Points to Ponder About
May 2009
The purpose of Points to Ponder About was to stimulate thinking that would
draw the disoriented Faithful back to God and away from the hypocritical duplicity of some
religious institutions which are destroying the little faith left on earth. (For a more detailed
explanation, see Points to Ponder About - Purpose).
What used to be posted in this section has been integrated in
For Your Information and
Note: This 'Point to Ponder About' section was prepared in the years 2005-2009. Some
linked documents external to this domain may have been removed from the Net, or moved to different
locations, since then.
May 31
May 28
May 22
May 20
May 17
May 14
• The difference between Jesus' "Why hast
thou forsaken me?" and Benedict's "Why God was he silent?"
May 10
May 6
May 1
What Dalai Lama really demands politically?
Do you ever wonder... what is the Dalai Lama really up to?
Let us take a look at a summary of what he has just clearly stated as he demands autonomy from the PRC: (1)
The autonomy that he is seeking was enshrined in the Chinese Constitution, which guarantees the
right of regional self-rule for ethnic minorities. Based on that, he said, the large area of
western China that is predominantly Tibetan —including Tibet, but also parts of the provinces of
Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan— should be united under a single Tibetan authority. Chinese
officials have balked at the demand, saying it would mean turning over one-quarter of China to
Tibetan governance.
“Tibet materially is very, very backward,” he said. “And every Tibetan wants to modernize
Tibet. So for that reason, remaining within the People’s Republic of China is in our own
interest as far as economic development is concerned, provided we have full guarantee to preserve
our own culture, our own language, our own spirituality and full protection of environment.”
As an associate commented about the real plans of the Dalai Lama – who just everyone loves (2):
Rephrasing what the Dalai Lama wants: Give us your western provinces, and help us develop. We’ll
take your help, and run our lands our own way.
This aspect of the Tibetan autonomy movement is not widely reported. So “autonomy” would give the Dalai Lama and his confederates the rule of much of western China, not just the province of Tibet.
Let us not forget that the Dalai Lama wrote a laudatory introduction to the book “Spiritual Politics”, a modern-day popularization of the teachings of Alice Bailey (3).
Among liberals, the Dalai Lama is revered as a man of peace and as a leader of a politically correct (i.e., non-Abrahamic) religion. Among conservatives, he is honored as an innocent victim of Communist (PRC) aggression. But the preceding items show a far more complex, and darker, reality.
This aspect of the Tibetan autonomy movement is not widely reported. So “autonomy” would give the Dalai Lama and his confederates the rule of much of western China, not just the province of Tibet.
Let us not forget that the Dalai Lama wrote a laudatory introduction to the book “Spiritual Politics”, a modern-day popularization of the teachings of Alice Bailey (3).
Among liberals, the Dalai Lama is revered as a man of peace and as a leader of a politically correct (i.e., non-Abrahamic) religion. Among conservatives, he is honored as an innocent victim of Communist (PRC) aggression. But the preceding items show a far more complex, and darker, reality.
(2) “Oh, but we know his face, don’t we?” Even the
French “Emperor” Sarkozy just loves him.
(3) This is the Alice Bailey of the
New Age Movement
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Why people choose to deny the undeniable?
Do you ever wonder... why people choose to deny the undeniable?
Because “Knowledge” is not only “Power” but it is also “Responsibility” .
Unfortunately for many, “looking the other way” (1) or “hoping that it goes away” will not, we repeat, will not be acceptable by God as a reason for inaction and/or disobedience to the entreats of God for man to come back to the Gospel.
To those who with misty eyes say that they trust in the Mercy of God —while persist in their denial— we remind that God allowed World War II and all its consequences once the opportunity He gave man through the Roman Catholic Church was ignored (3) by those who claim to know best.
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The massive exodus of priests from the Roman Catholic Church
after Vatican II
Do you wonder... what really caused the massive exodus of priests and religious from the Roman Catholic Church after Vatican II?
Of course, many people place the blame squarely on Vatican II and its aftermath, and justify this by quoting H.H. Paul VI’s statement: “The smoke of satan has entered the Church.”
Do you really think so? Let’s take a walk through history... and start with a personal anecdote.
In the early 1990’s miguel became well acquainted in Europe with a young man from Australia who had worked hard to save enough money to spend six months in Europe visiting Marian Shrines (and not making a vacationer’s pleasure tour of Europe). The young fellow was a real Catholic – through and through without a drop of fanaticism. He was as pious as he was a normal young man. Upon his return to Australia he was going to enter the Seminary. After his European journey he was sure of his vocation.
After his return and entrance into the Seminary, in one of the pouring-his-heart-out letters to miguel, he was complaining about the other Seminarians – their lack of faith, disorderly conduct, or lack of seriousness about becoming priests, etc., etc. He was ready to leave the Seminary, for he had come face to face with the cesspool that Mary spoke about at LaSalette (1), Rosa Mystica (2) and other apparition sites – Akita (3), for example.
It was very easy for miguel to show to him that departing the Seminary was not the answer; miguel asked him: “If you leave, who will give those totally disoriented seminarians the correct example?” Because miguel knew where this young man’s heart was —somewhere between the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary— no further argument was needed. Of course, he stayed and soon became a bright light in the Diocese.
Now, let us rewind to the early post Vatican II Church. Any priest or religious worth their salt (4) who may have thought that after Vatican II the Faith was in danger, would have had a renewed incentive to remain at the service of God by upholding and defending the Faith. Quitting would be the last thing in his/her mind. Those who just were in the priesthood and religious orders for the perks, perks that they would no longer enjoy —like their demigod status basking on popular adulation— had no reason to stay.
Therefore, we now ask: Are we to grieve the departing of those who did not care enough to uphold the Faith assuming that it was in danger? Good riddance, we say.
The problem arose when those who were of their same ilk but had attained the level of Bishop stayed on – their perks were still good enough. These “holy” men looked for any real or imagined crack in the Vatican II pronouncements, seeking an excuse to “let down their hair” and just have a jolly good time. (5) Logically, the vocations dropped. Any young man or woman who had the spirit of the above mentioned Australian fellow, without the proper counseling, would have abandoned their plans once they were faced with the “new and improved” Sodom and Gomorra.
miguel could write a book about what he encountered in church circles before God called him to leave all and follow Him (a call that came directly from God, and not through a human third party). miguel lives, upholds and defends the Faith in spite of what he found in the early part of his journey – a journey which, as of next March, will have spanned twenty-five years.
Tragically, theocratic cults (such as Opus Dei and the Legionaries of Christ (6)) started springing up during the last century within the Body of the Church. With their apparently pious disciplinary tactics, these cults have attracted many new vocations. Unfortunately, by the time the recruits realize what has happened to them, it is usually too late to escape. The Church has lost many worthy new vocations because they have fallen for “Catholic” cults. This brings us to the already mentioned words of H.H. Paul VI: The smoke of satan has entered the Church. (7)
(3) Akita, Japan
(4) You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savour, wherewith shall it be
salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men. [Matthew
(5) For
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Historical proof of the existence of Jesus
Do you wonder... what to answer when someone asks about historical proof of the existence of Jesus Christ?
One can start by posing the following question: Why did Emperor Constantine choose mainline Christianity (1) as the cohesive force to keep the Roman Empire together?
That key question is seldom pondered upon, but it is crucial to understanding the historical reality of Jesus Christ.
Many enemies of Christianity say that Jesus was invented so that Christianity could, in turn, be invented as a religion for the control of the world. Wrong! A thousand times wrong!
Emperor Constantine chose (2) mainline Christianity to keep his Empire together because Christianity had spread like wildfire in most of the Empire in spite of the suffering —physical and psychological— of the early Christians. Being a Christian was not “a piece of cake” before Christianity became the Imperial Religion. Yes, it became “a piece of cake” afterwards; it had become the “in thing” and that is why we say that it was sold to the world.
Then, we must ask next: Why was Christianity such a roaring success, in spite of the suffering those poor souls endured, that an Emperor chose it to bind his Empire together?
Because Jesus Christ is real —historically and spiritually!— and what He taught – in its unadulterated form – is true – psychologically and mystically!
That is something that the early Christians could feel, just as they could see the results of living His teachings. That is what God tried to accomplish through Don Bosco (3) – to remind a very jaded Christian world that if “mankind would follow the instructions of the Creator” all will work out for the benefit of all and for the Glory of God.
We must never forget to honor the First Martyrs of the Church, for it is to them whom we owe the Faith that has reached us, in spite of all the shenanigans of its sold-to-the-world (4) Administration.
(1) Mainline Christianity refers to the one which had not been infected by the many
heresies that were proliferating in those days.
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When the Popes symbolically show that their Papacy is no
longer in their hands
Do you wonder... what part of what God is telling all about the state Papacy will the Faithful finally understand?
On May 13, 2000 – on the day that the falsified third part of the Secret of Fatima was read in Fatima in the presence of John Paul II, he showed to those who have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear, that the Papacy was no longer in his hands. He presented the Virgin Mary – symbolically present in Her official Fátima image – his Papal Ring – the symbol of the Papacy for any Pope. (1)
On the visit of Benedict XVI to Abruzzo, after the devastating earthquake had practically demolished the medieval basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio, where Pope Celestine V was crowned in 1294, and where his mummified body is preserved, Benedict XVI donated the white woolen pallium or shawl he received when he was inaugurated as Pope four years ago, laying it on the glass topped tomb of Celestine V. (2)
Now, do we need Daniel to come and translate this last gesture also prompted by God? It is not necessary... We tell you again – The Papacy is dead!
John Paul II demonstrated that the Papacy was in Mary’s hands (it had been out of his hands since somewhere 1994-1995). Now, through the one who claims to be a successor of Peter, God has spelled out, in no uncertain terms, what we have been trying to tell a mostly deaf and blind world.
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The difference between Jesus’
“Why hast thou forsaken me?”
and Benedict’s “Why God was he silent?”
and Benedict’s “Why God was he silent?”
Do you wonder... why there is a vast difference between when Jesus said:
Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani? that is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
[Matthew 27:46]
and Benedict XVI said:
“In a place like this, words fail. In the end, there can only be a dread silence, a silence
which is a heartfelt cry to God – Why, Lord, did you remain silent? How could you tolerate all
“Where was God in those days? Why was he silent? How could he permit this endless slaughter, this triumph of evil?” (1)
“Where was God in those days? Why was he silent? How could he permit this endless slaughter, this triumph of evil?” (1)
Because God, in the human flesh, yet emptied of His Divine attributes; i.e. Jesus, had to experience all that a human in His state (2) could possibly experience except sin. The separation from God was one of the key experiences just as His real descent into Hades was too. (3)
Man, on the other hand, most specially one who claims to be the Roman Pontiff, has no right —ever!— to question God nor His judgment... and if you find examples in the Old Testament of men doing so, make sure to follow through and determine the consequences of such audacity.
(2) An unmarried male
(3) Soon we will explain the details —given to m de P over fifteen years ago— of why He
indeed had to descend into hell before raising up on the Third Day.
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The official language of the Imperial
Do you wonder... why Benedict XVI spoke in English while in Jordan (and will probably do throughout his Middle East visit) and not in: (a) The local language; (b) His native language – German; (c) Italian – the “Roman” language; or (d) Latin – the official Imperial Church (AC : After Constantine) language?
Long, long ago the Church Administration abandoned the Church’s original official language —the language that Jesus spoke : Aramaic— to assume the Imperial language which then was Latin. Today its equivalent is English.
Nothing has really changed, has it?
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Why the apparently unnecessary suffering that seems to be
humanity’s lot
Do you wonder... why so many people simply refuse to accept the solutions to the problems which are making their life miserable?
Do not wonder any more... If there is a constant source of pain in miguel de Portugal’s life, it is witnessing —on a world scale as well as on a very local scale— the apparently unnecessary suffering that seems to be humanity’s lot . We have already explained in two documents about needed suffering: (a) Pain is the megaphone that God uses so that the deaf finally listen to Him (1); and (b) Redemptive suffering – when our suffering is for the benefit of others (1) but, there is more.
What miguel did not know until May 3rd was that there is a third reason – or general category. We state “general category” because the reason may differ from individual to individual just as the original sin does, yet the general category is universal.
The clue —in retrospect— is in the Holy Scriptures, but miguel only saw that after God had revealed the existence of the third reason. Jesus said:
For the poor you have always with you: and whensoever you will, you may do them good: but me
you have not always. [Mark 14:7]
This, of course, does not mean —as it has been interpreted for too long— that we should not offer the poor an opportunity to rise from poverty or an opportunity to live with dignity and basic human care in their poverty.
The same applies with the myriad of physical, emotional and spiritual maladies most humans are burdened with. Just as we should not force a poor individual to live a much richer life, we should not insist that an individual remedy the malady that keeps him/her in misery just because we know the solution. [Such remedies/solutions may be spiritual (like changes in prayer life), emotional/psychological (like assistance through Alcoholic Anonymous) or physical (as a sure cure for an illness in nature.)]
Just as with the individual living in poverty, we should offer, to anyone who God places in our path, the opportunity to remedy whatever malady that ails him/her without insisting upon it; i.e. “hard selling” it.
“Hard selling” even the best of remedies is the wrong thing to do. “Hard selling” is akin to use of force against the suffering person and his soul.
Just as poverty is a “cross” that some must carry for the ultimate benefit of their soul, so are the physical, emotional and spiritual maladies most humans are burdened with. If these “crosses” are “forcibly” removed, we are actually working against God’s will for that soul.
[Some sufferings are different in kind. Their intended purpose may be, as we have often described: (a) Pain is the megaphone that God uses so that the deaf finally listens to Him; or (b) Redemptive suffering – when our suffering is for the benefit of others.]
“Hard selling” of a physical or spiritual benefit is another example of how satan manipulates a Christian inspired feeling to cause harm. Any real Christian desires the very best for its neighbor and when he/she “has something” that would benefit said neighbor, he/she “just cannot wait to share it” and “sell it” to its neighbor. Now... sharing it and “selling it” through an explanation of the benefits of the “just found pearl”, is one thing; “hard selling” it is another. satan blinds us to the evil of the “hard selling” technique which is, as we have explained above, working at cross purposes with God.
To use an extreme but very clear example... The only difference between burning the heretics at the stake (to save their souls, it was argued) and insisting (“hard selling”) that our neighbor takes a much needed dietary supplement or switch physicians because we know (with certainty) that his/her physician is a border line quack, with the implied threat of “if you do not do so you will not hear the end of my I told you so!, is the severity of the technique utilized; i.e. burning vs insistence bordering on “hounding”. The burnt heretic will not have a chance to see his/her errors and change ways, while the allegedly stubborn neighbor will have a chance to eventually follow our recommendation at the time appointed by God and not a minute too soon.
Once again miguel de Portugal praises God! This time for the liberation granted by the above revelation since he has been guilty of (non theological) “hard sells” with those around him in his personal environment and occasionally with those who cooperate with the discharging of his functions in the Name of God.
May those who have ears, hear, and eyes, see.
(1) Redemptive suffering - when our suffering is for the benefit
of others – Pain is the megaphone that God uses so that the deaf finally listens to Him
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Sexual abuse of minors in other than Christian
Do you wonder... if the sexual abuse of minors is a Roman Catholic “exclusive”? Or... whether it is due to the vows of celibacy?
We encourage a careful and prayerful review of the story (1) of this poor Orthodox Jewish kid from New York. The damage (2) is usually the same, no matter what the victim’s faith or background.
This case had as a happy ending as such a tragedy could have – thanks be to God!
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