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Today is July 13th, 2017


Exactly one hundred years have transpired since the complete Fatima secret was confided to the children by Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima on July 13th, 1917.

Sr. Lucía received permission from Our Lady on December 10, 1925 to reveal the portion of the Secret pertaining the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. Then, Our Lord Jesus Christ, on December 17, 1927, gave Sr. Lucía permission to reveal the remaining elements of the secret confided to her at that time. However, He specifically requested that the rest be kept secret.

The remaining components of the first and second parts of the Secret were finally revealed by Sr. Lucía in her Fourth Memoir. This Memoir had been requested by the Bishop of Leiria on October 7, 1941 and finished by her on December 8, 1941. 

The visual component of third part of the Secret, without the explanation of what it meant, was written down and sealed by Sr. Lucía and given to the appropriate Portuguese Ecclesiastical Authorities in 1942.

Exactly seventy years have transpired since the Second Apparition of Rosa Mystica on 13th July, 1947

Our Lady appeared to Pierina in a white dress. She was adorned with three beautiful roses: white, red and yellow, which Pierina was allowed to see in place of the three swords.....  She smiled and said:

I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you. Our Lord sends me to bring a new Marian Devotion to all religious orders and institutes, male and female, and to the priests of this world. I promise to protect those religious orders and institutes who will venerate me in this special way, increase their vocations, and achieve a greater striving for saintliness among the servants of God....

I wish that the 13th July be celebrated each year in honour of the Rosa Mystica (the Mystical Rose)

Pierina asked whether a miracle would follow. Our Lady replied:

The most evident miracle will be this: Those who have given their souls to God - the religious who, for a long time now, have become indifferent thus betraying their vocation and as a result of their offenses have brought about the punishments and persecutions which are raging against the Church at the present time - will stop to offend Our Lord. They will again lead a life according to the original spirit of their saintly founders.

Let us also take note that....

Three months after July 13th, 2017, will be the 100th Anniversary of the Great Miracle in Fatima - October 13th, 1917.

The key requests of the manifestations of Mary as Rosa Mystica were transmitted to the visionary in Italy exactly thirty years after Mary revealed the key secret of Fatima to the visionaries in Portugal.

The observance on Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, probably the avocation of Mary with more Apocalyptic symbolism, always takes place three days after July 13th - that is - on July 16th.

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary to Heaven always takes place on August 15th,  thirty days after the observance of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

September 14th, the Celebration of the Triumph of the Cross always takes place sixty days after the observance of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and thirty days after the Feast of the Assumption of Mary to Heaven.


The observance of Our Lady of Sorrows always take place on September 15th, the day after the Celebration of the Triumph of the Cross

With all of that said..... if God would ask miguel de Portugal what kind of chronology would he propose - considering that the End of These Times is rapidly approaching - so that the events at the End of These Times would have the greatest positive effect on those members of the Elect who are still in denial, thus minimizing their suffering, what would it be?

This would be the Proposed Chronology

 Deferring in all aspects to His Will

This is not a prophecy, just an answer to a hypothetical question from God

July 13th - Behind the scenes, as well as out in the open, the remaining world's fragile peace will rapidly collapse.

July 16th - A nuclear exchange will take place triggering global chaos; a chaos which will eventually trigger the manifestation of the falsified savior of the world - the False Christ.

[The enemy may use the Feast of the Assumption, August 15th, to more effectively promote the False Christ to the despairing world masses... and God may allow it so that all who have to be deceived, will be.]

September 14th - ...the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels: and then will he render to every man according to his works. [Matthew 16:27]

The False Christ will be snuffed out by God then, but the world is full of people who accepted and adored him so, between September 15th and October 13th, while Jesus somehow protects the Members of the Elect who are still alive, the cleansing of the planet will accelerate, with its climax taking place on October 13th.

Billions will have perished between September 15th and October 13th, the planet has been cleansed and now His Elect will live as God intended from the very beginning for the remaining of the 1,000 years, a period which come to an end on or about the year 2832.

Just a proposed chronology.... Let us continue to pray....

Published on July 13th, 2017

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