org. Their Theosophical University Press publishes the works of Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and other Theosophists; the web page for the Press is http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/ts/tup.htm.
United Lodge of Theosophists home page— http://www.ult.org/index.html.
Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Company, 1973.
____. A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 1: Esoteric Psychology, Vol. 1, Lucis Publishing Company, 2002.
____. A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 2: Esoteric Psychology, Vol. 2, Lucis Publishing Company, 1995.
____. A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 3: Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Publishing Company, 1998.
____. A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 4: Esoteric Healing, Lucis Publishing Company, 1999.
____. A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 5: The Rays and the Initiations, Lucis Publishing Company, 1971.
____. A Treatise On White Magic, or The Way Of The Disciple, Lucis Publishing Company, 1998.
____. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 1, Lucis Publishing Company, 1985.
____. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 2, Lucis Publishing Company, 1995.
____. Education in the New Age, Lucis Publishing Company, 1971.
____. From Bethlehem to Calvary, Lucis Publishing Company, 1975.
____. Glamour: A World Problem, Lucis Publishing Company, 1995.
____. Initiation, Human and Solar, Lucis Publishing Company, 1997.
____. Letters on Occult Meditation, Lucis Publishing Company, 1973.
____. Master Index of the Books of Alice Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company, 1998.
____. Problems of Humanity, Lucis Publishing Company, 3rd rev. ed. 1993.
____. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Lucis Publishing Company, 1971.
____. The Consciousness of the Atom, Lucis Publishing Company, 1972.
____. The Destiny of the Nations, Lucis Publishing Company, 1987.
____. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Lucis Publishing Company, 1983.
____. The Light of the Soul, Its Science and Effects: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Lucis Publishing Company, 1998.
____. The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation, Lucis Publishing Company, 1982.
____. The Reappearance of the Christ, Lucis Publishing Company, 1978.
____. The Soul And Its Mechanism, Lucis Publishing Company, 1971.
____. Unfinished Autobiography, Lucis Publishing Company, 1994.
Bailey, Foster, Changing Esoteric Values, Lucis Publishing Company, 1995.
____. Reflections, Lucis Publishing Company, 1979.
____. Running God’s Plan, Lucis Publishing Company, 1972.
____. The Spirit of Masonry, Lucis Publishing Company, 1979.
____. Things To Come, Lucis Publishing Company, 1979.
Bailey, Mary, A Learning Experience, Lucis Publishing Company, 1990.
Banks, Natalie, Golden Thread: The Continuity of Esoteric Teaching, Lucis Publishing Company, 1999.
Sinclair, John, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Turnstone Press, 1985.
Additionally, the Lucis Trust has prepared some compilations of Alice Bailey’s works: A Compilation on Sex, Death: The Great Adventure, Ponder On This, Serving Humanity, Soul: The Quality of Life, The Seven Rays of Life, and The Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age. They also offer a CD-ROM version of all of Bailey’s works, with a master index, as well as a magazine, The Beacon.
Lucis Trust home page— http://lucistrust.org; also provides links to the Arcane School, World Goodwill, and the Lucis Publishing company. Their publications may be ordered through this site.
New Group of World Servers home page— http://www.ngws.org/index.htm.
Share International home page— http://www.shareintl.org. This group appears to be inspired by the teachings of Alice Bailey. Their public leader, Benjamin Creme, claims to be the advance man for “Maitreya,” a camera-shy “World Teacher” whose appearance has been “imminent” since 1982. The Lucis Trust, however, has not accepted the claims of Maitreya and of Creme.
The works of Alice Bailey on-line— http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/toc.html
Fox, Matthew, A Spirituality Named Compassion: Uniting Mystical Awareness with Social Justice, Robert Bentley Publishers, 1999.
____. Breakthrough: Meister Eckhart’s Creation Spirituality in New Translation, Doubleday, 1980.
____. Confessions: The Making of a Post-Denominational Priest, Harper San Francisco, 1997.
____. Creation Spirituality: Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth, Harper San Francisco, 1991.
____. Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2002.
____.Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works With Music & Letters by Hildegard of Bingen, Bear & Company, 1987.
____. Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen, Bear and Company, 2003.
____. Meditations With Meister Eckhart, Bear & Company, 1982.
____. One River, Many Wells: Wisdom Springing from Global Faiths, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2004.
____. Original Blessing: A Primer in Creation Spirituality Presented in Four Paths, Twenty-Six Themes, and Two Questions, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2000.
____. Passion for Creation: The Earth-honoring Spirituality of Meister Eckhart, Inner Traditions International, 2000.
____. Prayer: A Radical Response to Life, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2001. (Previously published in 1972 under the title On Becoming a Musical, Mystical Bear: Spirituality American Style.)
____. Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Lessons for Transforming Evil in Soul and Society, Three Rivers Press, 1999.
____. The Coming of the Cosmic Christ: The Healing of Mother Earth and the Birth of a Global Renaissance, Harper San Francisco, 1988.
____. The Reinvention of Work: New Vision of Livelihood for Our Time, Harper San Francisco, 1995.
____. Western Spirituality: Historical Roots, Ecumenical Routes, Bear & Company, 1984.
____. Whee! We, Wee All the Way Home: A Guide to a Sensual Prophetic Spirituality, Bear & Company, 1981.
____. Wrestling With the Prophets: Essays on Creation, Spirituality, and Everyday Life, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2003.
Fox, Matthew, and Hammond, Catherine, Creation Spirituality and the Dreamtime, Morehouse Publishers, 1991.
Fox, Matthew, and Sheldrake, Rupert, Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science, Image Books, 1997.
____. Sheer Joy: Conversations With Thomas Aquinas on Creation Spirituality, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2003.
____. The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet, Harper San Francisco, 1996.
Fox, Matthew, and Swimme, Brian, Manifesto! for a Global Civilization, Inner Traditions, 1991.
Fox, Matthew, and Tattersfield, Jane, In the Beginning There Was Joy, National Book Network, 1995. (A children’s book; the description on Amazon is: “Mr. and Mrs. Joy (God) teach their children (us) to share and respect the beauty of all creation.”)
Friends of Creation Spirituality— http://www.matthewfox.org/sys-tmpl/door; Fox’s home page.
Naropa University home page— http://www.naropa.edu; associated with the University of Creation Spirituality.
Techno Cosmic Mass home page— http://www.technocosmicmass.org, for information on Fox’s drug-free rave liturgy.
University of Creation Spirituality home page— http://www.creationspirituality.org.
Artress, Lauren, The Sand Labyrinth: Meditation at Your Fingertips, Journey Editions, 2000.
Artress, Lauren, Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth As a Spiritual Tool, Riverhead Books, 1996.
Attali, Jacques, Labyrinth in Culture and Society: Pathways to Wisdom, North Atlantic Books, 1999.
Curry, Helen, The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Meditation for Everyday Life, Penguin Compass, 2000.
McCullough, David, The Unending Mystery: A Journey Through Labyrinths and Mazes, Pantheon, 2004.
Grace Cathedral Labyrinth Project home page— http://www.gracecathedral.org/labyrinth.
Veriditas home page— http://www.veriditas.net; “the voice of the labyrinth movement.”
Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine home page— http://www.stjohndivine.org.
Fabel, Arthur, and St. John, Donald, Teilhard in the 21st Century: The Emerging Spirit of Earth, Orbis Books, 2003.
King, Ursula, Christ in All Things: Exploring Spirituality with Teilhard De Chardin, Orbis Books, 1997.
Lubac, Henri de, Teilhard De Chardin: The Man and His Meaning, New American Library, 1968. (De Lubac, a supporter of Teilhard, was named as a Cardinal by Pope John Paul II in 1983, and continued in this post until his death in 1991.)
____. Teilhard Explained, Paulist Press, 1968.
____. The Eternal Feminine: A Study on the Poem by Teilhard de Chardin, Collins, 1971.
____. The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin, Image Books, 1968.
Lukas, Mary, Teilhard: The Man, the Priest, the Scientist, Doubleday, 1977.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Association, Evolution, Marxism and Christianity: Studies in the Teilhardian Synthesis, Garnstone, 1967.
Smith, Wolfgang, Teilhardism and the New Religion: A Thorough Analysis of the Teachings of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, TAN Books and Publishers, 1988. (Traditional Catholic critique of the writings of Teilhard de Chardin.)
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, S.J., Activation of Energy, Harvest Books, 2002.
____. Building the Earth, Dimension Books, 2002.
____. Christianity and Evolution, Harvest Books, 2002.
____. How I Believe, Harper Collins, 1969.
____. Human Energy, Harcourt, 1972.
____. Hymn of the Universe, Harper Collins, 1969.
____. Let Me Explain, Collins, 1970.
____. Letters From A Traveller, Harper, 1962.
____. Letters From Egypt, 1905-1908, Herder and Herder, 1965.
____. Letters From Hastings 1908-1912, Herder and Herder, 1968.
____. Letters From My Friend, Teilhard de Chardin, 1948-1955: Including Letters Written During His Final Years In America, Paulist Press, 1980.
____. Letters From Paris 1912-1914, Herder and Herder, 1967.
____. Letters to Léontine Zanta, Collins, 1969.
____. Letters To Two Friends, 1926-1952, New American Library, 1968.
____. Man’s Place in Nature, Harper Collins, 2000.
____. On Happiness, Collins, 1974.
____. On Love and Happiness, Harper Collins, 1984.
____. On Suffering, Collins, 1974.
____. Science and Christ, Harper and Row, 1965.
____. The Appearance of Man, Harper and Row, 1965.
____. The Divine Milieu, Perennial Classics, 2001.
____.The Future of Man, Image, 2004.
____. The Heart of Matter, Harvest Books, 2002.
____. The Letters of Teilhard De Chardin & Lucile Swan, University of Scranton Press, 2001.
____. The Making of a Mind: Letters From a Soldier-Priest 1914-1919, Harper and Row, 1965.
____. The Phenomenon of Man, Perennial, 1976; also a new translation, The Human Phenomenon.
____. The Vision of the Past, Harper, 1966.
____. Toward the Future, Harvest Books, 2002.
____. Writings In Time of War, Harper and Row, 1965.
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, S. J., and Blondel, Maurice, Correspondence, Herder and Herder, 1967.
Marx Hubbard, Barbara, Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential, New World Library, Novato, California, 1998
____. Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, Walsch Books, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Inc, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2001.
____. Manual for Co-Creators of the Quantum Leap, New Visions, n. d.
____. Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986.
____. The Book of Co-Creation—The Revelation: Our Crisis Is A Birth, 1st ed., Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Sonoma, California, 1993..
____. The Book of Co-Creation Part II—The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Greenbrae, California, 1993 (privately published).
____. The Evolutionary Journey: A Personal Guide to a Positive Future, Evolutionary Press of the Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, San Francisco, 1982.
____. The Hunger of Eve, Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1976; updated editions were released in 1983 (Mindbody Communications, publisher) and 1989 (Island Pacific Northwest, publisher).
____. The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, 2nd ed., Nataraj Publishing, Novato, California,
Foundation for Conscious Evolution home page, http://www.evolve.org —“A Global Community Center for Conscious Evolution.”
McLaughlin, Corinne and Davidson, Gordon, Builders of the Dawn: Community Lifestyles in a Changing World, The Book Publishing Company, 1990.
McLaughlin, Corinne and Davidson, Gordon, Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from the Inside Out, Ballantine Books, 1994.
The Center for Visionary Leadership home page— http://www.visionarylead.org.
Gillies, Douglas, Prophet: The Hatmaker’s Son—The Life of Robert Muller, East Beach Press, 2003.
Muller, Robert, 2000 Ideas For A Better World: My Countdown on Dreams on Mt. Rasur to the Year 2000 for Your Thoughts and Action, University for Peace, 1994.
____. A Planet of Hope, Amity House, 1985.
____. A Testament to the Earth: Meditations and Reflections on Forty Years in the United Nations, Amity House, 1987.
____. Dialogues of Hope, World Happiness and Cooperation, 1990.
____. First Lady of the World, World Happiness and Cooperation, 1991.
____. Framework for preparation for the year 2000, Albert Schweitzer Institute Press, 1994.
____. Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness, Doubleday, 1978.
____. My Testament to the UN: A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations 1995, World Happiness and Cooperation, 2nd ed. 1994.
____. New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, World Happiness and Cooperation, orig. ed. 1982; 3rd printing, 1993.
____. The Birth of a Global Civilization: With proposals for a new political system for Planet Earth, World Happiness and Cooperation, orig. ed. 1991, 2nd printing 1992.
____. What War Taught Me About Peace, Doubleday, 1985.
Muller, Robert, and Roche, Douglas, Safe Passage into the Twenty-First Century: The United Nations’ Quest for Peace, Equality, Justice, and Development, Continuum (A Global Education Associates Book), New York, 1995..
Muller, Robert, and Zonneveld, Leo, eds.. The Desire To Be Human, Mirananda Publishers, The Netherlands, 1983. (This is a collection of essays in honor of Teilhard de Chardin)..
The Robert Muller School, The World Core Curriculum: Foundations, Implementation, and Resources, Arlington, Texas, 1991.. (This is the most recent edition, as provided by the school in 2002.)
____. The World Core Curriculum Guidebook, Arlington, Texas, 1993.
____. World Core Curriculum Manual (Overview), Arlington, Texas, 1986.
Robert Muller (and his associates) have multiple web pages dedicated to his “ideas and dreams”:
http://www.earthpax.net —a web page
with “Robert Muller’s exhortations and ideas & dreams for a better world.”
http://www.goodmorningworld.org —a web page with recent writings by Muller.
http://www.paradiseearth.us —“Robert Muller’s Ideas and Dreams Nurturing Our Home.” The text for Muller’s newest book, Paradise Earth, is available for download here.
http://www.robertmuller.org —the home page for Robert Muller; contains the text of his 4,000 “Ideas and Dreams for a Better World”
http://www.goodmorningworld.org —a web page with recent writings by Muller.
http://www.paradiseearth.us —“Robert Muller’s Ideas and Dreams Nurturing Our Home.” The text for Muller’s newest book, Paradise Earth, is available for download here.
http://www.robertmuller.org —the home page for Robert Muller; contains the text of his 4,000 “Ideas and Dreams for a Better World”
Robert Muller Schools International home page— http://www.unol.org/rms
Blanton, Brad, and Walsch, Neale Donald, Honest to God: A Change of Hearts That Can Change the World, Sparrowhawk Publications, 2002.
Walsch, Neale Donald, Bringers of the Light, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 2000.
____. Communion with God, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2000.
____. Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1, Putnam Publishing Group, 1996.
____. Conversations with God: Book 1 (Guidebook), Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1996.
____. Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 2, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1997.
____. Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 3, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1998.
Walsch, Neale Donald, and Morissett, Alanis, Conversations with God for Teens, Scholastic, 2001.
Walsch, Neale Donald, Friendship with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Putnam Publishing Group, 1998.
____. Moments of Grace, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 2001.
____. Neale Donald Walsch on Abundance and Right Livelihood, Hampton Roads Publ. Company, Inc., 1999.
____. Neale Donald Walsch on Holistic Living, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1999.
____. Neale Donald Walsch on Relationships, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1999.
____. Questions and Answers on Conversations with God, Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc., 1999.
____. Re-Creating Your Self, Neale Donald Walsch Pub., 2000.
____. The Little Soul and the Sun: A Children’s Parable Adapted from Conversations With God, Young Spirit Books, 1998.
____. The New Revelations: A Conversation with God, Atria Books, 2002.
____. Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge, Atria Books, 2004.
____. et al., Wedding Vows from Conversations with God, Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc., 2000.
Conversations With God Foundation home page— http://www.cwg.org.
Humanity’s Team home page— http://www.humanitysteam.com/main.html.
The Changers home page— http://www.thechangers.org; a Walsch organization for teenagers.
Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World home page— http://www.alliance21.org/2003/sommaire_en.php3.
Berkeley Psychic Institute home page— http://www.berkeleypsychic.com; affiliated with the Church of Divine Man.
Carter Center home page— http://www.cartercenter.org.
Citizens for Global Solutions home page— http://www.globalsolutions.org; this is the new name for the World Federalist Association.
Foundation for the Future home page— http://www.futurefoundation.org; Robert Muller and Barbara Marx Hubbard are on the Board of Advisers.
For The Common Good home page— http://www.global-forum.org; web page on globalization from an interfaith perspective, with essays by URI activist Josef Boehle.
Global Education Associates home page— http://www.globaleduc.org.
Jean Houston’s home page— http://www.jeanhouston.org; she inspired Lauren Artress to start the Labyrinth Project at Grace Cathedral.
Millennium Institute home page— http://www.millenniuminstitute.net.
Pathways to Peace home page— http://pathwaystopeace.org.
The Mastery Foundation home page— http://www.masteryfoundation.org.
Wittenberg Center for Alternative Resources home page— http://www.wittenbergcenter.org; some of its leaders have been active in the URI.
World Social Forum home page for 2004— http://www.wsfindia.org.
Worldwatch home page— http://www.worldwatch.org.
Arthur, James, Mushrooms and Mankind: The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion, The Book Tree, 2003.
Clark, Heinrich, Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, Park Street Press, 2002.
Davenport-Hines, Richard, The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics, W. W. Norton and Co., 2004..
DeKorne, Jim, Psychedelic Shamanism: The Cultivation, Preparation and Shamanic Use of Psychotropic Plants, Loompanics Unlimited, 1994.
Forte, Robert, et al., Entheogens and the Future of Religion, Pine Forge Press, 2000.
Grob, Charles S., Hallucinogens: A Reader, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2002.
Lee, Martin A., and Shlain, Bruce, Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD—The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond, Grove/Atlantic, 1986.
Masters, Robert, and Houston, Jean, The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience, Park Street Press, 2000 ed.
McKenna, Terence, Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge—A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution, Bantam, 1993.
Merkur, Daniel, The Mystery of Manna: The Psychedelic Sacrament of the Bible, Park Street Press, 2000.
_. The Psychedelic Sacrament: Manna, Meditation, and Mystical Experience, Park Street Press, 2001.
Pinchbeck, Daniel, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism, Broadway, 2003.
Roberts, Thomas B., Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion, Council on Spiritual Practices, 2001.
Russell, Dan, Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda: The Birth of Patriarchy and the Drug War, Kalyx.com, 1998.
Schultes, Richard Evans, Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers, Healing Art Press, 2002.
Shulgin, Alexander, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story, Transform Press, 1991.
Smith, Huston, Cleansing the Doors of Perception: The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Plants and Chemicals, Sentient Publications, 2003.
Wasson, Gordon, et al., Persephone’s Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion, Yale University Press, 1992.
Council on Spiritual Practices home page – http://www.csp.org
Aveni, Anthony, Behind the Crystal Ball: Magic, Science, and the Occult from Antiquity Through the New Age, University Press of Colorado, 2002.
Baigent, Michael, and Leigh, Richard, The Elixir and the Stone: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of the Occult, Penguin, 1997.
Bloom, Harold, Omens of Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, and Resurrection, Riverhead Books, 1997.
____. The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation, Simon and Schuster, 1992.
Burton, Dan, and Grandy, David, Magic, Mystery, and Science: The Occult in Western Civilization, Indiana University Press, 2003.
Butler, E. M., The Myth of the Magus, Cambridge University Press, 1993 ed.
Churton, Tobias, Gnostic Philosophy from Ancient Persia to Modern Times, Inner Traditions, 2005.
Drury, Nevill, Exploring the Labyrinth: Making Sense of the New Spirituality, Continuum, 1999.
Ellis, Bill, Lucifer Ascending: The Occult in Folklore and Popular Culture, University Press of Kentucky, 2003.
Faivre, Antoine, Access to Western Esotericism, State University of New York Press, 1994.
____. et al., Modern Esoteric Spirituality, Crossroad, 1995.
____. Theosophy, Imagination, Tradition: Studies in Western Esotericism, State Univ. of New York Press, 2000.
Faivre, Antoine, and Hanegraaff, Wouter J., Western Esotericism and the Science of Religion, Peeters, 1998.
Ferguson, Marilyn, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s, J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1987.
Feuerstein, Georg, and Feuerstein, Trisha Lamb, Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow: 145 Views of the New Millennium, Quest Books, 1993. (A collection of essays by a wide range of New Age authors.)
Gibbons, B. J., Spirituality and the Occult: From the Renaissance to the Modern Age, Routledge, 2001.
Hanegraaff, Wouter J., New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought, State University of New York Press, 1998.
Heelas, Paul, The New Age Movement: The Celebration of the Self and the Sacralization of Modernity, Blackwell Publishers, 1996.
Heelas, Paul, The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion Is Giving Way To Spirituality, Blackwell Publishers, 2005.
Herrick, James A., The Making of the New Spirituality: The Eclipse of the Western Religious Tradition, InterVarsity Press, 2003. (Evangelical Christian critique of the New Age).
Hoeller, Stephan A., Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing, Quest Books, 2002. (History of Gnosticism by an avowed Gnostic; published by a Theosophical press.)
____. Freedom: Alchemy for a Voluntary Society, Quest Books, 1992. (Gnostic/Jungian view of freedom and its opponents)
Kerr, Howard, and Crow, Charles L., The Occult in America: New Historical Perspectives, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1986.
Kinney, Jay, The Inner West: An Introduction to the Hidden Wisdom of the West, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2004.
Lewis, James R., and Melton, Gordon J., Perspectives on the New Age, State University of New York Press, 1992.
Lindholm, Lars B., Pilgrims of the Night: Pathfinders of the Magical Way, Llewellyn Publications, 1994.
Owen, Alex, The Darkened Room: Women, Power, and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
____. The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Melton, J. Gordon, et al., New Age Almanac, Visible Ink Press, 1991.
Pauwels, Louis, and Bergier, Jacques, The Morning of the Magicians, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.., 1991.
Powell, Robert, The Most Holy Trinosophia and the New Revelation of the Divine Feminine, Anthroposophic Press, 2000.
Rudolph, Kurt, Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism, Harper San Francisco, 1987.
Smoley, Richard, Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition, Shambhala Publications, 2002.
Smoley, Richard, and Kinney, Jay, Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions, Penguin Books, 1999.
Styers, Randall, Making Magic: Religion, Magic, and Science in the Modern World, Oxford University Press, 2003.
Van Den Broek, R., et al., Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times, State University of New York Press, 1997.
Versluis, Arthur, Theosophia: Hidden Dimensions of Christianity, Lindisfarne Books, 1994.
____. Wisdom’s Children: A Christian Esoteric Tradition, State University of New York Press, 1999.
Webb, James, The Occult Establishment, Open Court Publishing Company, 1976.
____. The Occult Underground, Open Court Publishing Company, 1974.
Wilson, Colin, The Occult: The Ultimate Book for Those Who Would Walk With the Gods, Watkins Publishing, Ltd., 2nd ed., 2003.
Beaver, R. Pierce, et al., Eerdmans’ Handbook to the World’s Religions, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994.
Occhiogrosso, Peter, The Joy of Sects, Image Books, 1997.
Smith, Huston, The World’s Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions, Harper San Francisco, 1991.
Barker, Eileen, and Warburg, Margit, New Religions and New Religiosity, David Brown Book Co., 2000.
Barrett, David V., The New Believers: Sects, ‘Cults’ and Alternative Religions, Cassell, 2003.
Chryssides, George D., Exploring New Religions, Cassell, 2000.
____. Historical Dictionary of New Religious Movements, Scarecrow Press, 2001.
Ellwood, Robert S., Alternative Altars: Unconventional and Eastern Spirituality in America, University of Chicago Press, 1981.
Jenkins, Philip, Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and New Religions in American History, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Kranenborg, Reender, and Rothstein, Mikael, New Religions in a Postmodern World, Aarhus University Press, 2003.
Lewis, James R., Odd Gods: New Religions and the Cult Controversy, Prometheus Books, 2001.
Lifton, Robert Jay, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China, University of North Carolina Press, 1989.
Melton, J. Gordon, Encyclopedic Handbook of Cults in America, Garland Publishing, 1992.
Miller, Timothy, ed., America’s Alternative Religions, State University of New York Press, 1995.
Newport, John P., The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview: Conflict and Dialogue, Eerdmans, 1998.
Partridge, Christopher, New Religions: A Guide—New Religious Movements, Sects and Alternative Spiritualities, Oxford University Press, 2004.
Partridge, Christopher, and Groothuis, Douglas, Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World: Exploring Living Faiths on Postmodern Contexts, InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Pike, Sarah M., New Age and Neopagan Religions in America, Columbia University Press, 2004.
Rothstein, Mikael, New Age Religion and Globalization, Aarhus University Press, 2002.
Saliba, John A., S. J., Perspectives on New Religious Movements, Continuum, 1995.
Saliba, John A., S. J., and Melton, J. Gordon, Understanding New Religious Movements, Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.
Towler, Robert, et al., New Religions & the New Europe, David Brown Book Company, 1995.
Wilson, Bryan, The Social Dimensions of Sectarianism: Sects and New Religious Movements in Contemporary Society, Oxford University Press, 1990.
Wilson, Bryan, and Cresswell, Jamie, New Religious Movements: Challenge and Response, Routledge, 1999.
Wilson, Colin, Rogue Messiahs: Tales of Self-Proclaimed Saviors, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2000.
American Family Federation home page— http://www.cultinfobooks.com, and http://www.csj.org.
Apologetics Index home page— http://www.apologeticsindex.org; Evangelical critique of cults and new religious movements.
Christian Research Institute home page— http://www.equip.org. Evangelical Christian; part of its ministry includes analysis of cults and new religious movements. Anti-Catholic.
Cults and Mind Control News home page— http://www.trancenet.org.
Cult Information Centre home page— http://www.cultinformation.org.uk/home.html.
Cult Information and Family Support home page— http://www.cifs.org.au.
Ex-Cult Resource Center home page— http://www.ex-cult.org.
Fact Net home page— http://www.factnet.org; they say that they have been “Breaking News and Information on Cults and Mind Control since 1993.”
Family Action Information and Resource Center home page— http://www.fair-cult-concern.co.uk.
Freedom of Mind Center home page— http://www.freedomofmind.com; Steven Alan Hassan, the web master, states that he has “27 years of frontline activism exposing destructive cults, providing counseling and training.”
InfoCult home page— http://www.math.mcgill.ca/triples/infocult/ic-e1.html.
Recovering Former Cultists’ Support Network— http://www.refocus.org.
Religious Movement Resource Center home page— http://lamar.colostate.edu/~ucm/rmrc1.htm.
Rick Ross home page— http://www.rickross.com; describes itself as an “institute for the study of destructive cults, controversial groups, and movements.” He also has a blog with cult news at http://www.cultnews.com.
SIMPOS, a Netherlands anti-cult group, has resources on-line at http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/esotericism.htm and http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/esotericist_tendencies_m-z.htm#M.
Spiritual Counterfeits Project home page— http://www.scp-inc.org. This is an Evangelical Christian think tank that describes itself as a “frontline ministry confronting the occult, the cults, and the New Age movement and explaining why they are making an impact on our society.” It publishes a journal twice a year, and shorter newsletters several times a year.
Triumphing Over London Cults home page— http://www.tolc.org; British anti-cult group.
Yahoo.com directory of anti-cult web pages— http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Opposing_Views/Cults.
Anti-cult activists have accused these sites of being excessively sympathetic to cults and new religious movements.
Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR)— http://www.cesnur.org. (For an Evangelical critique, see the Apologetics Index web article on CESNUR, at http://www.apologeticsindex.org/c10.html.)
Cult Awareness Network home page (CAN)— http://www.cultawarenessnetwork.org. (For an Evangelical critique, see the Apologetics Index web article on CAN, at http://www.apologeticsindex.org/c19.html.)
Institute for the Study of American Religion (ISAR)— http://www.americanreligion.org. (For an Evangelical critique, see the Apologetics Index web article on J. Gordon Melton, the head of the ISAR, at http://www.apologeticsindex.org/m06.html.)
Boettcher, Robert B., Gifts of Deceit: Sun Myung Moon, Tongsun Park, and the Korean Scandal, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. (Recommended by investigative reporter John Gorenfeld as “the only book dealing with Koreagate,” the 1970s scandal.)
Case, Thomas W., Moonie Buddhist Catholic: A Spiritual Odyssey, White Horse Press, 1996. (Critique of Moon and Unificationism)
Chryssides, George W., The Advent of Sun Myung Moon: The Origins, Beliefs and Practices of the Unification Church, Palgrave Macmillan, 1991.
Hong, Nansook, In the Shadow of the Moons: My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family, Little, Brown, 1998. (Critique of Moon and Unificationism)
Horowitz, Irving Louis, Science, Sin, and Scholarship: The Politics of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church, MIT Press, 1978.
Introvigne, Massimo, The Unification Church, Signature Press, 2000.
Moon, Sun Myung, Christianity in Crisis, HSA Publications, 1977.
____. Divine Principle, HSA Publications, 1977.
____. Exposition of the Divine Principle, HSA Publications, 1996.
____. God’s Warning to the World, Rose of Sharon Press, 1985.
____. God’s Warning To The World Book 2, HSA Press, 1985.
____. God’s Will and the Ocean, 1987.
____. Home Church, HSA Publications, 1983.
____. Life of Prayer, HSA Publications, n. d.
____. New Hope: Twelve Talks by Sun Myung Moon, HSA Publications, 1982.
____. Science & Absolute Values: 10 Addresses, ICF Press, 1982.
____. The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ, HSA Publications, 2001.
____. True Family and World Peace: Speeches by the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon in the Completed Testament Age, HSA Publications, 2000.
____. True Love, HSA Publications, 1989.
____. Way of God’s Will, HSA Publications, n. d.
____. Way of Tradition, Vol. 2, HSA Publications, n. d.
____. Way of Tradition III, HSA Publications, n. d.
____. Way of Tradition IV, HSA Publications, 1980.
Neufeld, K. Gordon, Heartbreak and Rage: Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon, Vitualbookworm.com, 2002. (Critique of Moon and Unificationism)
Tillett, Gregory, The Lord of the Second Coming: Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Movement, Routledge, 1984.
Sherwood, Carlton, Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Regnery Publishing, 1991. (Supportive of Moon; written by a former reporter for the Washington Times, and published by a leading US right-wing publisher.)
Underwood, Barbara, and Underwood, Betty, Hostage to Heaven, Random House, 1988. (Critique of Moon and Unificationism)
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification home page— http://www.familyfed.org; Unificationist site.
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International— http://www.ffwpui.org; Unificationist site.
Freedom of Mind Center web page on Unificationism— http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/m/moonies; anti-cult site with information on Unificationism, by a former member.
John Gorenfeld’s web page on the Moonies— http://www.iapprovethismessiah.com. Gorenfeld took the lead in exposing Moon’s “coronation” as Messiah in March 2004 in Washington DC, and continues to add new information on the activities of this cult.
True Parents Organization home page— http://www.tparents.org; Unificationist site.
Unification home page— http://www.unification.net; Unificationist site.
Washington Times newspaper home page— http://www.washingtontimes.com; this is the Moon-owned conservative newspaper in Washington DC.
Buzzi, Elisa, A Generative Thought: An Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004. (Giussani is the founder of Communion and Liberation.)
Giussani, Luigi, Morality: Memory and Desire, Ignatius Press, 1986. (Giussani is the founder of Communion and Liberation.)
____. The Psalms, Crossroad Publishing Company, 2004.
____. The Risk of Education, Crossroad Publishing Company, 2001.
Giussani, Luigi, and Hewitt, Viviane, At the Origin of the Christian Claim, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1998.
Giussani, Luigi, and Hewitt, Viviane, Why the Church?, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000.
Giussani, Luigi, and Zucchi, John, The Religious Sense, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997.
Rondoni, Davide, and Giussani, Luigi, Communion and Liberation: A Movement in the Church, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. (Supportive of Communion and Liberation.)
Urquhart, Gordon, The Pope’s Armada: Unlocking the Secrets of Mysterious and Powerful New Sects in the Church, Prometheus Books, 1999. (Critique of Focolare, the Neo-Catechumenal Way, and Communion and Liberation.)
Gallagher, Jim, Woman’s Work: Chiara Lubich: A Biography of the Focolare Movement and Its Founder, New City Press, 1997. (Supportive of Focolare)
Hearne, Jerry, Unity Our Adventure: The Focolare Movement, New City Press, 1987. (Supportive of Focolare)
Lubich, Chiara, Jesus: The Heart of His Message: Unity and Jesus Forsaken, New City Press, 1985. (Lubich is the founder of Focolare.)
____. The Cry: Jesus Crucified and Forsaken in the History and Life of the Focolare Movement, from Its Birth in 1943, Until the Dawn of the Third Millennium, New City Press, 2001.
Lubich, Chiara, and Morneau, Bishop Robert F., Only at Night We See the Stars: Finding Light in the Face of Darkness, New City Press, 2002.
Lubich, Chiara, et al., An Introduction to the ABBA School: Conversations from the Focolare's Interdisciplinary Study Center, New City Press, 2002.
Berry, Jason, and Renner, Robert, Vows of Silence: The Abuse of Power in the Papacy of John Paul II, Free Press, 2004. (Critique of the Legionaries of Christ)
Conde, Angeles, and Murray, David J.P., The Legion of Christ: a History, Center for Integral Formation, 2003; order through the web site http://www.circlepressusa.com/interior02.phtml?se=001&ca=001&ar=177. This is a Regnum Christi publisher, so the book is pro-Legionary.
Maciel, Marcial, Integral Formation of Catholic Priests, Alba House, 1992. (Maciel is the founder of the Legionaries of Christ.)
Maciel, Marcial, and Colina, Jesus, Christ Is My Life, Sophia Institute Press, 2003.
Arguello, Kiko, and Hernandez, Carmen, Statute of the Neocatechumenal Way, Hope Publishing House, 2003. (Arguello and Hernandez are the founders of the Neocatechumenal Way.)
Pasotti, Ezekiel, The Neocatechumenal Way According to Paul VI and John Paul II, St. Paul Publications, 1996.. (Supportive of the Neocatechumenal Way.)
Berglar, Peter, Opus Dei: Life and Work of Its Founder, Josemaria Escriva, Scepter Publications, 1995. (Supportive of Opus Dei; Scepter is an Opus Dei publisher)
Bowers, Fergal, The Work: An Investigation into the History of Opus Dei and How It Operates in Ireland Today, Dufour Editions, 1989. (Critique of Opus Dei)
Coverdale, John F., Uncommon Faith: The Early Years of Opus Dei, 1928-1943, Scepter Publishers, 2002. (Supportive of Opus Dei)
del Carmen Tapia, Maria, Beyond the Threshold: A Life in Opus Dei, Continuum, 1999. (Critique of Opus Dei)
del Portillo, Alvaro, and Cavalleri, Cesare, Immersed in God: Blessed Josemaría Escrivá, Founder of Opus Dei As Seen by His Successor, Bishop Alvaro Del Portillo, Scepter Publishers, 1996. (Supportive of Opus Dei)
Escrivá, Josemaría, Centennial Edition: The Complete Published Works of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, Scepter Publishers, 2002. (Escrivá was the founder of Opus Dei).
____. Christ Is Passing By, Scepter Publishers, 1974.
____. Conversations With Monsignor Josemaría Escrivá, Scepter Publishers, 2002.
____. Friends of God: Homilies, Scepter Publishers, 1997.
____. In Love With the Church, Scepter Publishers, 1989.
____. The Way; The Furrow; The Forge (single volume edition), Scepter Publications, 2001. (The key writings of the founder of Opus Dei.)
____. The Way of the Cross, Scepter Publishers, 2001.
Estruch, Joan, Saints and Schemers: Opus Dei and Its Paradoxes, Oxford University Press, 1995. (Critique of Opus Dei)
Garvey, J. J. M., Parents’ Guide to Opus Dei, Sicut Dixit Press, 1991. (Critique of Opus Dei).
____. Prelature’s Reaction: The Official Response from Opus Dei to “Parent’s Guide to Opus Dei”, Sicut Dixit Press, n. d. (Critique of Opus Dei).
Hutchison, Robert, Their Kingdom Come: Inside the Secret World of Opus Dei, Thomas Dunne Books, 1999. (Critique of Opus Dei)
Le Tourneau, Dominique, What Is Opus Dei, Scepter Publications, 1989. (Supportive of Opus Dei)
Lernoux, Penny. People of God: The Struggle for World Catholicism, Penguin, 1990. (Includes critiques of Opus Dei, Tradition, Family, and Property, and Communion and Liberation)
Messori, Vittorio, Opus Dei: Leadership and Vision in Today's Catholic Church, Regnery, 1997. (Supportive of Opus Dei)
Ocariz, Fernando, Canonical Path of Opus Dei: The History and Defense of a Charism, Scepter Publishers, 1994..
Rodriguez, Pedro, et al., Opus Dei in the Church: An Ecclesiological Study of the Life and Apostolate of Opus Dei, Scepter Press, 2003. (Released by an Opus Dei publisher.)
Romano, Giuseppe, Opus Dei: Who? How? Why?, Alba House, 1995. (Supportive of Opus Dei)
Walsh, Michael, Opus Dei: An Investigation into the Powerful Secretive Society within the Catholic Church, Harper San Francisco, 2004. (Critique of Opus Dei.)
American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, Tradition Family Property: Half a Century of Epic Anticommunism, American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, 1981.
de Oliveira, Plinio Correa, Brainwashing: A Myth Exploited by the New “Therapeutic Inquisition”, American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, 1985. (Oliveira is the founder of Tradition, Family, and Property)
____. Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites: A Theme Illuminating American Social History, Hamilton Press, 1993.
____. Revolution and Counter-Revolution , American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, 1993.
____. The Way of the Cross, America Needs Fatima, 1990.
de Oliveira, Plinio Correa, et al., Our Lady at Fatima: Prophecies of Tragedy or Hope?, American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, 1994.
American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property home page— http://www.tfp.org; one of their ongoing public campaigns is “America Needs Fatima” (http://www.tfp.org/anf).
Communion and Liberation home page— http://www.clonline.org.
Focolare home page— http://www.focolare.org.
Legionaries of Christ: home page— http://www.legionofchrist.org; also, http://www.legionariesofchrist.org.
The home page of Regnum Christi, which is affiliated with the Legionaries, is
The Legionaries’ official response to accusations against the group is at the Legionary Facts home page, http://www.legionaryfacts.org.
The Legionaries’ official response to accusations against the group is at the Legionary Facts home page, http://www.legionaryfacts.org.
Neocatechumenal Way home page— http://www.camminoneocatecumenale.it/en.
Escrivá home page, devoted to the founder of Opus Dei— http://www.josemariaescriva.info.
On-line works of the founder of Opus Dei— http://www.escrivaworks.org.
Opus Dei USA home page— http://www.opusdei.org.
Romana home page— http://en.romana.org; this is the “Bulletin of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.”
“Focolare Movement: Lights and Shadows” home page— http://www.focolare.net.
“Ex-Legionaries.com” home page for former members of the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi— http://www.exlegionaries.com.
Freedom of Mind Center web page on the Legionaries of Christ— http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/l/legion.
Opponents of the Legionaries reply to the movement’s self-defense at “Legionaryfacts.org;” their rebuttal is at http://www.legionaryfacts.com.
Regain Network home page— http://www.regainnetwork.org; critical of the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi.
Rick Ross’ anti-cult site has a web page on the Legionaries of Christ, at http://www.rickross.com/groups/loc.html.
A conservative Catholic site, Unity Publishing, criticizes the Legionaries at this page: http://www.unitypublishing.com/Apparitions/LegionIndex.html.
An opponent of the Way has gathered articles at the web site http://www.psychologue-clinicien.com/anglais/chemin.htm.
An official report by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Clifton, in the United Kingdom, opposing the presence of the Way in three local parishes— http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ronald_haynes/nc-er2.htm.
• “Church Mouse” is an anti-Neocatechumenal web site in Australia, at http://church-mouse.net; they provide links to other critics at http://church-mouse.lanuera.com/Links/links1.html.
Freedom of Mind Center web page on Opus Dei— http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/o/opus.
miguel de Portugal’s web site contains articles critical of Opus Dei and other cults in the Catholic Church, at the web page masonIndex.html; other articles may be found by searching the web site for “Opus Dei” using their Google link.
Opposing Views’ collection of anti-Opus Dei web pages — http://www.opposing-religious-views.com/Christianity_Catholicism_Opus_Dei.html.
Opus Dei Awareness Network home page— http://www.odan.org.
Rick Ross’ anti-cult site has a web page on Opus Dei, at http://www.rickross.com/groups/opus.html.
“The Unofficial Opus Dei Home Page”— http://www.mond.at/opus.dei.
An Italian anti-cult group has extensive research on TFP and its allies at http://www.kelebekler.com/cesnur/eng.htm. Articles on this site include Miguel Martinez, “‘Doctor Plinio’ and his ‘counter-revolutionary magisterium’,” at http://www.kelebekler.com/cesnur/storia/gb11.htm, and http://www.kelebekler.com/cesnur/storia/gb12.htm, and succeeding web pages.
John Armour, “TFP: A Dangerous Cult,” at http://www.sspx.ca/Angelus/1983_July/TFP_Dangerus.htm. This is an account published in 1983 in Angelus, the magazine of the Society of St. Pius X—which is itself a rightwing Catholic splinter group.
Unity Publishing, “‘America Needs Fatima’: A Cult Using the Fatima Name,” at http://www.unitypublishing.com/NewReligiousMovements/FatimaCult.html; written by a conservative Catholic.
Many other similar web pages on these movements exist; search Google for the name of each new ecclesial movement, with the terms “sect” or “cult” or “abuse.”
Adler, Margot, Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today, Penguin Books, 1997. (History and practice of Wicca, from a Neopagan perspective).
Alexander, Brooks, Witchcraft Goes Mainstream, Harvest House, 2004. (Scholarly Evangelical history and critique).
Ankarloo, Bengt, and Clark, Stuart, Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. (Scholarly history).
____. Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: The Twentieth Century, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. (Scholarly history).
Burnett, David, Dawning of the Pagan Moon, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1992. (History of witchcraft and Neopaganism; Evangelical Christian critique.)
Davis, Philip G., Goddess Unmasked: The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality, Spence Publishing Company, 1999. (Scholarly history; conservative Christian critique.)
DiZerega, Gus, Pagans & Christians: The Personal Spiritual Experience, Llewellyn Publications, 2001. (Neopagan call for Christian/Neopagan dialogue and mutual understanding).
Drury, Nevill, Magic and Witchcraft: From Shamanism to the Technopagans, Thames & Hudson, 2003.
Eliade, Mircea, Occultism, Witchcraft, and Cultural Fashions: Essays in Comparative Religion, University of Chicago Press, 1978. (Scholarly analysis).
Hutton, Ronald, The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft, Oxford University Press, 2001. (Scholarly history).
Lewis, James R., Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft, State University of New York Press, 1996. (Scholarly essays by Neopagans).
Molnar, Thomas, The Pagan Temptation, Eerdmans, 1987. (Conservative Catholic critique).
Paris, Ginette, The Sacrament of Abortion, Spring Publications, Inc., 1992. (A Neopagan defense of abortion as a sacrifice.)
Pike, Sarah M., Earthly Bodies, Magical Selves: Contemporary Pagans and the Search for Community, University of California Press, 2001. (Anthropological study of Neopagan groups and practice.)
Russell, Jeffrey B., A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans, Thames & Hudson, 1982. (Scholarly history)
____. Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World, Cornell University Press, 1986. (Scholarly history)
____. The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History, Cornell University Press, 1992. (Scholarly history)
____. Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, Cornell University Press, 1984. (Scholarly history)
Starhawk, The Spiral Dance, Harper San Francisco, rev. ed., 1999.
Thornton, Bruce S., Plagues of the Mind: The New Epidemic of False Knowledge, ISI Books, 2004. (Conservative critique; includes a chapter on the ideology of the Goddess.)
Vale, V., and Sulak, John, Modern Pagans: an Investigation of Contemporary Ritual, RE/Search Publications, 2001. (Overview of Neopaganism, using primary sources.)
Ancient Ways Bookstore home page— http://www.ancientways.com; they put on the annual PantheaCon convention for Neopagans in February of each year.
Conjureworks— http://www.conjure.com; the home page of Rowan Fairgrove, a Wiccan who has long been active in the URI.
Covenant of the Goddess home page— http://www.cog.org; URI Global Council member Donald Frew, a Neopagan, is active in this organization.
CoNexus Multifaith Media home page— http://www.conexuspress.com; offers many books sympathetic to the interfaith movement.
Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (CPWR) home page— http://www.cpwr.org.
Global Dialogue Institute (GDI) home page— http://astro.temple.edu/~dialogue, for information for 1995–1999, and http://global-dialogue.com for current information.
Ingrid Shafer’s home page— http://ecumene.org; Shafer is an interfaith activist, and describes her site as “A Meeting Place for the World’s Religions and Ideologies.”
Interfaith Center at the Presidio home page— http://www..interfaith-presidio.org.
Interfaith Center of New York home page— http://www.interfaithcenter.org.
Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington home page— http://www.ifcmw.org. Interfaith Network of the United Kingdom home page— http://www.interfaith.co.uk.
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) home page— http://www.ifcj.org/site/PageServer.
Interfaith Youth Core (IYC) home page— http://www.ifyc.org.
International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) home page— http://www.iarf.net.
International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ) home page— http://www.iccj.org/en.
International Interfaith Centre (IIC) home page— http://www.interfaith-center.org/oxford.
Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP) home page— http://www.irfwp.org. They state that they carry out their programs “through the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP),” whose home page is http://www.iifwp.org. Both organizations are associated with the Unification Church, and were founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Minorities of Europe (MoE) home page— http://www.moe-online.com/index.asp.
National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE) home page— http://www.nrpe.org.
Network of International Interfaith Organizations (NIIO) web page— http://www.interfaith-center.org/oxford/network.htm.
North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) home page— http://www.nain.org.
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance home page— http://www.religioustolerance.org.
Peace Council home page— http://www.peacecouncil.org.
Temple of Understanding (ToU) home page— http://www.templeofunderstanding.org.
Thanksgiving Square home page— http://www.thanksgiving.org.
The Interfaith Alliance (TIA) home page— http://www.tialliance.org.
Three Faiths Forum (TFF) home page— http://www.threefaithsforum.org.uk.
United Communities of Spirit (UCS) home page— http://origin.org/ucs/home.cfm.
World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) home page— http://www.wcrp.org. (Previously, the group had been named the World Conference on Religion and Peace.)
World Congress of Faiths (WCF) home page— http://www.worldfaiths.org.
World Council of Churches (WCC) home page— http://www.wcc-coe.org; a Christian ecumenical body, but active in the interfaith movement.
World Council of Religious Leaders (WCRL) home page— http://www.millenniumpeacesummit.org. This grew out of the World Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, held in 2000 in New York.
World Faith Development Dialogue (WFDD) home page— http://www.wfdd.org.uk.
World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS) home page— http://www.worldpeace.org.
World Network of Religious Futurists (WNRF) home page— http://www.wnrf.org/cms/index.shtml.
Barney, Gerald O., et al., Threshold 2000: Critical Issues and Spiritual Values for a Global Age, CoNexus Press, 1999.
Bassett, Libby, et al., Earth and Faith: A Book of Reflection for Action, United Nations Environment Program, 2000.
Beversluis, Joel, ed., Sourcebook of the World's Religions: An Interfaith Guide to Religion and Spirituality, 3rd ed., New World Library, 2000; contains essays by adherents of traditional and new religions, as well as UN documents and essays by interfaith movement leaders.
Braybrooke, Marcus, Pilgrimage of Hope: One Hundred Years of Global Interfaith Dialogue, Crossroad Publishing Co., 1992. Scholarly history of the interfaith movement from 1893 to 1991.
____. Faith and Interfaith in a Global Age, CoNexus Press, 1998. History of the interfaith movement from 1993 to 1998.
____. Faiths in fellowship: A Short History of the World Congress of Faiths and Its Work, World Congress of Faiths, 1976.
____. Inter-Faith Organizations, 1893-1979: An Historical Directory, Edwin Mellen Press, 1980.
Cimino, Richard, and Lattin, Don, Shopping for Faith: American Religion in the New Millennium, Jossey-Bass, 2002. (Overview of religious trends in the US)
Coward, Harold, and Maguire, Daniel C., Visions of a New Earth: Religious Perspectives on Population, Consumption, and Ecology, State University of New York Press, 1999.
Forward, Martin, Interfaith Dialogue: A Short Introduction, Oneworld Publications, 2001.
Ingham, Archbishop Michael, Mansions of the Spirit: The Gospel in a Multi-Faith World, Anglican Book Centre, 1997.
Kirby, Richard, and Brewer, Earl, The Temples of Tomorrow: World Religions and the Future, Grey Seal Books, 1993.
Maguire, Daniel C., Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2001. (Interfaith discussion by a “pro-choice” theologian.)
____. Sacred Energies: When the World’s Religions Sit Down to Talk About the Future of Human Life and the Plight of This Planet, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2000.
____. Sacred Rights: The Case for Contraception and Abortion in World Religions, Oxford University Press, 2003.
Mische, Patricia M., and Merkling, Melissa, Toward a Global Civilization? The Contribution of Religions, Peter Lang Publishing, 2001.
Seager, Richard Hughes, The Dawn of Religious Pluralism: Voices from the World’s Parliament of Religions, 1893, Open Court Publishing Co., 1993.
Storey, Celia and David, Visions of an Interfaith Future, International Interfaith Centre, 1994.
Teasdale, Wayne, et al., The Community of Religions: Voices and Images of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Continuum, 1996. (Pertains to the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions)
Tobias, Michael, and Morrison, Jane, A Parliament of Souls: In Search of Global Spirituality, Bay Books, 1995. (Interviews with spiritual leaders at the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions.)
Traer, Robert, Faith, Belief, and Religion, The Davies Group, 2001.
____. Faith in Human Rights: Support in Religious Traditions for a Global Struggle, Georgetown University Press, 1991.
____. Quest for Truth: Critical Reflections on Interfaith Cooperation, The Davies Group, 1999.
Cardinal Arinze was President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the Vatican Curia department in charge of interfaith relations, from 1984 to 2002. In 2002, the Pope appointed Arinze as Prefect of Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Arinze, Cardinal Francis, Building Bridges: Interreligious Dialogue on the Path to World Peace, New City Press, 2004.
____. Meeting Other Believers: The Risks and Rewards of Interreligious Dialogue, Our Sunday Visitor, 1998.
____. Religions for Peace: A Call for Solidarity to the Religions of the World, Doubleday, 2002.
____. The Church in Dialogue: Walking With Other Believers, Ignatius Press, 1990.
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