The dramatic failure of the pseudo-vaccines to keep people immunized
A guest document by Ricardo de Valencia
Originally published on October 27th, 2021
A guest document by Ricardo de Valencia
Originally published on October 27th, 2021
We will write this document as a commentary to the following news.
World Economic Forum: (1)
(April 2021) Experts don’t know yet how long COVID-19 vaccines will be effective (1a). Studies of two of the most prominent COVID-19 vaccines suggest they remain effective for at least six months. The CEO of one vaccine maker said immunity may start to fade within a year.
Booster shots could help address what will likely be a slow decline of immunity over time (1b). In this way, COVID-19 may look a lot like the flu – which also produces variants, and can be addressed with a yearly shot formulated to deal with the latest mutations (1c).
FDA (USA): (2)
(17 Sept. 2021) BNT162b2 - Comirnaty, mRNA - Evaluation of a Booster Dose (Third Dose)
Recent data from Israel and the United States (as described in Section 1.1 below) in the context of the delta Variant of Concern (VOC) predominant circulation suggest that vaccine protection against COVID-19 infection wanes approximately 6 to 8 months following the second dose. ..... vaccine effectiveness decreases with increasing time since being fully vaccinated, irrespective of variant; ...
The situation in Israel: (3)
(Sept. 2021) “The Health Ministry last week also announced that the "Green Pass" system – a document that allows entry into certain gatherings and public places for those who are vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus – will expire six months after the holder received their second or third dose, hinting that a fourth dose may be administered in six-months time.” (3b)
Without naming it as what it is, the failure of the pseudo-vaccines against Covid-19 has been officially confirmed and accepted as "not a big issue" - or even worse, labeled as "a success" (3b). Let us stop to think about it.
The experimental (4) pseudo-vaccines are not capable of sustaining immunity for much more than six months. This is what they are shamelessly acknowledging in the light of day. And that does not change anything?
This is like the third tower that fell on the events of New York City in Sept. 11, 2021 - Yes, the third tower (5) that no one wants to remember but which, alone, is enough to shatter the entire official narrative. Likewise, the failure of the Covid "vaccines" to provide immunity for more than six months, this fact alone, while they are trying to crucify any one not taking the "vaccine", is enough to prove that the "vaccination" mandates are not about health.
Key players like the World Economic Forum (6) qualify this just as "a slow decline of immunity over time". But this is not just a "slow decline", this is about not meeting the very purpose of vaccines: to provide a sustained immunity. This should be dramatic news to bring the World Vaccination Campaign (7) to a halt but, instead, it is used as the justification to continue this big and evil charade (8).
It was supposed to become "the saving vaccine" which would bring the coronavirus nightmare to an end - "just one shot, and all is done". That goal has been proven to be false, acknowledged to be false. But, instead of asking for accountability for this failure, they declare that this "successful" failure is worth to be repeated every six months!
It is like, "See, I sell to you this amazing high-tech heating machine that will keep your home
warm forever. Well, I have just discovered that the machine will not work as
expected, but it is good news because, although you still have to pay the debts you got for
the promise of the miraculous heating machine, I am selling to you now, instead,
a carbon stove which 'slowly' cease to work every six months (and has to be replaced)."
If the world had known in 2020 that the promised "vaccine" was unable to give immunity for more than six months, would the people have accepted that as "the promised solution"? Would the people have accepted, in the first place, all the fierce lockdowns and the consequent undermining of the world economy as the price to pay "until the saving vaccine comes"?
And, are not these news confirming that natural immunity was - and is - the best thing to pursue? Of course they are! Why has natural immunity been buried since the very beginning (9) of the Coronavirus Crisis and still is being condemned as "unlikely to last" even after the immunity from the promised "vaccines" have been officially declared not to last much more than six months?
This is not only about the world's masters following an agenda (10), it is also about indoctrination of a world population in a zombie-like state of mind (11). Which brings us to our repeating claim:
Who is the main party responsible for this state of mind of the people, unable to separate
lies from truth? And the answer: Those who were in charge of keeping the world in touch with God
(12), the Only One Who can provide us the needed Light for the human mind to
be able to separate black from white. A well-nourished soul is a necessary condition to
keep a healthy and capable mind (13). Take off the first, and the second
submerges in darkness (14), which is where the world is now - spiritually
and intellectually speaking.
A "vaccine" that does not provide a sustained immunity - how can it save the world against the disease? But it is what they are still selling to the world.
Blatant contradictions are able to live in the mind of the masses as long as the lies are shamelessly, openly asserted like truths and repeated non-stop by their leaders - because the people are thirsty to be saved by worldly leaders, once they lose their faith in God (15). Remember that Hitler was short, dark haired, brown eyed and, at the same time, promoted "the Arian Race", ideally exemplified by tall, blond, blue eyed. But their followers chose to ignore what they saw with their own eyes and to listen the mouth of the dragon instead. There is no doubt about it: the world as a whole is ready to embrace the deceiver to come soon (16) and they will not see it as a dragon until it is too late.
Their initial plan has transitioned in a very short time from being "the one and only vaccine that will save us" to a carousel of endless injections, with the world quickly forgetting what the stated goal was in the first place. At first, "the vaccine" was going to be "the end of the deadly disease", and now is officially a temporal state of immunity vanishing in months to combat a disease that is mild in the vast majority of cases.
The consistent behavior would have been to scale down the efforts of the vaccination campaign in recognition of the new reality but, instead, the vaccination campaign is being pushed even more, to dictatorial levels, as if the mortality was what, in the first months, they announced it was going to be and as if the durability of immunity from the injections was what, at the beginning, they promised it was going to be.
What this is revealing is:
(a) That their plan to create or allow a deadly disease did not work as they expected, but they
decided to go ahead anyway. They have set goals and deadlines "to save the world"
(10) that they are not willing to miss at any cost. For them, it is now or
(b) Since the plan was projected for another reality - massively deadly disease and maybe a most effective vaccine - the disproportionality of their actions becomes evident and they cannot coherently match what they say and what they do.
(c) Since most of the world is in a state of dumbness and/or afraid to acknowledge the reality of being betrayed by their leaders, most of the people does not notice anything wrong with it (or are too afraid to think about it) and submits to the plan.
(b) Since the plan was projected for another reality - massively deadly disease and maybe a most effective vaccine - the disproportionality of their actions becomes evident and they cannot coherently match what they say and what they do.
(c) Since most of the world is in a state of dumbness and/or afraid to acknowledge the reality of being betrayed by their leaders, most of the people does not notice anything wrong with it (or are too afraid to think about it) and submits to the plan.
Whether the "vaccination every six months" was part of the initial plan of the "enlightened" world masters (10) or whether it is an adjustment on the fly, this is what we do know:
God is allowing the most dramatic contradictions to become evident as a last hour
opportunity for all to acknowledge the reality, so that no one will have the excuse of not being
warned (17). God is allowing this to separate the grain from the chaff -
those who have love for the truth from those who don't. There will not be excuses for asking
"where was God when all this happened?" (18) Instead, the claim will be from
God: "where did you keep your soul and your mind buried when all this happened?"
Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who are destined to see but are still disoriented. May God help them to see and hear, and to act accordingly to spare them unnecessary suffering.
(1) World Economic Forum:
How long are
COVID-19 vaccines effective? (Apr-2021)
(1b) Yes, they are shamelessly saying that six months /
one year is a "slow decline". Did you expect for a vaccine to give long lasting immunity? Do not
worry, they can also redefine the words "long lasting", so you can keep your expectations.
(1b) Yes, they are shamelessly saying that six months /
one year is a "slow decline". Did you expect for a vaccine to give long lasting immunity? Do not
worry, they can also redefine the words "long lasting", so you can keep your expectations.
(1c) At least theoretically, new flu vaccines are
produced because of new variants, not because they "fade within a year". So, it does seem
an unfair comparison distracting from the failure of Covid vaccines.
(2) FDA (Government USA): Vaccines and
Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting (17-Sep-2021)
Starts Preparing for 4th Compulsory Vaccine Dose (Sep-2021)
(3b) Four doses in about one year and a half - Is this
not the opposite of efficacy? - But, wait,
some claim
that it is "a success"! (Link still active in Oct-2021)
(7) From
"Vaccination will not be mandatory" to
"now you get it or loss your job" (And the next step:
"now you get it or you are a public enemy")
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Published on October 27th, 2021
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