Religious and Political Alleged Conspiracies
An Index
An Index
Political Conspiracies
Power behind the scenes
*** THE Mother of All
God placed in our hands - for the benefit of the unbelievers - the conclusive and concrete proof of the plans to establish a One/New World/International Order and the One/Universal Religion. This step by step outline dates back to March 20, 1969. This outline - much of which is now fully evident in the world - should confirm to the unbeliever the existence, scope and direction of a conspiracy which is revealed by an insider, Dr. Richard Day.
God placed in our hands - for the benefit of the unbelievers - the conclusive and concrete proof of the plans to establish a One/New World/International Order and the One/Universal Religion. This step by step outline dates back to March 20, 1969. This outline - much of which is now fully evident in the world - should confirm to the unbeliever the existence, scope and direction of a conspiracy which is revealed by an insider, Dr. Richard Day.
*** Proven Conspiracies
Keep in mind, as you read the real and beyond Hollywood plot in here presented, that these are Heads of States acknowledging the reality of a Cauldron of conspiracies which allegedly came to an end in 1990 but, if one looks around..., they are obviously operative.
*** The ILLUMINATI - Fact or Fiction?
Considering the fact that the Order of the Illuminati ceased to exist towards the end of the 18th Century and that it had a very short life - barely 9 years - and very few members, it is surprising that it could provoke so much fear amongst the authorities of the time. It is also surprising that - such a "blip in the radar screen of History" has been blamed, in hushed tones, for many of the political upheavals in the world since then.
Considering the fact that the Order of the Illuminati ceased to exist towards the end of the 18th Century and that it had a very short life - barely 9 years - and very few members, it is surprising that it could provoke so much fear amongst the authorities of the time. It is also surprising that - such a "blip in the radar screen of History" has been blamed, in hushed tones, for many of the political upheavals in the world since then.
Nuclear Conspiracies
*** Proven Conspiracies - Part II
On August 25, 2008, The New York Times published a Conspiracy Theory which has been confirmed as a fact, not a theory, by the Head of State of Switzerland.
On August 25, 2008, The New York Times published a Conspiracy Theory which has been confirmed as a fact, not a theory, by the Head of State of Switzerland.
*** About the Announced Nuking of Houston
In a document published by Ken Welch dated March 25, 2006, titled "Russian Nuke Traced to Texas," Mr. Welch "uncovers" a White House plot to detonate a nuclear device in the Houston area. Specifically in the Texas City docks.
In a document published by Ken Welch dated March 25, 2006, titled "Russian Nuke Traced to Texas," Mr. Welch "uncovers" a White House plot to detonate a nuclear device in the Houston area. Specifically in the Texas City docks.
*** Were the Russians Hiding a Nuke in D.C.?
If it was so easy then--now, after the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the well-publicized lack of control of its nuclear arsenal, the quasi elimination of borders in Western Europe and the hate that the U.S. has become the target of on a global scale, our only hope is God.
If it was so easy then--now, after the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the well-publicized lack of control of its nuclear arsenal, the quasi elimination of borders in Western Europe and the hate that the U.S. has become the target of on a global scale, our only hope is God.
*** Was the Cuban Missile Crisis Real?
A discussion concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis and some behind-the-scenes revealing facts. - Originally issued for a limited audience: November 1992
A discussion concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis and some behind-the-scenes revealing facts. - Originally issued for a limited audience: November 1992
Mysterious Deaths
*** About Princess Diana
Shedding some relevant light on the multitude of claims and counterclaims, information and disinformation surrounding the apparently accidental death of Princess Diana.
Shedding some relevant light on the multitude of claims and counterclaims, information and disinformation surrounding the apparently accidental death of Princess Diana.
*** The Assassination of President Kennedy - Is There A Catholic Angle to
A discussion concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
A discussion concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
New World Order
*** Former President George Bush - The Promoter of the New World
President Bush espouses and promotes the New World Order in his State of the Union address of February 1991. - Originally issued to the general public: Summer 2000
President Bush espouses and promotes the New World Order in his State of the Union address of February 1991. - Originally issued to the general public: Summer 2000
*** The UN Comes of Age. Gorbachev Calls for "Central Soviet" System to Run
Global Economy
Gorbachev's pleads for the UN to adopt a Soviet-style central authority to manage the world's concerns on business and environmental matters. - Originally issued to the general public: Fall 2000
Gorbachev's pleads for the UN to adopt a Soviet-style central authority to manage the world's concerns on business and environmental matters. - Originally issued to the general public: Fall 2000
*** Gorbachev States: My Time Has Not Come Yet
A discussion concerning Gorbachev and Opus Dei and when his time may be. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
A discussion concerning Gorbachev and Opus Dei and when his time may be. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
Global War
*** The Bombing of the People's Republic of China Embassy in Belgrade - Is
There Another Angle To It Besides Just a Mistake?
Exploring a possible connection between the CIA, Opus Dei and the bombing of China's Embassy in Belgrade. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
Exploring a possible connection between the CIA, Opus Dei and the bombing of China's Embassy in Belgrade. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
Threats to Earth
*** Regarding Man's Impact on its Environment - About Global
Warming: Myth or Truth
We cannot discount the contribution of natural causes for the accelerating global warming but, at the same time, we cannot deny the horrific impact "civilization" is having on the Environment.
We cannot discount the contribution of natural causes for the accelerating global warming but, at the same time, we cannot deny the horrific impact "civilization" is having on the Environment.
Mass Mind Control Techniques
*** Media Missing New Evidence About Genoa Violence
News report of another major disinformation campaign - it is imperative that we continue to bring to the attention of the faithful, and the public at large, how the public opinion can be, and is, outrageously manipulated at all levels.
News report of another major disinformation campaign - it is imperative that we continue to bring to the attention of the faithful, and the public at large, how the public opinion can be, and is, outrageously manipulated at all levels.
*** On Mental Reprogramming - Also Known As Brainwashing
An exposé by an insider on the methods used to manipulate the masses. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 2000
An exposé by an insider on the methods used to manipulate the masses. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 2000
*** On Mind Control - Does This Play a Part on Opus Dei Plans?
A translation and discussion of key excerpts of a report on mind control published by the Spanish Press. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
A translation and discussion of key excerpts of a report on mind control published by the Spanish Press. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
*** Anatomy of a Campaign for the Intoxication of Public Opinion
A major Portuguese newspaper, O PUBLICO, confesses to a major worldwide news scam. Even NASA was tricked. - Originally issued for a limited audience: Winter 1993
A major Portuguese newspaper, O PUBLICO, confesses to a major worldwide news scam. Even NASA was tricked. - Originally issued for a limited audience: Winter 1993
*** The Making and Using of a "Patsy"
Private communication released on a worldwide scale for the specific purpose of trying to prevent the making of two new "Patsies" or "Fall Guys", President Bush and Dr. Condoleezza Rice.
Private communication released on a worldwide scale for the specific purpose of trying to prevent the making of two new "Patsies" or "Fall Guys", President Bush and Dr. Condoleezza Rice.
Opus Dei Infiltration and Control Worldwide
*** Simple Questions To Ask Yourself Before Joining An Overly
Zealous Religious Group
A set of simple questions to ask yourself before joining any religious group. - Originally issued to the general public: Fall 2000
A set of simple questions to ask yourself before joining any religious group. - Originally issued to the general public: Fall 2000
*** An official profile of The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus
A profile of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei from the 1998 Catholic Almanac.
A profile of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei from the 1998 Catholic Almanac.
*** The Vexed Birth of Opus Dei - A translation of excerpts from
Las Puertas del Infierno (Gates of Hell) Chapter 9
A translation of selected excerpts from chapter 9 of de la Cierva's book which are key to understanding the true spirit of Opus Dei. A book written by a friend and not a foe, yet, it clearly exposes Escriva's mentality and "superior race" agenda. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
A translation of selected excerpts from chapter 9 of de la Cierva's book which are key to understanding the true spirit of Opus Dei. A book written by a friend and not a foe, yet, it clearly exposes Escriva's mentality and "superior race" agenda. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
*** The Secret Army of the Pope
Index of translated excerpts and the originals from a report published in the Portuguese weekly magazine VISAO on the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei; its activities in the Vatican and the world. - Originally published by VISAO in Portugal: September 8-14, 1994
Index of translated excerpts and the originals from a report published in the Portuguese weekly magazine VISAO on the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei; its activities in the Vatican and the world. - Originally published by VISAO in Portugal: September 8-14, 1994
*** The Great Doctrinal Fallacy Upon Which The Prelature of the Holy Cross
and Opus Dei Rests - No One Can Serve Mammon and God Simultaneously
It is impossible to serve two masters simultaneously: God and Money; yet, this is their underlying theology. - Originally issued for a limited ecclesiastical audience: September 14, 1995
It is impossible to serve two masters simultaneously: God and Money; yet, this is their underlying theology. - Originally issued for a limited ecclesiastical audience: September 14, 1995
*** The U.S.A. Based Promise Keepers and Opus Dei
A news report from the Spanish journal El Pais exposing the links between the Opus Dei and the Promise Keepers. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
A news report from the Spanish journal El Pais exposing the links between the Opus Dei and the Promise Keepers. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
*** Former President George Bush and the Opus Dei Connection
Translated excerpts of an article published in the Spanish journal El Pais discussing George Bush, the Opus Dei and the New International Order. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
Translated excerpts of an article published in the Spanish journal El Pais discussing George Bush, the Opus Dei and the New International Order. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
*** A Belgian Parliamentary Commission Classified Opus Dei as a Sect
A discussion of a report by a Belgian Parliament Commission classifying the Opus Dei as a sect. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 1997
A discussion of a report by a Belgian Parliament Commission classifying the Opus Dei as a sect. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 1997
*** The Opus Dei - FBI Connection
Ex FBI Special Agent Robert P. Hanssen, a devout member of Opus Dei like his boss, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, through more than 15 years of spying for the Soviets/Russians, have rendered the U.S. and its allies totally vulnerable to military, financial and political attacks by the new masters of the Kremlin. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 1997
Ex FBI Special Agent Robert P. Hanssen, a devout member of Opus Dei like his boss, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, through more than 15 years of spying for the Soviets/Russians, have rendered the U.S. and its allies totally vulnerable to military, financial and political attacks by the new masters of the Kremlin. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 1997
*** Connection Between Opus Dei Members and Extreme Right Groups and Other
Undesirable Groups Worldwide
Excerpts of articles published in the mainstream press reporting on the association of Opus Dei members with neo-nazi styled groups. Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
Excerpts of articles published in the mainstream press reporting on the association of Opus Dei members with neo-nazi styled groups. Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
*** The Possible Opus Dei - CIA Connection
A discussion of the possible connection between the Opus Dei and the CIA. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 1997
A discussion of the possible connection between the Opus Dei and the CIA. - Originally issued to the general public: Spring 1997
*** Ecclesiastical Masonry - Who may they be?
A discussion concerning who the Ecclesiastical Masons may be and how they can be identified. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
A discussion concerning who the Ecclesiastical Masons may be and how they can be identified. - Originally issued to the general public: November 1999
*** Ecclesiastical Masonry - Supporting Information
An index of the various sections of the report concerning the Ecclesiastical Masonry.
An index of the various sections of the report concerning the Ecclesiastical Masonry.
*** A Letter Addressed to Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls and the Directors of
the Opus Dei Center Worldwide.
A plea to the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei to cease and desist of their plans. - Originally issued for a limited audience: Winter 1993
A plea to the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei to cease and desist of their plans. - Originally issued for a limited audience: Winter 1993
The Manipulation of Marian Apparitions and Messages
*** The final blow to Marian Apparitions
A book has been published which could very well be "the proof" needed to "expose" them as mere interventions by "gifted" human beings.
A book has been published which could very well be "the proof" needed to "expose" them as mere interventions by "gifted" human beings.
*** The Attempt to Harness Prophesied Supernatural Events. Its Purpose: Gain
Manipulative Control Worldwide.
A discussion of the possible use of the prophesied dates of the Warning and Miracle to control the world by those who control the Vatican. - Originally issued for the English Speaking Roman Catholic Hierarchy of the world: June 6, 1996
A discussion of the possible use of the prophesied dates of the Warning and Miracle to control the world by those who control the Vatican. - Originally issued for the English Speaking Roman Catholic Hierarchy of the world: June 6, 1996
The Falsification of the End of the World and the Second Coming of Christ
*** About the Mayan Calendar - December 21, 2012 End of the
The Mayan Calendar "end point" - the latest deception. The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012. This calendar is widely reputed to be most accurate, over millennia. Many of the under-evangelized individuals, therefore, will conclude that life on this earth will end on December 21st, 2012.
The Mayan Calendar "end point" - the latest deception. The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012. This calendar is widely reputed to be most accurate, over millennia. Many of the under-evangelized individuals, therefore, will conclude that life on this earth will end on December 21st, 2012.
*** How the Falsification of the Second Coming of Christ May Be
Related to Edgar Cayce and Egyptology
A new twist in the disinformation saga.
A new twist in the disinformation saga.
*** The Vatican and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's)
The object of our concern, as we have expressed in different ways, is not Reality but Falsehood. We certainly have no fear or concern about the Second Coming of Christ; our concern lies squarely on the falsification of the Second Coming of Christ - the manifestation of the False Christ.
The object of our concern, as we have expressed in different ways, is not Reality but Falsehood. We certainly have no fear or concern about the Second Coming of Christ; our concern lies squarely on the falsification of the Second Coming of Christ - the manifestation of the False Christ.
Darkness in the Church Administration
*** Emperor Constantine and Christianity - Part I
Emperor Constantine intervened in Church matters such as dogmas and discipline although his interest was strictly political.
Emperor Constantine intervened in Church matters such as dogmas and discipline although his interest was strictly political.
*** Emperor Constantine and Christianity - Part II
How God salvaged the "selling" of the Church to Emperor Constantine for the benefit of His Elect.
How God salvaged the "selling" of the Church to Emperor Constantine for the benefit of His Elect.
*** Who really authored Pope John Paul II's "Crossing the Threshold of
An analysis concerning whether Pope John Paul II authored the book "Crossing the Threshold of Hope" or was it authored by someone else under the Pope's name. - Originally issued for a limited ecclesiastical audience: July 20, 1995
An analysis concerning whether Pope John Paul II authored the book "Crossing the Threshold of Hope" or was it authored by someone else under the Pope's name. - Originally issued for a limited ecclesiastical audience: July 20, 1995
*** The Smoke of Satan Penetrated The Vatican - Just As H.H. Pope Paul
VI Warned Us
An article published by the New American concerning this matter. - Originally issued to the general public: July 2000
An article published by the New American concerning this matter. - Originally issued to the general public: July 2000
Bible and Human History
*** God Speaks Through Tutankhamon
A divine message from 1400 B.C., brought to mankind's attention on 1922 A.D., "read" to mankind on 2005 A.D.
A divine message from 1400 B.C., brought to mankind's attention on 1922 A.D., "read" to mankind on 2005 A.D.
*** The Book of Enoch - Divinely Inspired or Heresy?
Shedding some light on the controversy which continues to swirl around the Book of Enoch and the possible relation between it and the great civilizations of antiquity such as Egyptian, Mayan and Incan.
Shedding some light on the controversy which continues to swirl around the Book of Enoch and the possible relation between it and the great civilizations of antiquity such as Egyptian, Mayan and Incan.
The Only Infallible Protection Against Disasters: God
*** Miracle at Hiroshima
We requested one of our frequent visitors to research the mostly ignored manifestation of the Divine protection for certain individuals in Hiroshima when the A-bomb was dropped there by the allied forces.
We requested one of our frequent visitors to research the mostly ignored manifestation of the Divine protection for certain individuals in Hiroshima when the A-bomb was dropped there by the allied forces.
En Español: Conspiraciones y Temas Relacionados - Índice de Documentos
Updated on January 27, 2019
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