The M+G+R Foundation

miguel de Portugal

[full physical mailing address]
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November 27, 2008

Letters individually sent by regular postal service to...

Honorable Rosalyn Higgins, President
International Court of Justice

Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands

and to

Honorable Vassilios SKOURIS, President
European Union Court of Justice

Boulevard Konrad Adenauer

Subject: The assignment of the true moral responsibility for World War II

Greetings, Your Honor!

From time to time attempts are made to place the responsibility for the Holocaust upon the shoulders of Pope Pius XII. With this communication we intend - once and for all - to place the responsibility for all of World War II, not only the Holocaust, where it belongs: on the shoulders of the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church prior to Pius XII.

It is not my intent to attack the Catholic Faith, a Faith which I live as well as I can in spite of my human limitations: from the daily Sacrifice of the Mass to the recitation of several Rosaries a day plus many other devotions associated with the Catholic Faith. However, there is an abyss that separates the Catholic Faith from the Roman Catholic Church Administration.

Nothing has changed since the days of Jesus when He warned His Jewish brethren, as we read in the Gospel of St. Matthew 23:3 : So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

Of course, the issue that we bring to your attention for action may be considered an internal affair of the Roman Catholic Church and not for civil authorities. However, the Vatican has over the centuries and up to today, breached the separation of State and Church. This is something which Jesus also warned against doing: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God, the things that are God's. [St. Matthew 22:21].

Therefore, internal Church matters have become civil matters and must be treated as such until the Church Administration stops interfering in politics and devote itself to the only function Jesus entrusted them with: Evangelize, not Politicize.

Attached you will find a full report proving without a shred of a doubt that the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of the first half of the 20th Century, was the prime accessory for the greatest holocaust ever to befall humanity - World War II.

This report is not an attack on the Catholic Faith; it is based upon that Faith. Nevertheless, the truth of the charges that we make in the report against the Church Administration does not depend upon any specifically Roman Catholic article of faith. The accusations we make can be evaluated rationally on the historical evidence, without any requirement that you believe the tenets of the Catholic Faith. Nor does acceptance of the accusations in this report require belief in Marian apparitions - a phenomenon that many people dismiss as fantastic or the result of delusions.

The Vatican claims that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ on Earth and that he is the spiritual father of all of humanity - regardless of the faith that they may profess. Therefore, let the Faith that the Church Administration professes be used to judge the Vatican's nefarious activities which have harmed all of humanity!

Therefore, civil courts have every right to render judgment upon the activities of the Roman Catholic Church which negatively affect all of humanity. Let the Vatican be judged using the very beliefs the Church Administration so militantly professes and promotes.

[originals signed by miguel de Portugal]


Fatima Report

Attachment I Fatima Report

Attachment II Fatima Report

The following individuals received copies of the above letter as well as the attachments

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., The Vatican - Secretary of State
His All Holiness BARTHOLOMEW, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Orthodox Church
The Sydney Morning Herald
Janice Prager
, National Director, Development, Simon Wiesenthal Center
Editor in Chief, FORWARD

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