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The Papacy - A Historical Perspective

1032-1046 A.D.

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Benedict IX : 1032-1044 A.D.  [For the seldom mentioned activities of this Pope - Click Here]

145. Born in Rome. Elected in 1032.

After having been detlroned in l044, he looked for shelter in the monastery of Grottaferrata. He came to the papal seat when he was 12 (maybe 18).

He ordered the King of Bohemia to bring back to Prague the mortal remains of St. Adalbert. Benedict IX was elected three times.

Cardinal Hergenroother said he was endowed with practical sense and would have become an excellent pope thanks to his education and his ability to stifle emotions.

Silvester III : 1045 A.D.

146. Born in Rome. Elected January 20, 1045 - died February 10, 1045.

He was replaced for a short period by Benedict IX, who excommunicated him, since he was considered an anti-pope. Despite numerous controversies, the Church recognised him as a legitimate Pope.

There is no information about his death.

He was elected on January 20, 1045 and was dethroned on February 10: 20 days later by the earls of Tuscolo, when Benedict IX came back to Rome.

Silvester III looked for shelter in Sabina and was officially dethroned by the synod of Sutri in 1046.

He is buried in the Vatican Grottoes.

Benedict IX : 1045 A.D.

147. Elected for the second time September 10, 1045, he renounced the office on May 1st, 1045.

After 20 days he was dethroned again as a result of economic and political interests and corruption. This all took place during the Middle Ages.

After two months of struggle, Benedict IX came back to the papal seat to which he was entitled but he left it once again twenty days later in favour of Gregory VI; after receiving a large sum of money.

Gregory VI : 1045-1046 A.D.  [For the seldom mentioned activities of this Pope - Click Here]

148. Born in Rome. Elected May 5, 1045 - died December 20, 1046.

He replaced the talked-of Benedict IX. He personally took the command of the army to fight against invaders.

He was forced to abdicate.

He supposedly set up the pontifical army, which had to free the territories of the Church from invaders.

He was the first of the great Popes of the Reform.

He is buried in the Vatican Grottoes.

His pontificate lasted about 1 year and a half.

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